Premium Essay

Organization Culture of Hrm


Submitted By Wjy1000
Words 319
Pages 2
So I want to talk about the organizational culture. We know the culture of the organization is an unique organization form with their own characteristics by adopting a long-term, members of accreditation and is accepted as a code of conduct, ideas. Organization culture is the deep-set value and belief system which their members broadly share. If the new one tries to integrate into an organization culture to carry out her work successfully and obtain approval , she needs to think and work with criterion of the organization consistent manner. These are the impact of organization cultures.

In the film, we can figure out that the runway magazine is bound to many cultural value and fashion closely together . Previously the actress Andy wants to seek an editor in NYC, and she believes that the inherent idea is important, no matter what to wear, so early to runway magazine rarely pay attention to fashion their own learning and deepen the understanding of culture in this field. Until she personifies frustration and fidget for her job, her colleague comes to know herself by working attitude in fashion fields are optional, just according to her style of doing things. Therefore she is considered to be a person of not enough to do her best. After the change in the film, she changes her appearance, wear style and learned to make herself more fashion and does her best what she can do to complete the assignments by her boss.

In fact, this change on Andy is not only from her appearance, wear style, and also it is meant that this new employee would like to change her mind into the tissue culture, accept the certain organization for her organization formed by the boss style, and go to work according to the expectations of organizational culture, so as to obtain approved from her boss. So, the impact of organizational culture is very

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