Premium Essay

Odysseus As A Leader In Homer's Odyssey

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As a natural-born leader, I've always been motivated to inspire and encourage others around me. I always tried to help and encourage my teammates when I played football. Leadership has also come up in the Odyssey several times with Odysseus and his men. Odysseus is known as being the hero of the Odyssey and being a good leader, but I disagree. There have been many times where Odysseus has made terrible decisions like when he was facing the six-headed monster named Scylla. He didn’t tell his men what was ahead and I think that was a bad decision.

A leader with bad decisions can put his whole team in jeopardy. Like when Odysseus went to the Cyclops cave and stabbed him in the eye and stole his belongings, which led to the death of his men. There wasn’t any reason to believe that the Cyclops were going to harm them, Odysseus was just being selfish. They told Odysseus to steer clear of the land of sirens, which if you heard it would lead you to death, but he wanted to be famous and say he survived the land of sirens. When he was doing this, he put all his men in danger because if the wax didn't work, all of his men would be dead. …show more content…
Odysseus' men had very little trust in Odysseus. When Aeolus gave him a bag of wind to help him on his journey home, his men thought he was holding out on them so they opened the sack, then they got thrown off course. I feel that Odysseus caused that himself by doing shady and untrustworthy things earlier in the

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