This essay defines, discuss, and applies three sociological key terms. The three applied sociological terms are ethnocentrism, innovation, and informal norms. The three sociological concepts are discussed relative to the video “Opie’s Hobo Friend”. It details parts of the video that relates to everyday survival. It also explains the difference in cultural living. The concept of ethnocentrism in Sociology is defined “the tendency to assume that one’s own culture and way of life represent the norm or are superior to all others”. In the video Officer Barney came in with a person the was at the freight yard that didn’t have any money on him. This shows that Barney feels you have money in your pocket to be anywhere around but…show more content… Dave’s concept on survival was of different culture than Opie’s. The survival of Dave was get it how you can while Opie’s was work for what you need. The invention of fish talk was Dave’s way of innovation with Opie. Dave showed Opie a trick with money a made a statement that why carry money when you can find it anywhere. This was the one of thing that got Opie’s attention. There was a discovery and invention to all ways of living in Dave’s eye. Opie was in the process due to his age of learning the way of living. When Dave came around everything looked different. Dave had a way of getting what was needed by doing little of nothing. The statement anything can be done tomorrow. In my opinion why put off it tomorrow when you can get it done today. Opie liked Dave concept of living it seemed to be much easier than what he was being taught. The concept of Dave that all mankind has duties to fulfill which could anyone young mind to wonder that this was the correct way of living other than what was already thought. Somethings of nature is okay when its free for everyone but anything else has to be earned and worked for is what was taught to Opie. This new discovery of a easy way to do things was interesting to Opie. In my opinion Dave was so…show more content… In the video the way of living for Andy and his family was written but worked. Cleaning up every day is an informal way of living in their household no other way was acceptable. Not doing things that you haven’t done before like in the video playing hookie wasn’t of the informal way that was being taught. It’s not written anywhere that you couldn’t do these things that Dave did but it was they way that Andy lived which wasn’t good for Opie. Informal norms in my opinion are the best way to rise a young child being able to tell the difference between right and wrong. Any new thing can spark anyone attention in changing the way they think especially of young age. Respecting someone’s informal norms is the beat innovation. Inventing how not to change anyone way of thinking. When Dave made Opie think he did something wrong clearly changed Opie’s way of thinking back to what he was already taught. In my opinion your conscience will lead you to do the right thing regardless of how you act as being right or