...Job Safety Analysis CLOSE ALL What is a Job Safety Analysis? A job safety analysis (JSA) is a procedure which helps integrate accepted safety and health principles and practices into a particular task or job operation. In a JSA, each basic step of the job is to identify potential hazards and to recommend the safest way to do the job. Other terms used to describe this procedure are job hazard analysis (JHA) and job hazard breakdown. Some individuals prefer to expand the analysis into all aspects of the job, not just safety. This approach is known as total job analysis. Methodology is based on the idea that safety is an integral part of every job and not a separate entity. In this document, only health and safety aspects will be considered. The terms "job" and "task" are commonly used interchangeably to mean a specific work assignment, such as "operating a grinder," "using a pressurized water extinguisher," or "changing a flat tire." JSAs are not suitable for jobs defined too broadly, for example, "overhauling an engine"; or too narrowly, for example, "positioning car jack." What are the benefits of doing a Job Safety Analysis? One of the methods used in this example is to observe a worker actually perform the job. The major advantages of this method include that it does not rely on individual memory and that the process prompts recognition of hazards. For infrequently performed or new jobs, observation may not be practical. One approach is to have a group of experienced...
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...affecting training methods used) * Appropriateness and an evaluation of training programmes Training refers to acquiring job specific skills and abilities, learned at work or somewhere else and provides employees with new skills and knowledge. There are 3 methods of training that can be used in the business and these are: * Induction * On-the-job training * Off-the-job training Induction Training is a programmed designed to introduce new employee to their job and it is used to explain the roles of the staff, familiarise the worker with their job, explain the procedures used in the business, make the employee as efficient as possible and encourage the new workers to be committed to the organisation. During the training, the new workers will have the opportunity to; ask questions, find out what goes on and where to go, meet the people they will be working with and familiarise themselves with the workplace. On-the-job Training is where a worker remains at their usual place of work and learns how to do their job (e.g. doctors). The advantages of this type of training are that, it is easy to organise, specific to the job and the business and it is relatively cheap. However, workers may disrupt the normal working of the business and depending on the trainer having the correct skills can be a disadvantage. On the other hand, off-the-job training is where a worker is being trained outside the workplace and this can occur at a training centre or at a college. The...
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...Case Analysis 1. Would Enterprise’s approach to human resource management work in other industries? a. I think that Enterprise’s approach to human resource management would very well work in a lot of industries. One example of an industry that would benefit from this type of human resource management would be fast food industries. It allows people who may not have graduated in the top of their class and who may not have had the best GPA in school to still qualify to enter the company with a degree. They can show off their good work ethic and dedication by starting off at the bottom and working their way to the top. Having said that, job loyalty is greatly promoted in industries that perform in this way. 2. Does Enterprise face any risks from its HR strategy? b. Of course Enterprise faces risks from its HR strategy, as well as any other industry hiring brand new employees. There is always the struggle of teaching new employees the rules and strategies of the industry they are working for. They have to go through a training session to tell them what is expected of them and how they should go about doing their job. One good thing to note about Enterprise’s HR strategy is that they like to hire former athletes and former people who have been in a club of some sort so that they at least know they are hiring someone who has been dedicated to something at some point, and hopefully they can be just as dedicated to their job. 3. Would you want to work for Enterprise...
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...CHAPTER 5 HUMAN RESOURCE PLANNING AND JOB ANALYSIS CHAPTER OVERVIEW The chapters begins by describing the intensive succession-plan for the new CEO at Quest Diagnostics. The process of human resource planning, and its connection to overall strategic organizational planning is described. Next, key notions are that a firm must know its mission and goals, and its strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (SWOT). Then human resources must describe jobs that will perform tasks necessary to meet the goals. Factors to consider, such as the skills of current employees, available tools, and management information systems, are presented in the discussion on how labor supply and demand are matched. Job analysis, which is used to determine the knowledge, skills and abilities required for each job, is described, and the importance of job analysis for almost all HRM activities is emphasized. Finally, current issues in human resource planning, which today must deal with downsizing and rightsizing, are presented. Additional Features of this Chapter Exhibit 5-2 is s sample replacement chart. Examples from various job analysis techniques are provided and Exhibit 5-4 outlines the steps in a job analysis. Exhibit 5-9 gives a sample job description for a benefits manager. “Ethical Issues in HRM” discusses various competitive intelligence activities and the difference between ethical vs. legal. ADDITIONAL LECTURE OR ACTIVITY SUGGESTIONS Environmental Scanning:...
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...ASSIGNMENTS WEEK 1 TO 7 To purchase this visit following link: http://www.activitymode.com/product/mgmt-410-all-assignments-week-1-to-7/ Contact us at: SUPPORT@ACTIVITYMODE.COM MGMT 410 ALL ASSIGNMENTS WEEK 1 TO 7 MGMT 410 All Assignments Week 1 To 7 MGMT 410 Week 1 Strategic Linkages Assignment MGMT 410 Week 2 Case Study; Off-the-Job Behaviors MGMT 410 Week 3 Web Exercise; Understanding Job Analysis MGMT 410 Week 5 Simulation; JVA Corporation MGMT 410 Week 6 Case Study; A Perky Way to Productivity MGMT 410 Week 7 Case Study; Collective Bargaining at West University Activity mode aims to provide quality study notes and tutorials to the students of MGMT 410 All Assignments Week 1 To 7 in order to ace their studies. MGMT 410 ALL ASSIGNMENTS WEEK 1 TO 7 To purchase this visit following link: http://www.activitymode.com/product/mgmt-410-all-assignments-week-1-to-7/ Contact us at: SUPPORT@ACTIVITYMODE.COM MGMT 410 ALL ASSIGNMENTS WEEK 1 TO 7 MGMT 410 All Assignments Week 1 To 7 MGMT 410 Week 1 Strategic Linkages Assignment MGMT 410 Week 2 Case Study; Off-the-Job Behaviors MGMT 410 Week 3 Web Exercise; Understanding Job Analysis MGMT 410 Week 5 Simulation; JVA Corporation MGMT 410 Week 6 Case Study; A Perky Way to Productivity MGMT 410 Week 7 Case Study; Collective Bargaining at West University Activity mode aims to provide quality study notes and tutorials to the students of MGMT 410 All Assignments Week 1 To 7 in order to ace their studies. MGMT 410...
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...1.0. Job Analysis As like any other organization, Citycell also exist to accomplish its organizational goal and objective. Achievement of organizational goal requires collective efforts (work) of a number of employees rather than individual effort. The point at which work and worker come together is called job-it is the role played by worker. To staff the worker for accomplishing the goal, an organization needs to know a lot of information about the job. These are: * Information about duties and responsibilities of that job * The characteristics of people required to perform that job Information about jobs is obtained through a process called job analysis. Job analysis as a management technique and it was developed around 1900. It became one of the tools by which managers understood and directed organizations. Job analysis is the procedure for determining the duties and skills requirements of the job and the kind of person should be hired for it. This is the process of collecting and analyzing information. An important concept of Job Analysis is that the analysis is conducted of the Job, not on the person. Telecommunication industry is a dynamic industry. To stay in this industry and become competitive, Citycell also conduct job analysis on daily, quarterly and even yearly basis. As they are the only CDMA (Code Division Multiple Access) operator in Bangladesh, based on their sales growth, future focus etc. they frequently do job analysis. 1.1. Sample of a standard...
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...Job/Task Analysis David Verner Dr. George Reeley Strategic Human Resource Management-HRM 530 Strayer University July 25, 2012 Locate several job descriptions that apply to the position you have selected from the list. When we are looking to apply for a job we look for specifics about the job first. Some will check the name of the position, pay grade, location, and the open and close date for the application process. We also look for the duties and responsibilities, and also if the job requires that he or she needs to have a particular degree or certifications. But the job I have decided on is the first level clerk in a personnel office of the military. But I will focus on how the position works in the Air National Guard, which is the reserve component of the United States Air Force. A member that is assigned to the personnel department has tasks that they must accomplish and get certified in. “A personnel member supervises and performs activities and functions, including personnel action requests; source documents; unit, field, and master personnel records” (www.goang.com, 2012). “They advises officers and airmen on military personnel issues and programs. Conducts interviews to determine individual’s interests, qualifications, and personnel data. Briefs provisions of personnel programs such as assignments, promotions, separations, retirements, benefit programs, retention, bonus, classification, training and retraining, and personnel reliability program, also personnel...
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...| Learning and Developing Design | Trisco Foods | | | Contents Executive Summary 3 Recommendations 3 1. Introduction 4 2. Learning Objectives 4 3. On or Off The Job Approach 5 4. On The Job Process 6 5. Off The Job Process 7 6. Program Schedule 8 Conclusion 8 Reference List 9 Appendix A Hierarchy of Need and Learning Objectives 10 Appendix B Learning Contract 11 Appendix C Session Plan Coversheet 13 Appendix D Program Schedule 16 Executive Summary Trisco Foods has a performance gap between the actual performance of syrup makers and the expectations of management to these makers. This kind of performance gap leads to a growth reduction over the last few years with the percentage of 10, which is a big organizational problem to this company. This report intends to design a learning and developing program in order to fill the gap and achieve better performance. This program will include on the job approach and off the job approach. During the design, both on the job method and off the job methods are taken into account and generate a combination to receive a better influence. It is important to evaluate the learning program and guarantee the designed program is applied to the reality, which are considered in the recommendations. Recommendations After the learning and development design program has been designed, it was designed on the basis of meeting the learning need of compliance because they do not have a good understanding...
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...employees no matter if it is documented in an employee hand book or not. Your place of work cannot downgrade you or trade off any less then what is already set in stone by the government. These rights were formed to protect you while at work against your employer against discrimination and minimum age requirements. These rights include paid time off, the minimum you can get paid for working a holiday overtime, or sick pay including bereavement leave. These rights also protect the employee by allowing them the right to refuse work that might harm themselves or others around. Employers have a set of items in which they must comply with which include paying at least the minimum wage to its employees. They must also provide its employees with annual leave. Employers must compensate the employees for public holidays which they work or would normally work in which the holiday falls on. The employer must supply a written agreement to the employees. Employers cannot deduct any money without prior agreement that is completed in writing. Additionally the employer must provide a safe work place and not place any discrimination against you. Employee Rights in the Workplace Every employee has basic rights in the workplace, which include “the right to privacy, fair compensation, and freedom from discrimination.”(Haunschild, 2010.) Even individuals who apply for jobs also have certain rights prior to being hired as an employee. Those rights include the “right to be free from discrimination...
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...1. Explain job analysis and it’s importance to HR in an organization. * systematic process of determining the skills, duties, and knowledge required for performing jobs in an organization, Staffing ,Training and Development, Compensation and Benefits, Safety and Health – helps identify safety and health considerations 2. Differentiate Job enlargement and job enrichment with an example. Job Enlargement is a job design method that adds more responsibilities, duties and workload so that the employee doesn’t feel bored or uncoordinated at the workplace. Job Enrichment is a job design method that incorporates motivational factors into it so that the job satisfaction increases for the employee.Example: Giving the employee different challenging job, upgrading. 3. What is Job rotation and is it advantage or disadvantage for workforce in an organization ? 4. What is the role of job analysis in choosing a good human resource in an organization ? 5. Define Job evaluation, job design, job description with an example. Job evaluation is a systematic way of determining the value/worth of a job in relation to other jobs in an organization Job design: is the specification of contents, methods and relationship of jobs in order to satisfy technological and organizational requirements as well as the social and personal requirements of the job holder job description is a list that a person might use for general tasks, or functions, and responsibilities of a position 6...
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...Objective The objective of this report is to focus on the concept Training and Development in HRM” and examines in more detail some of the theoretical advantages and disadvantages of Training and Development strategies in HRM followed by a critical review on the evidence based around what impact it has had in practice in terms of promoting and enhancing business performance. While we cannot ignore the importance of HRM theories in today’s management context, this paper explores whether these theories work well in practice. Introduction The key purpose of HRM is to enable management to enhance the individual and collective contributions of people to the short and long term success of the enterprise. (Personnel Management Lead Body, 1993) The workplace is in a constant state of change resulting from ongoing developments in technology and innovation and increasing economic, social and political pressures. This poses new and complex challenges for the human resources function within organisations. (Hathorn, 2012: 3). In today’s competitive global business climate, companies looking to improve their gross margins and increase productivity are increasingly looking for ways to boost employee performance and effectiveness. People in an organization are considered to be one of the most valuable resources of today’s firms. Other resources such as brands, products, processes, technological advancement, economies of scale can still provide a competitive advantage but an organisation’s...
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...2. Theoretical Background 2.1 Definition of HRD A set of systematic and planned activities designed by an organization to provide its members with the necessary skills to meet current and future job demands. The HRD functions are; Training and Development Organizational development Career development. Training and Development Training is the process of improving the knowledge, skills and attitudes of employees for the short term, particular to a specific job or a task e.g. Employee orientation Skills and technical training Coaching Counseling Development is preparing for future job responsibilities, while increasing the capacity to perform at a current job. e.g. Management training Supervisory development In the field of HRM, Training and development is the field concerned with organizational activity aimed at bettering the performance of individuals and groups in organizational setting, it has been known by several names including; employee development, leaning and development etc. Training and development encompasses three main activities. They are; Training, Education and Development. The principal objective of training and development divisions in to ensure the availability of a skilled and willing work force to an organization ensures that randomness is reduced and learning or behavioral change take place...
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...Gap Analysis: Global Communications University of Phoenix Gap Analysis: Global Communications Global Communication faces internal and external challenges in implementing its overall growth strategy. In order to move forward with cost-cutting measures, Global Communications must communicate lay-off plans to its affected employees. These measures will eliminate jobs in the United States. In turn those jobs will be outsourced to foreign labor sources in India and Ireland where the labor is highly skilled and cost efficient. The management team failed to utilize the union as a powerful support system in broadcasting the lay-off announcement. Due to Global Communication’s lack of communication with the union, management now faces a potentially volatile situation. Damage control measures need to be identified, evaluated and analyzed in order to minimize the negative impact that the union will have on customers, employee morale and the general public. Situation Analysis Issue and Opportunity Identification Global Communication’s management team had a difficult decision to make in order for the company to survive the advancing telecommunication market. The management team devised a growth strategy which required the introduction of new services into the domestic market and expansion into the global markets through a partnership with an international satellite provider. The strategy called for aggressive cost-cutting measures which would result...
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...sustained injuries on or off the job, a key focus of rehabilitation is restoration of work capacity. Rehabilitation programs that are funded by government or private insurers often have an explicit goal of returning the injured party to previous or comparable levels of employment. In such cases, it is important to identify required job tasks and expected performance levels. Such information creates targeted outcomes for the rehabilitation program. The overall rehabilitation process is guided by the job analysis through a process wherein assessed levels of current functional capacity are compared to the required job performance demands (Loisel et al. 2001). Identified gaps between worker capacity and job demands are then addressed through restorative programs and/or job modification. Work transition planning In rehabilitation the job analysis is used to provide information to match the injured worker with tasks that can be safely performed on initial resumption of duties following an absence or time away from regular duties. The job analysis information serves as the foundation for a graduated work resumption process that optimizes productivity and compliments the rehabilitation program and injury recovery. Regular review of the job analysis is used to identify job demands that are suitable to the worker's capacities throughout the recovery process until the worker resumes the pre-injury job or reaches an optimal level of performance in a different job. Vocational planning ...
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...be found in Course Information * Do not cut and paste from sources but use your own words based on the academic data. You can use quotes when you feel it is appropriate. When you quote, restate or reword you still need to cite the data. Safe Assign may be used to prevent plagiarism and to create opportunities to help students identify how to properly attribute sources Question One: Explain what the Job Analysis process is and why it is so important. Remember that the exams require two to three substantiate paragraphs. Research the question first and then answer the question with appropriate academic citations. The job analysis is a process conducted by HR used to identify and determine a particular jobs duties and requirements of that given job. It also identifies the importance of the duties for the given job. There are two components to the job analysis. The first is a written summary of the task requirements. The second is a written summary of the work requirements. There are several different methods of a job analysis. Some include review of job classification systems, incumbent and supervisor interviews,...
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