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Nursing Application Essay

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Upon review of my application, you may have three questions which stand out. Instead of “ignoring the elephant in the room,” I’d like to address these concerns you may have:

1. Why did I attend so many colleges?
You’ll note, I started at BYU, then transferred to Dixie State University, then Utah Valley University, followed by Salt Lake Community College, and lastly, University of Utah. Trust me, this was not by design.
After my 1st year at BYU, I went home for the summer . . . and let’s just say, “I met a boy.” I probably needn’t say more, but I’m compelled to do so. I deferred at BYU to remain home fall semester and attended DSU. The next semester, I returned north for schooling; but, enrolled at UVU because I discovered I could be a practicing …show more content…
As my Letters of Recommendation should reveal, I have a deep-seeded commitment to those I serve. I am more than capable, and in fact, extremely adept in the role of an MA, which I believe translates directly to being an outstanding nurse. I’ve always believed “experience is the best teacher.” If you’ve read my essay, you’ll know I was the preferred MA by my young pediatric patients, along with their parents. In several instances, I had mothers praising my nursing skills with their children to our doctors and staff members. And, heard senior staff members utilizing my methods of interacting with young patients and their guardians. Epitomizing someone is the greatest form of flattery, is it not?
Additionally, I have had to overcome test anxiety. Unfortunately for me, up to this point, my college professors have relied mostly on tests to evaluate their student’s knowledge, as opposed to hands-on projects, assignments or other methods of evaluation in which I excel. I realize I must pass a national exam for licensure, of which I will begin preparation for early on. I’m a detailed, organized, and dedicated individual. These traits have helped me to improve my test anxiety, and will hopefully help me to overcome it, as I move forward with my

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