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Operating Systems


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Operating Systems Brittany E. Best Dr. Biswajit Panja Strayer University CIS 155 December 10, 2011

Operating System

You may have heard of UNIX, or maybe not. Where did this so called UNIX come from? What exactly is an operating system you ask and what is it comprised of? Read on to find out more.
Birth of a New Creation:

UNIX is the creation and brain child of Bell Laboratory researchers Dennis Ritchie and Ken Thompson. Ken Thompson was working with Space Travel. Space Travel was a program that simulated the motion of the planets in our solar system. The Space Travel program was under the operating system called Multics (Multics is one of the first operating systems that provided a multiuser environment, and ran on a General Electric 6000 Electric Computer) (Afzal, 2008). Multics was a slow and very large and required a substantial amount of computer resources. Ken Thompson found a small little PDP-7 computer (created by the Digital Equipment Corporation) and transferred the Space Travel program on to it. On this computer is in which Ken Thompson created the new operating system that he deemed to be UNIX. Ken Thompson adapted Multics advanced concepts to the operating system. UNIX took advantage of the other operating systems by incorporating some of all of the other operating systems into its own, and combining some or the most of the desirable aspects from each of them.

In 1970 Ken Thompson then transferred the UNIX operating system onto a PDP- 11/20, then to a PDP- 11/40, the PDP- 11/45, and then to a PDP- 11/70. Each of these were an upgrade from the last that added features of complexity to the hardware of that of UNIX in which it could support.

Dennis Ritchie on the other hand and other colleagues at the Bell Laboratory continued to develop the processes of UNIX by adding in such utilities as text processors. UNIX was originally written in assembly language. Assembly Language is the primitive set of instructions that depend on the computer architecture (Afzal, 2008). When programs were written in assembly language they were machine dependant and worked only on one computer or one network (family) of computers. In the process of moving UNIX from one computer to another it involved a significant amount of rewriting the program.

Although, Ken Thompson and Dennis Ritchie were experienced in the use of high level language called PL/1; due to their experience using the Multics software. Thompson and Ritchie were well aware of the advantages of writing the operating system UNIX in high level language. Ken Thompson and Dennis Ritchie decided to use the C language to write UNIX, and in 1973 they successfully rewrote the operating system in C programming language. Because of the C programming language being a general purpose language, that features structures and commands of modern high level computer language.

About 95 percent of the UNIX operating system is written in C programming language. A very small part of UNIX is still written in assembly language; that part is mostly concentrated in the kernel, the part that interacts directly with the hardware (Afzal, 2008). Colleges and Universities are the institutions that played a major role in the popularity of the UNIX operating system. In 1975, the UNIX operating system was offered by Bell laboratories to these educational institutions at minimal cost. UNIX courses were then offered and incorporated into the computer science curriculum. This in which gave the students the familiarization of the UNIX operating system, and its sophisticated programming environment.

As these students progressed through school, they graduated and joined the work force. These students carried their UNIX skills with them to the commercial world and UNIX was introduced to the industry. Viola! The birth of a new creation was born, a creation by mankind, the UNIX operating system.

The two major versions of the UNIX operating system were born: AT&T UNIX version V Berkeley NUIX

Other UNIX operating system software programs are based on one of these two versions.

A Cake with No Layer is No Cake at all:

A computer system generally consists of the hardware, the application software, and the system software. The operating system on the other hand is system software that coordinates and controls the activities of a computer. UNIX operating system is a collection of programs that include: language compilers, text editors, and other system utility programs. The UNIX operating system is implemented in a layered- style software model. Without one or none then the Operating system would not work and would fail. The layers consist of the hardware, kernel, resident modules, shell and user. Below is figure 1 diagram that shows layer style software model. The Shell (utility layer) is the user interface for UNIX. The shell is a separate program, along with all the other UNIX commands and utilities. They are part of the distribution software of UNIX but are not considered part of the kernel. There are more than one hundred utilities and commands in UNIX that provide various types of service to users and applicable programs.

The Resident Module is used when a system call is used by an application program to access the layer. In this layer service routines are performed by user request. Such services might include file/disk access, input/output control, termination, and process creation. The User layer or the process layer is the UNIX operating system assigns resources to users and programs by the way of process. Every process has a number called an identification number. With every number there is a set of resources associated with it. Each number is carried out in a virtual computer environment. Meaning, that when a process runs in the virtual computer much as if it ran through a dedicated single- user CPU.

The Kernel layer or base operating system is the layer that administers all of the hardware dependent functions. These functions are spread out all over a number of modules within the UNIX operating system kernel. This layer consists of modules closest to the hardware that are protected for the most part from application programs. Users do not have direct access to this layer. The UNIX commands and utility programs are not associated with the kernel. And a user’s application program is protected from unintended writes or copies by other users.

The Hardware layer, other known as the Virtual Computer allocates an execution environment to each user in the system. The Virtual Computer consists of a terminal for user interface. Shared access to the other computer resources such as disk drives, memory, and most important the CPU (brain). If using a collection of virtual computers it is considered a multiuser operating system. Making it appear to different users that they are using their own private pseudo-computer. Due to the sharing of CPU and other hardware resources, the virtual computers are slower than the base computer.

As you can see that each layer of this so called cake works together or with one another to process information for the UNIX operating system. Without a layer or a piece then the Operating system may malfunction and errors maybe present. The UNIX operating system can operate without some programs. But it can’t operate if you take away one or more of its layers. As you can see that the UNIX operating system is comprised of many different layers that include the: Hardware, Kernel, Resident Modules, Shell and User.

Afzal, Amir (2008). CIS 155 UNIX OPERATING SYSTEMS fifth edition. Prentice Hall.

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