...What Does ObamaCare Do? ObamaCare helps tens of millions of Americans get access to affordable health insurance through expanding Medicaid and CHIP, improving Medicare and setting up a "Health Insurance Marketplace" where Americans making under 400% of the federal poverty level can purchase subsidized health insurance. ObamaCare's reforms also increase the quality of care and help to curb the growth in healthcare spending among other things. ObamaCare's provisions regulate insurance companies and health care standards, but they don't regulate your health care or replace private insurance. ObamaCare lowers what most middle-to-low income Americans pay for health insurance and their out-of-pocket health care costs (by means of cost-assistance offered through the marketplace), decreases the deficit and improves government run health care programs like Medicare by cutting out wasteful spending. ObamaCare also expands Medicaid in some States to cover 15.9 million uninsured seniors and low-income individuals. ObamaCare Explained: Individual Mandate. Most Americans will have to buy insurance by 2014. Those who aren't covered under Medicaid, CHIP or Medicare will have the option to buy private insurance, obtain insurance through the workplace, pay a small tax to not have health insurance (this helps it remain affordable for the rest of us) or buy private insurance through the their State's Health Insurance Exchange. (There are other types of coverage that count as having insurance...
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...Ian B. Prof. Mix Journal #4 This editorial from the Chicago Tribune sheds some light on the Democrats irrationality of rushing the Obamacare Plan without having a clear understanding of what this massive, complex plan is, nor having a general idea on how successful it would be. Which from the Obamacare website being put together in a quick attempt to lure the american public into appeasement. Thus giving the government programmers no time to test the system due to the lawmakers anoxious rules and regulations on employers, individuals, and insurers. The website was a disastrous outcome; with tremendous computer problems that prevented people from signing up for the coverage. However, the majority of whom were able to sign up became dumbfounded on how premiums and deductibles are outrageously high. As Obama repeatedly states that Obamacare is a affordable healthcare, which allows you to keep your original doctor and coverage, is proven false by the insurance companies that tell people there coverage can’t be renewed as well as offering people minimal hospitals; still at a ridiculous price. Since the plan was a wreck at the start, congress mandates that everyone must have insurance or be slapped in the face with fees and penalties. I agree cold heartedly with the editor for the fact that the Obamacare Plan is ludacris. For my brother, who works all day- six days a week, has to pay into a insurance coverage at an unreasonable price just because of his work as an independent...
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...Obamacare Maegann Harris BUS620 July 1, 2014 Outline I. What is Obamacare a. Unofficial Names i. Affordable Care Act b. Analysis of Obamacare ii. CBO iii. Political Climate c. Pros and Cons II. Economic Growth d. Employers Response e. Small Business Survival f. GDP Growth III. Patient Protection Act g. Summary of Provisions h. Patient Bill of Rights IV. Conclusion Is Obamacare the solution to the real world problem of affordable healthcare? The purpose of this research paper is to understand whether Obamacare will be a solution to our growth or a long-term economic downfall. Does it make healthcare insurance less expensive? How will employers respond to Obamacare mandates? Can small businesses survive Obamacare? How reasonable are the projections? Obamacare also known as the Affordable Health Care Act is a new United States law designed to reform the American health care system. The main focus is on providing more Americans with access to affordable health insurance by improving the quality of health care, reducing health care spending, and regulating the health insurance industry (ObamaCare, 2014). Analysis Studies indicate that Obamacare has increased the underlying cost of individually purchased health insurance in the average state by 41 percent (Roy, 2014). This is an estimate average however, much research indicates that many different counties...
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...Jackie Williams ObamaCare (Final) Grantham University ObamaCare (Final) This essay is being written to debate the advantages and disadvantages of ObamaCare, aka Affordable Care Act (ACA), for the American people. While many are elated and view the government as taking responsibility for those who in the past have not seen a doctor on a regular basis due to having no insurance, there are still others who believe that the passage of the law will be detrimental to the country’s economy. Many are concerned that individuals will no longer have the choice of what type of medical attention they receive because the government will make those decisions for them. The truth is the Affordable Care Act requires certain types of coverage and ends discrimination that has led to higher costs and cancellations for women and people with pre-existing medical conditions. “The new ACA is a law aimed at reforming the American healthcare system. Its main focus is on providing more Americans with access to affordable health insurance, improving the quality of healthcare, regulating the health insurance industry, and reducing health care spending in the US.” In spite of the many attempts by the GOP to overthrow the ACA, the fact is that it is not Government provided healthcare, but an approach by the government to subsidize and regulate private health insurance and expand Government healthcare programs like Medicare and Medicaid. There are ongoing arguments between Democrats, Republicans...
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...Obamacare Obamacare POL 201 American National Government December 10, 2012 Obamacare In an attempt to create a solution to health care, President Barrack Obama came up with a universal healthcare program called the Patient Protection and Affordable Health Care Act, also known as Obamacare. Obamacare was signed into law on March, 2010. It has been the most significant repair to the United States healthcare since Medicare and Medicaid passed in 1965. In this paper, the key points that will be discussed are obamacare policy, it pros and cons, if it raises any issues with federalism and the policys effectiveness. Obamacare is aimed at helping the underinsured to gain insurance. With this plan everyone would have health insurance regardless of income, or anything that would stop the person from attaining health insurance. The Affordable Care Act is a watershed in U.S. public health policy. Through a series of extensions of, and revisions to, the multiple laws that together comprise the federal legal framework for the U.S. health-care system, the Act established the basic legal protections that until now have been absent: a near-universal guarantee of access to affordable health insurance coverage, from birth through retirement.(Rosenbaum, 2010) Obamacare is a name used by critics of President Obamas efforts to reform health care. Its a common term used to describe the Patient Protection and Affordable care Act of 2010. ObamaCare contains many benefits...
Words: 347 - Pages: 2
...AFFORDABLE CARE ACT “Obamacare” The Affordable Care Act, or otherwise known as “Obamacare,” was signed into law on March 23, 2010 by President Barack Obama. The thing that immediately comes to mind when I think of Obamacare is healthcare for every citizen in the United States. This sounds great to me, and without research with in-depth investigation, I would say it has been homerun for Obama with acquiring votes in the past, as well as giving every citizen healthcare. I am interested in the topic of Obamacare because of the simple fact that many people of this generation believe it is a great thing; my intuition tells me that same thing. I know that the main goals of Obamacare are to provide affordable health insurance to all Americans and to ultimately reduce health care costs. This means extending coverage to about 32 million Americans who lack insurance and protecting consumers from discriminatory and unfair practices established by insurance companies. This system must work great because, after all, Canada uses this exact same socialized health care system and I hear all of the time from news media such as MSNBC and CNN about how well the healthcare system in Canada works. In fact, I have heard Michael Moore, a very well-known member of the Democratic Party, say that citizens in Canada on average live 3 years longer than American citizens because of this great healthcare system. I am very impressed by that statistic! I have heard that because Canada has a single-payer...
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...Obamacare has some key elements to the policy. The main key element is the requirement of every individual to purchase government approved heath care insurance. Families and individuals currently carrying insurance will be able to keep those plans. Tax credits will be issued to families and individuals that make less than four hundred percent below federal poverty line, who do not qualify for Medicaid. Also, there will be a requirement to health care insurances to cover reproduction preventatives for women without and fees or co-pays. Next, a brief history of the policy will be discussed (Obamacare, n/a.dd). A system of federalism is lacking in the Obamacare Policy. Federalism was created to balance the power between federal and state governments. Obamacare is lacking the governance of state and local entities, leaving the federal government as the sole power. The federal government is forcing an individual mandate to every individual to purchase health insurance, but legally is it the states that have the authority to make the final decisions on governmental programs. There is tension that if the states buck the federal government of the issue, they may lose federal funding for Medicaid. There are pros and cons to the new policy (Obamacare, 2010). There are several pros to Obamacare. It was created to reduce the overall health care deficit by having every individual care health insurance. This would promote health and be a preventive to the emergency room. Those...
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...Effects of Obamacare on health insurance for retirees Name Institution Effects of Obamacare on health insurance for retirees While Obamacare is not directly to blame for organizations reducing and modifying retiree benefits, the law is helpless in slowing this trend. It could ultimately increase expenses for organizations that plan to cut expenses using retiree benefits. The law has set a minimum base for what medical care health-insurance plans should cover. Even as many organizations existing health-insurance plans were allowed and excluded from conforming to these requirements, the exclusion is withdrawn if companies make considerable changes to their health-insurance offerings, which is normal. Proponents of this law are positive it will reduce the overall health care expenditure in the U.S. and individual cost of medical treatments and procedures, which will cut costs for employers, but it could take years or even decades to assess the benefits of this Act. With the launch on the 1st of October 2013 of public health-insurance exchanges, organizations can now refer them as possible options to corporate-sponsored retiree packages. Retirees between the ages of 55 and 65 who are not qualified for Medicare and who generally fall sick more often than their younger colleagues currently pay the highest premium in the market. Under Obamacare, health status will no longer be criteria for charging people more by insurers...
Words: 315 - Pages: 2
...Obamacare In this day and age where the cost of living is rapidly escalating higher and higher and the unemployment rates are just as high. A great amount of Americans just cannot come up with the money for health insurance; consequently health and wellbeing are placed on the back burner, generally so that they can focus on what Psychologist Abraham Maslow called “Physiological needs” needs that are primitive to a person’s survival such as but not limited to shelter, food, and sleep. Thus, Many citizens much rather worry about providing food for their families, and paying their essential utility bills just to try and stay afloat without any costly medical bills. Often they may have physical ailments that they must overlook and assimilate too, largely due to the extremely high cost of seeing a physician, and the lofty health care insurance premiums rendering most Americas unable to seek notable medical attention. The government sought to fix this problem and made an attempt by proposing a health care reform bill. After all the votes were tallied and The 111th United States Congress gave the green light, President Barack Obama enacted into law on Tuesday march 23, 2010 The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) also known as Obama care. This piece of legislature was created with the propos of providing all citizens with the ability to access medical care regardless of age, pre-existing medical conditions, and health insurance coverage. The bill would take a total...
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...Obama Care Melony Stillion BCOM/275 November 4, 2013 Dion L. Williams, MBA, CFP Obama Care While people believe this is against their Constitutional Rights, many people can benefit from this law and will be able to receive affordable insurance. This one stop shopping will put families in charge of their health coverage. “On March 23, 2010 President Obama signed the Affordable Care Act (ACA) into law” (The White House, 2013) This will give the United States insurance security: Families will always have affordable health coverage, whether they lose their jobs, get sick, switch jobs, move or retire. Millions of Americans will be able to have affordable health coverage. This will protect consumers from abusive insurance company practices. Americans will no longer be dropped if their health care expenses reach a dollar limit imposed by their insurance company. The ACA will make Medicare stronger by adding new benefits, fighting fraud, and improving care for patients. Seniors will be able to receive one or more free preventative services. Their prescriptions will be 50% less from what they are paying now. “ACA will allow free prevention benefits and this will help Americans get screening for diseases such as cancer, diabetes, blood pressure. This new law will allow young adults to stay on their parents plan until age 26” (The White House, 2013). Tax credits will be available for small businesses that have 25 or fewer employees and make under $50,000 a year. “In 2006, almost half...
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...told a congressional hearing on Thursday. In more than four hours of testimony before the House Energy and Commerce Committee, officials of companies hired to create the HealthCare.gov website cited a lack of testing on the full system and last-minute changes by the federal agency overseeing the online enrollment system. Angry exchanges between Republicans who oppose Obamacare and Democrats defending it erupted repeatedly, while the contractors insisted their work went fine even though the software buckled when the system went online on October 1. Complaints about logging in, lengthy delays, incorrect information relayed to insurance companies and other problems have fueled continued GOP attacks on the 2010 Affordable Care Act that was upheld by the Supreme Court last year. The White House and administration officials say the enrollment problems are being fixed. On Thursday, the Centers for Medicaid and Medicare Services (CMS) that oversees the new programs under the health care reforms said almost 700,000 applications have been submitted online on either the federal or state websites. State success in Obamacare program While the applications don't mean that many people have fully enrolled for health insurance under the new system, the figure represents a significant increase in those who have been able to start the process in recent days. However, Julie Bataille, the CMS director of communications, was unable to say how many of the 700,000 applications were submitted on...
Words: 1536 - Pages: 7
...Obamacare POL 201 American National Government December 10, 2012 Obamacare In an attempt to create a solution to health care, President Barrack Obama came up with a universal healthcare program called the Patient Protection and Affordable Health Care Act, also known as Obamacare. Obamacare was signed into law on March, 2010. It has been the most significant repair to the United States healthcare since Medicare and Medicaid passed in 1965. In this paper, the key points that will be discussed are obamacare policy, it pros and cons, if it raises any issues with federalism and the policys effectiveness. Obamacare is aimed at helping the underinsured to gain insurance. With this plan everyone would have health insurance regardless of income, or anything that would stop the person from attaining health insurance. The Affordable Care Act is a watershed in U.S. public health policy. Through a series of extensions of, and revisions to, the multiple laws that together comprise the federal legal framework for the U.S. health-care system, the Act established the basic legal protections that until now have been absent: a near-universal guarantee of access to affordable health insurance coverage, from birth through retirement.(Rosenbaum, 2010) Obamacare is a name used by critics of President Obamas efforts to reform health care. Its a common term used to describe the Patient Protection and Affordable care Act of 2010. ObamaCare contains many benefits, especially for low...
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...Obamacare Kayla Entingh American National Government Instructor Sloan December 4th, 2012 Being a democrat myself, the last four years have been a battleground between friends and family who don't agree with my side. I have stood my ground on what I believe and back my arguments with facts. One of the largest issues being scrutinized by our country right now is Obamacare. The goals for the way our healthcare system will be laid out are either loved by people or they absolutely hate it. There have been questionable issues about violating parts of our amendments and how or why people who can't afford healthcare actually deserve it. The biggest issue with the Obamacare Plan is whether it is or isn't Constitutional and what that means for the people of the United States. The Patient Protection and the Affordable Care Act, also known as Obamacare is a United States federal statute signed into law by President Barack Obama on March 23, 2010. Together with the Health Care and Education Reconciliation Act, it represents the most significant regulatory overhaul of the U.S. healthcare system since the passage of Medicare and Medicaid in 1965 (Wikipedia 2012). The main focus of Obamacare is to leave no person without health coverage. The majority of US Citizens struggle or can simply not afford health care thus not having proper treatment for illness for themselves or their children. The Obamacare policy is a reform of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act that...
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...healthcare plan. This new plan is a 2,400 page long document with huge costs. The plan will add a trillion dollars in health care spending. Obamacare calls for a $500 billion tax increase on citizens with an additional $500 billion is taken from Medicare, a plan that has benefited us for a long time. Obamcare will help people but at what cost? How can we afford to pay billions without going bankrupt? President Obama’s plan will cause the national deficit to steeply increase. Obamacare is a disaster for the national budget and for the American people. About half of the American public feels that President Obama is forcing them to buy healthcare. The public should feel this way about this kind of government takeover. How can you decide to use a plan when almost half the nation is against you? Those who won’t get healthcare will have to pay a fine, which most people feel is another tax. This plan takes away the people’s freedom to choose. President Obama should yield to the American people and stop the progression of Obamacare. Mitt Romney will allow states to design their own healthcare plan by issuing an executive order that provides all 50 states with a waiver for Obamacare. He will then work to create policies that enable the states to make their own healthcare plan. Obamcare will work but will not be entirely effective. Obamacare does not address the individual states and their most alarming ailments. Mitt Romney’s plan...
Words: 425 - Pages: 2
...Title: Obama Administration Says 28% of Health-Law Enrollees Are 18 to 34 Years Old Reference: Radnofsky, L. & Mathews, A. W. (2014). Obama Administration Says 28% of Health-Law Enrollees Are 18 to 34 Years Old. Wall Street Journal. Retrieve from http://online.wsj.com/news/articles/SB10001424052702303948104579535941871360828?mg=reno64-wsj&url=http%3A%2F%2Fonline.wsj.com%2Farticle%2FSB10001424052702303948104579535941871360828.html&fpid=2,7,121,122,201,401,641,1009 Statements of article focus: This article focused on the coverage expansion of health insurance under ACA (Obamacare), and presented data and facts that there is a short fall for the coverage of young people. Supporters of the act said more young people are needed in the risk pool to reduce the overall cost. Statements of article facts and arguments: The purpose of Obamacare is to provide affordable care to as many people as it can. One way to reduce the cost of the “universal insurance” is to attract more young and healthy people to join in the plan, so that the premiums they paid could generate the cost for the older and sicker people in the risk pool. However, the data released recently showed that only 28% of the enrollees were 18 to 34 years old. This group is thought to be a generally healthy group. The data is significantly below the estimated rate, 40%, which is believed by some experts that can balance the overall cost. Many big insurers said that they would lose money or only earn a small profit...
Words: 448 - Pages: 2