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Operating System Security Flaws


Submitted By deefamouss
Words 986
Pages 4
Operating System Security Flaws
Donique Tulloch
POS/355 Introduction to Operational Systems - Yevgeniy Tovshteyn

Operating System Security Flaws

Vulnerable, as defined by the dictionary is being capable of or susceptible to being hurt or wounded by a weapon. In computer science, to be vulnerable means to be open to attack. Vulnerability in a computer’s system is a weakness and this weakness can be preyed on by attackers to take advantage of the system’s private data. In using a system, we are assured that the data we input is stored securely and processed for the intended purpose only. So the susceptibility of the system, the attacker’s access to this flaw and the capability to exploit this flaw compose the elements of computer vulnerability. For this flaw to be exploited, the attacker must have an attack surface, meaning the attacker must have some technique or tool to exploit the system.
One classification of a vulnerability is security bug or defect, where a firewall may be out of date or in this case, Windows Defender is significantly out of date leaving the system with a window of vulnerability to attacks. This window would be from when the bug was discovered, access was removed, a fix was available and if or when an attack was disabled. Windows Defender was designed as a free software to defend against unwanted attacks as a combination of Microsoft Security essentials. With proper security patch updating, Windows should have minimal security bug and any other vulnerabilities present in the system. It is still recommended to have some additional Antivirus program depending on the daily use of the system. This means that if the user is downloading a lot of programs, music, movies from the internet, then it is recommended to have good programs defending your system and also to alert you of intrusion.
Windows, when designed was not designed with internet

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