...Taz and Ant; One Endangered, One Invasive Taylor Drake Biology 106A, Fall 2012 In a world dominated by humans there are many things that also inhabit Earth, one of those being animals. Sometimes these animals can thrive in certain or multiple geographical areas while others, due to humans, may fail to adapt and survive. An invasive species is one that has a native geographical range but then somehow gets transferred to a new geographical range where it possibly can thrive and cause problems such as the Red Imported Fire Ant. On the other hand, there are some species of animals that are endangered and on the brink of extinction like the Tasmanian devil. With the encroachment of humans on the animal’s environment, they have hindered their ability to thrive forcing them to become endangered. Humans influence on the ecosystem, animals have to adapt like the Red Fire Ant or be forced to near or possible extinction like the Tasmanian devil. 1 The Tasmanian devil (Figure 1), Sarcophilus harrisii, is the largest carnivorous marsupial of the family Dasyuridae found on the Australian island of Tasmania (Figure 2) (Tasmanian devil). The devil is normally black with a white patch around its neck and generally about the size of a small dog weighing between fifteen and twenty Figure 1. The Tasmanian devil, Sarcophilus harrisii pounds (Tasmanian Devil). On Tasmania, it lives in coastal scrubs and eucalypt forests but is also found near places of human inhabitance because S...
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...DETAILED DESCRIPTION HABITAT The unique Tasmanian devils were once abundant throughout Australia. They are now isolated in Tasmania only, hence their given name, the Tasmanian devil. Fossils found in Western Australia dated back to 2000 years but the precise explanation as to the disappearance of them inhabiting the mainland is suggested to be the introduction of the dingo. (National Geographic’s-Tasmanian Devil) The small and vulnerable size of the Tasmanian devil perhaps predicts his habitat of forests and dens foliage giving him ample coverage and protection. During the day the devil is hidden away in dens, caves or hollow logs. TASMANIAN DEVIL GEOGRAPHY ASSIGNMENT YEAR 8 SIENNA OTTO 2014 PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION These creatures might only be the size of small dog (up to 75 centimetres) but they have a life saving feature and that’s their all mighty tenacious jaw. The devils huge head holds the most powerful, bone crushing jaws on earth. The force comes from an impressive upper body design of a head disproportionally larger than the rest of its torso. Their powerful mouth compensates for their vulnerable small body size. However, the structure of the devils legs shows them having long front legs but shorter rear legs giving them the ability to reach up to speeds of 25 kilometre an hour (Parks and Wildlife Service- Tasmanian devil- Frequently Asked Questions). Its course, thin, black fur along with its stocky build resembles ones of a baby bear and they often...
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...Surgical Pathology Ameloblastic Carcinoma Ameloblastic carcinoma is a rare, malignant, odontogenic epithelial tumour with significant metastatic potential, requiring radical surgical intervention and strict post-operative surveillance. Diagnosis requires histological evidence of an ameloblastoma with cytological atypical regardless of the presence or absence of metastases.(1) Epidemiology: There was only 104 reported cases of ameloblastic carcinoma (all types) between 1984 and 2009.(1) A number of authors have performed literature reviews pertaining the secondary type, yielding significantly varying aggregates, reflecting the inconsistency and paucity in classification. Compared to the primary ameloblastic carcinoma which arises de novo,...
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