...From: AAAI Technical Report SS-94-07. Compilation copyright © 1994, AAAI (www.aaai.org). All rights reserved. TOOLS AND TECHNIQUES FOR ORGANIZATIONALPROCESS DESIGN (Extended AbstracO John Idicula GINTIC Institute of Manufacturing Technology NanyangTechnological University Nanyang Avenue Singapore 2263 idicula@ntu.ac.sg 1. Introduction Organizations need to rapidly adapt to changes in dynamic markets. The design of an organization can hinder or even prevent it from responding quickly to changes in its environment. The processes along with other resources in the organization drive its workand responses to changes in its environment. Processes of an agile organization must be effective, efficient, reusable and well managed. Furthermore, they must ease quick responses to changesin the environmentof the organization. The study of designing organizational processes can stimulate us to design better organizations. It can borrow ideas, tools and techniques fromareas such as artificial intelligence, computer science, coordination science, logic and operations research. Mostof the activities performedin organizations deal with the processing of information to meet various goals. The design of an organization must support the primary activities that help the organization to achieve its goals. Information technology is providing new ways of organizing and performing activities. Transactions that required several hours of human attention can nowbe achieved in a few seconds. There are...
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...Key Concepts of Organizational Design Allison Battles University of Phoenix / MMPBL 550 November 1, 2010 Professor Frederick Janson Key Concepts of Organizational Design Organizational design is an important aspect of organizational theory that designates many of the processes and the structure within an organization. It can shape the organization’s culture and help the organization to achieve its goals. Organizational design is also important to change management within the organization. The most important factor, though, is that it supports the company’s strategy for success. As many organizations are experiencing growth, the concepts of organizational design become more complex. The organizational designs and structures discussed here will simplify the terms in order for a clearer understanding of the concepts. Importance of Organizational Design Choices Organizational design is vital to an organization’s success. Part of developing a strategy for a company to achieve its goals is to create a dynamic organizational design that fits the company’s purpose, culture, and processes. “To optimize effectiveness, the form of organization must be matched to the purpose it seeks to achieve” (Autry, 1996, para. 7). In the most basic terms, the organizational design should be aligned with the organization’s strategies-the goals, the objectives, and the mission-and support the desired outcome. It is important that the organizational design of a company work...
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...What is Organizational Development? Organizational Development An organization includes any situation in which two or more persons are involved in a common pursuit or objective. Based on this informal definition then we would like to start our discussion with an assumption that organizations, just like human beings, have cycles of development, each characterized by its specific problems, crises and ways to overcome them. In essence then, Organizational Development is a planned system of change in pursuit of the organization staying relevant to the evolving stakeholder’s needs and environment of operation. Organizational Development is the future readiness of an organization to meet change and a thus a systemic learning and development strategy intended to change the basics of beliefs, attitudes and relevance of values, and structure of the current organization to better absorb disruptive technologies, shrinking or exploding market opportunities and ensuing challenges and chaos. Organizational Development deals with improving a company’s performance and individual development of its employees. Organization development is an ongoing, systematic process of implementing effective organizational change. Organization development is known as both a field of applied behavioral science focused on understanding and managing organizational change and as a field of scientific study and inquiry. It is interdisciplinary in nature and draws on sociology, psychology, and theories of...
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...combined” (US Department of Health and Human Services, n.d.). As the United States primary agency for protecting the health of Americans the Department of Health and Human Services is a perfect agency to analyze in terms of its organizational design. Many internal and external factors have defined and shaped the organization in terms of its size, organizational structure, and processes. Organizational characteristics, also known as internal factors such as the purpose of the organization and the organizational structure help to define how the HHS agency operates. According to the Forestry Department (2000), “External factors are those from the enabling environments which are not under the control of the organization but which affect its structure and development have also influenced the organization” (para. 2). These external factors include economic factors, socio-economic factors, and political-administrative factors. Because of the demand for more accountability within the organizational structure it has affected the behavior of the Department of Health and Human Services. This paper will explore how the internal and external factors have defined and shaped the Department of Health and Human Services in terms of its size, organizational structure, and processes as well as how the demand for more accountability has...
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...Key Concepts of Organizational Design Nadine Mends MMPBL/550 November 29, 2010 Maria Marin Key Concepts of Organizational Design The object of this paper is to discuss at least structures in Organization Design and Organization Design Choices. The paper will explain the importance of design choices as well as describing the characteristics, advantages, and disadvantages of various organizational structures. Next, the paper will assess the relationship between strategy, structure and process in organizations. Finally the paper will analyze the relationship between organization design and the decision making process. This will be based off the scenario of BestSnacks Inc and the opportunities facing BestSnacks in the area of Organizational Design. This paper will provide key concepts of organization design. It will describe the five best design choices and also will provide information regarding some common organizational structures. An organization will have to continuously look at the design and structure it uses to ensure that it is going to establish its goals and vision. Importance of Organizational Design Choices Organizational design choices are important for several reasons. First organizational design choices provide the firm with a choice of designs that are appropriate for achieving different purposes. Every design seeks to pattern the activities of organization towards a common outcome. From the perspective of Best Snacks Inc. it has...
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...Concepts of Organizational Design Shelley Witt MMPBL/550 May 9, 2011 William Gillis Key Concepts of Organizational Design Organizational design is an important part of organizational theory. Organizational design changes with a company as its growth and goals are determined. Some important aspects that control organizational design are structure, strategy, and processes. Each individual organization needs to determine its own design based on its needs and mission. Every plan has its own advantages and disadvantages which are weighed carefully in making the corporate design decision. Importance of Organizational Design Choices In order for an organization to remain effective throughout changes and growth it must continuously evaluate the organizations design. “Organizational design involves difficult choices about how to control—that is, coordinate organizational tasks and motivate the people who perform them—to maximize an organization’s ability to create value” (Jones,2004, p. 4). Organizational design involves the process of aligning the organizational structure with its mission. Organizational design looks at the complex relationships between workflow, tasks, authority, and responsibility. Organizational design makes sure they all support the organizations objectives. Companies with good organizational design tend to have effective communication, increased productivity, and substantial innovation. Companies with poor organizational design...
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...13: The Organization of International Business What Is Organizational Architecture? * Organizational architecture is the totality of a firm’s organization including: 1. Organizational structure * the formal division of the organization into subunits * the location of decision-making responsibilities within that structure - centralized versus decentralized * the establishment of integrating mechanisms to coordinate the activities of subunits including cross-functional teams or pan-regional committees 2. Control systems and incentives * control systems - the metrics used to measure performance of subunits * incentives - the devices used to reward managerial behavior 3. Processes, organizational culture, and people * Processes - the manner in which decisions are made and work is performed within the organization * Organizational culture - the norms and value systems that are shared among the employees of an organization * People - the employees and the strategy used to recruit, compensate, and retain those individuals and the type of people they are in terms of their skills, values, and orientation Figure of Organization Architecture What Are The Dimensions Of Organizational Structure? * Organizational structure has three dimensions: 1. Vertical differentiation - the location of decision-making responsibilities within a structure 2. Horizontal differentiation - the formal division of...
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...Key Concepts of Organizational Design If an organization is to remain effective as it changes and grows with its environment, managers must continuously evaluate the way their organizations are designed: for example, the way work is divided among people and departments, and the way it controls its human, financial, and physical resources. Organizational design involves difficult choices about how to control—that is, coordinate organizational tasks and motivate the people who perform them—to maximize an organization’s ability to create value (Jones, 2004). Maintaining that competitive edge in the snack food industry can be challenging. Snacks and goodies are considered one of America’s favorite past times. Best Snacks has held the number one or two positions for many years and now they are in jeopardy of losing that status. Best Snacks has been experiencing declining sales for the past few years and market share has decreased. They are now faced with the challenge of revamping their development and marketing strategies. They have not developed any new product or service innovations in the last five years. It is definitely time to get the creative juices flowing (BestSnacks Benchmarking Worksheet). Importance of Organizational Design Choices Nadler & Tushman suggests that the last remaining source of truly sustainable competitive advantage lies in what we've come to describe as “Organizational capabilities" the unique ways in which each organization structures its work and...
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...International Business Organizational architecture—(organization structure, control systems, incentives, processes, organizational culture and people) Organizational Structure • Organizational structure has three dimensions: 1. Vertical differentiation - determines where decision-making power is concentrated within a structure 2. Horizontal differentiation - the formal division of the organization into sub-units 3. The establishment of integrating mechanisms - the mechanisms for coordinating sub-units Vertical Differentiation: Centralization • Facilitates coordination of activities Eg. A firm has a component manufacturing operation in Taiwan and an assembly operation in Mexico • Ensure decisions consistent with organization’s objectives • Allows top-level managers to bring about organizational change • Avoids duplication of activities Eg. Many international firms centralize their R&D functions into one or two locations to ensure the R&D work are not duplicated. Decentralization • Takes advantage of local information, which may result in better and faster decisions • Can motivate employees • Relieves top management • Can increase control in self-contained subunits • It can be worthwhile to centralize some decisions and decentralize others, e.g., centralizing control over core competencies while decentralizing operating decisions Horizontal Differentiation: The Design Of Structure • Horizontal differentiation...
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...design is the foundation on which a company bases its design choices. The framework consists of a series of design policies that are controllable by management and can influence employee behavior. The policies are the tools with which management must become skilled in order to shape the decisions and behaviors of their organizations effectively. What is the Star Model™? The organization design framework portrayed in Figure 1 is called the “Star Model™.” In the Star Model™, design policies fall into five categories. The first is strategy, which determines direction. The second is structure, which determines the location of decision-making power. The third is processes, which have to do with the flow of information; they are the means of responding to information technologies. The fourth is rewards and reward systems, which influence the motivation of people to perform and address organizational goals. The fifth category of the model is made up of policies relating to people (human resource policies), which influence and frequently define the employees’ mind-sets and skills. Figure 1—The Star Model™ © Jay R. Galbraith. Do not post, publish or reproduce without permission. Strategy Strategy is the company’s formula for winning. The company’s strategy specifies the goals and objectives to be achieved as well as the values and missions to be pursued; it sets out the basic direction of the company. The strategy specifically delineates the products or services to be provided...
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...Global Technology Audit Guide Auditing IT Governance Global Technology Audit Guide (GTAG®) 17 Auditing IT Governance July 2012 GTAG — Table of Contents Executive Summary......................................................................................................................................... 1 1. Introduction................................................................................................................................................ 2 2. IT Governance Risks................................................................................................................................... 7 3. Aligning the Organization and IT — Key Considerations................................................................ 12 4. The Role of Internal Audit in IT Governance............................................................................ 15 Conclusion....................................................................................................................................................... 18 Authors and Reviewers.............................................................................................................................. 18 Appendix — IT Governance Risk Assessment/Engagement Planning Considerations............................................. 19 iv GTAG — Executive Summary Executive Summary To support the heightened importance of IT governance and the mandatory nature of the International Standards for the Professional...
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...Key Concepts of Organizational Design Rosalind Patterson MMPBL550 August 30, 2010 Professor Josey Crisostomo Key Concepts of Organizational Design Given the importance of organizational design, why is it so often the blame for inefficiency and ineffectiveness? The reason is because good organizational design helps communications, productivity, and innovation. Organizational design is the process of aligning an organization’s structure with its mission. This means looking at the relationship between tasks, workflow, responsibility and authority, and making sure all these support the objectives of the business (www.mindtools.com). In this paper we will explore the importance of organizational design choices, the advantages and disadvantages of various organizational structures, assess the relationship between strategy, structure, and process in organizations, and analyze the relationship between organizational design and decision-making processes. Importance of Organizational Design Choices Hiring talented people is not enough to ensure the success of an organization. The best and brightest employees will not be able to do their best work in a poorly designed workplace. Consequently, poor organizational design is one of the leading causes of low employee morale and productivity (www.leadership-and-motivation-training.com). Effective organizational design creates a culture of commitment. The employees fully understand their accountabilities...
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...Organizations George S. Day, 1993 [93-123] View/Order Item >> Comments from members >> Understanding Market Orientation Considerable progress has been made in identifying market-driven organizations, understanding what they do, and measuring the bottom-line consequences. The next challenge is to better understand how this organizational orientation can be achieved and sustained. The emerging capabilities approach to strategic management offers a rich array of ways to design change programs that will enhance a market orientation. This approach seeks the sources of defensible competitive positions in the distinctive, difficult-to-imitate capabilities the organization has developed. Capabilities are complex bundles of skills and knowledge, exercised through organizational processes, that ensure the superior coordination of functional activities and enable the organization to continuously learn and improve. Examples of defining processes include such typical business activities as order fulfillment, new product development, and service delivery. Capabilities of Market-Driven Organizations Capabilities are embedded in the business's "outside-in" processes, which guide the creation and delivery of value in the organization. Two capabilities stand out as essential ingredients of a market orientation: Market Sensing. This capability enables the business to learn about customers, competitors, and channel members, with the purpose of acting on events and trends in the market. Market-driven...
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...ambidexterity in NPD processes: A firm-level assessment of the impact of differentiated structures on innovation performance Matthias de Visser a,Ã, Petra de Weerd-Nederhof a,1, Dries Faems a,2, Michael Song b,3, Bart van Looy c,4, Klaasjan Visscher a,5 a University of Twente, Capitool 15, 7521 PL Enschede, The Netherlands University of Missouri-Kansas City, 5100 Rockhill Road, Kansas City, MO 64110-2499, USA c Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Naamsestraat 69, 30000 Leuven, Belgium b a r t i c l e in fo Keywords: New product development process Cross-functional structure Structural ambidexterity Derivative innovation performance Breakthrough innovation performance abstract Based on a survey study of 155 U.S. firms, we conducted a firm-level assessment of the impact of different kinds of structures (i.e., functional versus cross-functional) in different kinds of new product development (NPD) processes (i.e., incremental versus radical) on different kinds of firm innovation performance (i.e., derivative versus breakthrough). We observe that most firms opt for similar structures for their incremental and radical NPD processes. At the same time, though, we find strong evidence that (1) firms that apply a cross-functional structure for the radical NPD process perform significantly better in terms of breakthrough innovation performance than firms that apply a functional structure for the radical NPD process and (2) firms that apply a functional structure for the incremental ...
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...“Star Model.” In the Star Model, design policies fall into five categories. The first is strategy, which determines direction. The second is structure, which determines the location of decision-making power. The third is processes, which have to do with the flow of information; they are the means of responding to information technologies. The fourth is rewards and reward systems, which influence the motivation of people to perform and address organizational goals. The fifth category of the model is made up of policies relating to people (human resource policies), which influence and frequently define the employees’ mind-sets and skills. Figure 1—The Star Model JAY R. GALBRAITH THE STAR MODEL 2 Strategy Strategy is the company’s formula for winning. The company’s strategy specifies the goals and objectives to be achieved as well as the values and missions to be pursued; it sets out the basic direction of the company. The strategy specifically delineates the products or services to be provided, the markets to be served, and the value to be offered to the customer. It also specifies sources of competitive advantage. Traditionally, strategy is the first component of the Star Model to be addressed. It is important in the organization design process because it establishes the criteria for choosing among alternative organizational forms. (See the...
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