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Organizational Behavior Terminology and Concepts


Submitted By sandq51499
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Organizational Behavior Terminology and Concepts MGT/307 August 28, 2011

Organizational behavior or otherwise known as OB, offers organizations and its managers knowledge and understanding of how individuals and groups interrelate within an organization with the understanding and studying of behaviors. This insight better prepares and provides comprehension to organizations assisting in the enhancing the dynamics within both individuals and group behaviors. Organizational behaviors have enabled a more scientific approach in understanding the relationships between employees and managers and its link in terms of behavioral and social sciences. OB’s approach in terms of observable aspects are reliant on scientific methods using models, which link independent and dependent variables and the relative outcomes among the two applied any discovered theories of interest. Researched methods used in organizational behaviors include meta-analysis, field, laboratory, survey, and case studies, (Schermerhorn, Hunt, & Osborn, 2008). These methods are applied in efforts to develop new means of understanding of how people within companies affect dependent variables and how companies can implement changes in creating a difference. An evidence-based thinking method used in OB called the contingency approach identifies “how different situations can best be understood and handled” (Schermerhorn, Hunt, & Osborn, 2008). For instance the application of OB theories and how they may differ when applied to working environments in different countries with a different culture. “In the internal environment of organizations, the shared belief and values that influence the behavior of organizational members crate what is called the organizational culture” (Schermerhorn, Hunt, & Osborn, 2008). An organization contain a strong internal environment reaps the rewards of experiencing a more productive positive organization whose employees beliefs merge in line with that if the organization’s vision. An approach used in charting called the Organizational Culture inventory,” (Schermerhorn, Hunt, & Osborn, 2008), describes the behaviors and expectations that make up the prevailing cultures of their organizations. The three types of cultures within organizations are contained within the OCI are constructive culture, employees performing to benefit human need, passive/defensive culture where defensive approaches are used to create security, and aggressive/defensive culture, performing aggressively to secure position. Research has concluded the constructive culture to boost an organizations performance creating a culture that encourages teamwork, motivate, and satisfies employees producing higher performance. Diversity within an origination describes the differences established on ethnic and religious backgrounds, age, gender, a person’s inabilities or abilities, sexual orientations, and race among individuals. Diversity among the workforce is a factor that contributes to increase but this does not warrant diversity is esteemed by organizations. Inclusivity, which is can be found revered among multicultural organizations is the approach of regarding individuals not based on their diverse characteristic but how they perform their job. Inclusivity encourages a multicultural organization culture, which organizational behaviors consider fundamental, (Schermerhorn, Hunt, & Osborn, 2008). Communications within organizations offers a platform for sharing ideas, visions, information, directions, expectations, and emotions through the exchanging of messages with particular significances and meanings. Communications contains different channels used to end these messages such as face-to face, via e-mails, text messaging, written official letters, or note or using a phone. Organizational communications is “the specific process through which information moves and is exchanged throughout an organization” (Schermerhorn, Hunt, & Osborn, 2008). The directions or information flow within an organization is the downwards direction used to influence, upward used to inform, and lateral use to coordinate. Some barrier found within organization communications include mixed messages, physical distractions, semantic problems, receiving of no feedback and influences of person’s rank and status. An influencing change within organization communication has been the newer means of technologies used to communicate. Keeping in pace with the ever-advancing technologies can mean problems for anyone not familiar with these forms of communications creating a barrier within itself. Macy’s is an organization that takes organizational behaviors and cultures very seriously. The Bethesda Maryland location, which is approximately 15 minutes outside of Washington D.C. is a particularly unique position for the Macy’s Incorporated company. The proximity from the nation’s capital brings about a vast pool of individuals whose talents, ethic, religious, education, and individual values and beliefs are diverse holding greater significance to how the companies creates the appropriate culture and environment. From personal experience within the retail company, Macy’s who prides on developing behaviors and cultures motivating and enhances both employee and customer experiences, the company has produces special incentives and recognition to its diverse environment. With a good majority of Macy’s employees descending from Muslim countries, special areas have been distinguished for prayer to create an area in respect for the need to pray. Another unique way Macy’s has influenced multiculturalism among employees and its customers is the recognition of ethnic celebrated months. For the past Asian/Pacific month, Macy’s invited local Asian chefs to share their country’s culinary history through the use of cooking demonstrations. This past weekend in honor of the new Martin Luther King memorial on the National Mall, Macy’s incorporated local history and experience with the invitation of guests who formally knew the doctor, sharing their personal experiences and stories of the civil rights era. Creating a healthy culture within an organization includes the merging and understanding of the concepts discussed. In the example given by the Macy’s company, organizational culture is driven by the persons who make up its environment helping to set the tone and standard for what is expected in a working culture. The behaviors are dictated by multiculturalism and diversity. These considerations have enabled a company like Macy’s and many others to stay in business in creating a bridge to what makes its organization different while maintaining the needed respect or its customers and employees.

References Schermerhorn, J. R., Hunt, J. G., & Osborn, R. N. (2008). Chapter 1: Introducing Organizational Behavior. People make the difference.. Organizational behavior (10. ed., p. Entire Chapter). Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons. Schermerhorn, J. R., Hunt, J. G., & Osborn, R. N. (2008). Chapter 16: Communication. Interact before you act.. Organizational behavior (10. ed., p. Entire Chapter). Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons.

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