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Obama Care : the Facts of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act


Submitted By jarvishon
Words 1517
Pages 7
OBAMACARE: The facts of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act Affordable Care Act (ACA), better known as Obamacare, is the president’s answer to the increasing healthcare costs. The purpose of this plan is to promise better quality healthcare at a more affordable cost to the Americans, and also regulate private insurance company to ensure Americans get more rights and protections on their healthcare. According to a 2012 study by The Kaiser Family Foundation (KFF), over 47 million non-elderly Americans were uninsured in 2012. Unsurprisingly, the majority of the uninsured are in the category of low-income working families. With the healthcare act being reform, there will be millions of uninsured Americans getting coverage for the first time. Additionally, Obamacare introduces Health Insurance Marketplaces (HIM)-a new organization that allows shoppers to compare Health Plans that include all new benefits, rights and protections. In another word, it also means the people can’t be denied health coverage based on health status, and can’t be dropped from coverage when they’re sick. Although millions of Americans will get access to health insurance with the healthcare act reform, the government has to create new taxes in order to get the money to help insure millions of them. The news taxes are as follow, Individual mandate fee, employer mandate fee, Advanced Premium Tax Credits, and Small Business Tax Credits. The individual mandate is also called individual shared responsibility fee. If one don’t have any insurance by January 31st of Chee 2
2014, or obtain an exemption. He or she will get charged a fee for every month if they don’t have insurance on their year-end taxable income. The employer mandate fee is officially called an employer shared responsibility payment. It is a per employee fee for

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