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OL-125: Personal Development Plan

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During my time in OL-125 – Human Relations in Administration, I will take many assessments about myself. These assessments will teach me about myself not only as a student but as a person. These assessments will help me create a personal development plan which will explain my goals and how I will reach them. Thus far, one thing I have learned is that my Jungian Typology is ISTJ (Introvert Sensing Thinking Judging). This means I am dutiful, I prefer facts over theories, and I am good at decision making. The negatives of an ISTJ personality type is that I can come off as cold to people because I am quiet and I get extremely frustrated by other’s incompetence. I learned that I need to be more outgoing so people view me as warm and inviting. …show more content…
I received a score of 46 out of 80. This means I can get my most important tasks done, but I need to increase my productivity to accomplish other things. Two of the problems with my productivity are that I frequently multitask instead of doing things individually and I don’t delegate well. I tend to want to do things myself to ensure accuracy. I learned that I need to work on my delegation so I can become more productive. My Locus of Control was determined to be a thirty-one. This shows I have a moderate Locus of Control which means I generally believe that outcomes are based on my actions and are within my control, but I feel some things may be beyond my control and simply be fate. Taking this assessment taught me that I think my actions play a bigger role in my outcomes than I realized. Surprisingly, my results for the “Are You Experiencing Burnout?” assessment determined I am not burnt out but could be at risk of becoming so. I found this surprising because I often feel drained, both physically and emotionally. As a working mom of four with a husband who is practically useless, I am constantly on the run and have a to-do list a mile long. I learned from this that I must be handling my workload – both personally and professionally - better than I

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