...Business Development and Innovation OpenIDEO Case 1) What are the respective strengths and weaknesses of IDEO and OpenIDEO ? IDEO : Strengths: The major strength of IDEO is its very innovative nature: the culture of the firm is to always think about how to build the future through creation and experimentation. The services they offer go beyond just product innovation: they create whole new innovative strategies closely with their clients. Moreover, they are able to develop those strategies thanks to their human resources that are a key element for IDEO. They attract skilled, creative and motivated employees so it enables them come up with the best innovative solutions. Combined with their collaborative way of work and deep brainstorming sessions, IDEO is able to offer original and efficient services. Finally, one of the firm’s strength is to emphasize on the use of prototypes that is a powerful way of trying something and see how people would react to it. IDEO’s three R’s (“rough, rapid and right”) enable them to better achieve their designing and innovation strategies. Weaknesses: The main weakness of IDEO would be that they lack expertise on a certain field. Indeed, they choose to have a more general approach to problem solving that is not to focus on a particular domain but apply their concepts to any sector. They offer design-consulting services in many areas such as education, energy, financial services, health, food etc. so it can be a weakness to be over-diversified...
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...INTRODUCTION www.openideo.com is a web-based innovation platform developed by the foremost design firm IDEO.The site is an open innovation platform where people come together to collaborate and design together. Launched in 2010 (IDEO, 2011), the site have received much recommendations from the media, the learning and design community, Due to its effective design, global adoption and ultimate purpose that it has actually helped solve some of the world’s greatest social challenges. The site has become a reference point for effective collaborative-participation and crowd souring for social-good. LETS’S OPEN IT.. Courtesy: ideo.com, 2011 OVERVIEW Openideo.com was designed as a site where people will collaborate, share ideas and draw inspiration from the crowd in the process of solving a challenge. The challenge question often sponsored by a non-profit, represents the purely social nature of the site. The IDEO designers in London observed that there is a tremendous human-resource online (AIGA,2011). The online community spends hour’s facebooking, tweeting and linking-in and they decided to turn that opportunity into a platform for social-good. The site was created with the view of including a wide range of people in the design process. The high-points of the site is mostly the level on which it engages the online community...
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...BUSM 4041 Case Study: IDEO Consulting ‘Culture drives creativity’ Angus Beattie S3365681 Executive summary Most of us are creative however it is often suppressed at an early age. The realisation that we are born creative; can take action to change our current ways of thinking; apply tools and concepts from design thinking to assist us in our quest; and accept that failure is acceptable, should enable most people and organisations to be more creative and therefore more innovative. In today’s hyper-connected and competitive business environment, organisations need to innovate or perish as creativity is today’s competitive advantage. Firms like IDEO have become successful in assisting businesses innovate through harnessing the power of design thinking which centres on empathy, ideation, proto-typing and testing. Creativity and innovation need to be driven at all levels of the organisation and businesses can easily look to adopt some of the practices of design thinking to gain this competitive advantage. The award winning design firm IDEO exemplifies an organisation with a unique culture with a strong bias towards creativity and innovation and presents a role model for businesses wanting to learn how they can become more creative themselves. Contents Executive summary 2 Creativity is competitive advantage 4 IDEO & Design Thinking 5 Culture as a driver of creativity 7 Creativity for all? 9 References 11 Creativity is competitive advantage ...
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