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Organizational Change Part I


Submitted By crazywith2kids
Words 1399
Pages 6
Organizational Change Plan – Part I The definition of organizational success is critical, though extremely difficult to define. Sharma (2009) states, “The success of any organization is reflected upon by its performance which is in turn highly dependent upon its strategies” (p. 7). To identify a strategy of successful performance, it is important to have an understanding of the desired the level of performance. With regard to individual performance and performance evaluation metrics, my current work unit is lacking and struggles to report accurate data for how an employee performance evaluation relates to units of service as well as error percentage. In the current state, there is not a single system solution to collect data therefore causing a painstakingly manual process to collect any form of data metrics. This organizational change proposal will identify the need to develop a comprehensive strategy of employee evaluation using the balanced scorecard approach. This performance management strategy will define the necessary performance tools for a successful implementation while ensuring the performance evaluations defined by the strategic goals governed by the institution.
Need for Balanced Scorecard Identified According to the current job description, the sole responsibility of work unit staff is for the review of submitted laboratory samples, requisitions, and pathology reports for accurate and timely accessioning of patient and testing information into the Pathology computer system(s). The definition of accessioning is entering a single patient and all represented laboratory material into the computer systems. This work unit as well as the work completed is complex, therefore the ability to identify a performance management evaluation strategy will require diverse thinking and data gathering. The current struggle in calculating total

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