...This was established through the two years investigation undertaken by the Commonwealth Ombusman reported in 2013. It has been found that the treatment and prolonged periods of detainment “cause and exacerbate mental illness (Ipsos 2012), and that there is a strong link between the length of time spent in detention and the deterioration of mental health” (J P Green and K Eagar 2010). Furthermore, “Research has also found that bringing together groups of people in the same situation, experiencing frustration, distress and/or mental illness, can result in a ‘contagion’ effect, ‘dysfunctional thinking’, and behaviours such as self-harm and rioting are reinforced as responses to problems. Additionally witnessing others self-harm can increase the risk of self-harming behaviour in imitation (HRC 2013)”. Between 2011-2013, the HRC reported...
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