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Nursing Ethics


Submitted By ecorda
Words 1184
Pages 5
Ethics are the principles that guide an individual, group, or profession in conduct and also it is a theory that analyses the differences between right and wrong. Nurses are not only expected to comply to their professional morals and values, but are also encouraged to comply to their own personal ethics as well. The code of ethics (ANA 2001) advises nurses on ethical and legal responsibility to their own patients, as well as the community in which they serve. In today's health care system nurses are faced with many ethical issues in their daily task and they have to make clear and logical ethical choices of their own. These ethical choices are generally inspired by ethical doctrines that include beneficence, confidentiality, autonomy, fidelity, veracity, and other (Burkhardt & Nathaniel, 2008, p53). Nursing is a noble profession and I enjoy most about being a nurse is simply caring, helping and nurturing people. In addition, I also thank God for giving me this opportunity to make a difference in someone's life, whether that is done by providing care, teaching, or even supporting a family.
Personal, cultural and spiritual Values
According to the International Council of Nurses (ICN), a nurse's primary responsibility is to attend their patients, and be able to respect the patient's customs, values, beliefs, and rights. In addition, nurses should choose to extend their education because they are held accountable for their own practice. Nurses should practice cooperating with other healthcare team members, but if they suspect a threat for patient's safety or health by others, they should take quick action to protect them (ICN). As a nurse, I am obliged to render healthcare services to people those are in need without considering their caste or creed and I should respect human rights, values and their cultural and spiritual beliefs. It is my

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