...Give reasons for choosing charity of choice The purpose we chose Rumah Kebajikan Anak Yatim Al-Khairiyah as our charity of choice is because this organization is an orphanage that is located on the outskirt of Kuala Lumpur, where we want to focus on a down town orphanage and contribute our good deeds to them as well. This orphanage is built with wooden pallets and the area is not as spacious compare to the uptown orphan homes. We want to make sure every child from Rumah Kebajikan Anak Yatim Al-Khairiyah is able to feel our care and love that people like us do give them our attention. Another reason why we chose this orphanage is because these children have no one, they are the most vulnerable and most importantly they are the future. For what we have done during the past few weeks for this CSR Project, we are glad that we were able to raise enough funds from the chocolate selling to donate to the orphanage, we want to give them what they deserve, even though the profits we raised were not much but at least we are able to provide them food and necessities, a way to bring hope to the orphans. Execution of the CSR project In our CSR Project we have conducted an online chocolate selling that collaborated with the Koperasi Usahawan Ikhtiar Dermawan (KL) Berhad which consist of SME entrepreneurs, Silarasa Food a manufacturer and supplier of high quality HALAL chocolates, established in 2004 to execute this goodwill project. This SME Corporation that links us to the Malaysian...
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...Author Scott Blagden 3 sentence summary Dear Life, You Suck is asset in Maine. It follows the life of Cricket Cherpin who has a depressing back-story and a not-so bright future. When a girl named Wynona Bidaban comes into his life. He soon realizes that his life does not have to ‘suck’. That maybe there just might be a chance that he can find happiness despite his difficult situation. Main Conflict and how it was resolved Cricket Cherpin has lived in an orphanage ran by nuns for the past 8 years. The main conflict is that he is now 8 months away from checking out of the orphanage system and is having a hard time choosing his future. He has been contemplating 3 main choices about his future: (1) move up from being an assistant drug-dealing of his best friend to being a full time dealer himself; (2) take all of the Caretaker’s, training and start boxing for money; or (3) step off a cliff and end his life. This conflict was resolved because of Wynona Bidaban and Cricket’s English teacher Ms. Moxie. They showed him that he's good at something and that there's more to life than what his rough childhood has shown him. The Main Theme and how it helped this year The main theme of this book was to show that you should never give up just because life gets hard. This book helped me this year because it showed me that my life could be worse. Qualities of the Main Charater I admired? Do we share qualities? In what way? The qualities of the main character I admired are...
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...Jasmine Brooks International Adoption 3rd Block English III Mrs. Myer Due: December 19, 2011 Reflection Journal What I Know: There are two kinds of adoptions, international adoption or domestic adoption. International adoption is adopting a child from another country; domestic adoption is adopting a child within the United States. I was domestically adopted along with my sister. We both came from Chicago and were born there. Even though I was domestically adopted, I’ve always had a growing interest in international adoption and hopefully someday I can adopt two children from Ethiopia. I know adopting children from other countries is an incredible opportunity. Most children that are adopted come from third-world countries. They are usually orphans because their mothers or other family members can’t afford it or physically unable to take care of them. For example in China, babies that are born which most of the time are girls are abandoned because their parents would suffer penalties for violating the population control policies. What I need to know: I need to know why some people have a problem helping other countries that are in need. Also, I need to know why international adoption is more structured than domestic adoption when it seems like domestic would be easier since it’s within the United States. I need to investigate the number of orphans worldwide. I don’t know why Americans can’t adopt children from Western Europe, Australia, or Canada. Where I Stand: ...
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...Taco Bell 1 Glen Bell Way ------------------------------------------------- Irvine, CA 92618 DATE: October 29, 2015 TO: Laurie Gannon, Public Relations Director COPY: Potential Options Regarding Changes for Current On-Site Child Care Facility FROM: Adan Toledo, Senior Taco Bell Manager (Phone 504-259-8220) ------------------------------------------------- SUBJECT: CHILD CARE POTENTIAL FACILITY CHANGES Background Child care assistance has become a family issue employers are facing after a Hudson Institute study revealing over two-thirds of working-age women have entered the workforce since 2002. Providing child care facilities for employees is often seen as social responsibility, but U.S. government funding does not exist for this sector. After purchasing Nyloncraft, Inc. in 1988, Excel Industries, Inc. also became owners of the innovative Learning Center daycare facility. With a large number of female workers and family men, the twenty-four hour daycare was intended to reduce turnover, absenteeism, and tardiness of parent workers. The Learning Center’s annual budget was in excess of $400,000 for the original 162 employee children. In July 1988, enrollment to the child care facility was extended to the community with substantial tuition discounts offered to all employed parents. Employee and community approval of the company grew because of this expansion, as did financial strain. With no buyer for the Learning Center, a decision must be made on how to cut or...
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...Provider Experience Certified Infant/Child CPR and first aid Excellent References Child Care Philosophy Family child care in a “home like” setting is the best alternative there is for working parents. It provides a small secure environment for children during the most important time of their development. Family child care offers a home away from home, providing children with “siblings” of all ages, to play, socialize, and learn from. My goal in providing quality child care for your child is to provide… A safe environment A nurturing environment A learning environment… learning is not necessarily the ABC’s and 123’s, but is also the learning of values. The learning of honesty, respect, self–reliance, and potential, self-discipline, and moderation, the values of being; dependable, love, sensitivity to others, kindness, friendliness and fairness are the values of giving. A proper approach to discipline… Since children occasionally need discipline, it is important that you and I share a similar philosophy so that your child is not too confused as to where the boundaries are and what is expected of him/her. Children are taught which behaviors are inappropriate, and why, and given alternatives that are acceptable. In this way, the behavior is being changed, with out making the child feel “bad” or unloved. This helps develop their self-esteem, and teaches them how to handle difficult situations themselves in the future. I express my disapproval (without attaching...
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...Louisa is a resident of Louisiana. She and her husband had two children prior to her husband’s death in 2012. Louisa suffers from addiction and in the past has been violent toward her children. In 2003 her children were placed by the state and later adopted. The children have prospered in the care of their adopted parents for the last three years. Louisa states she has not drank alcohol since July of 2006 and is seeking to reinstate her parental rights and be reunified with her children. The termination of parental rights can be either voluntary or involuntary. Both methods sever the parent- child relationship. Once parental rights have been terminated, the child is legally free to be placed for adoption. Ch. Code Art. 1240; 1256(C); 1218 states upon adoption, the birth parents and birth relatives of the adopted person are relieved of all of their legal duties and divested of all of their legal rights with regard to the adopted person, including the right of inheritance from the adopted person. While each of the states takes a different approach, they address the same basic issues: *which parties can petition the court to have those rights reinstated, * age the child has to be in order to be covered by the petition *length of time since the termination that the petition can be filed. * the court must find that is in the best interest of the child to reinstate parental rights. Hawaii and Louisiana are the only states that do not require a threshold or initial...
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...Clinical Assessment Kat Grimaldi PSY/270 3 October 2013 Michelle Bailey Clinical Assessment Scenario for this clinical assessment includes: A four year old daughter, named Clara, adopted by Mr. and Mrs. Lawson. Mr. and Mrs. Lawson took Clara to see a psychiatrist, named Dr. Mason. As Clara was entering the room, she was polite and greeted Dr. Mason, but did not smile and kept her gaze down as she took a seat. Clara’s adoptive parents took a seat next to her and began explaining, to the doctor, about their concerns. They described Clara as a quiet child who has recently begun throwing temper tantrums, during which she is inconsolable. Clara’s sleep and eating patterns have changed, and she no longer wants to go to preschool. Based on the limited information provided in this scenario, there are other questions that I would like to see answered. The very first step I would take, before asking for more information from the adoptive parents, is to remove Clara from the room and place her in an atmosphere that better suites her, like a play room located in the office building. After Clara is removed from the office, I would start of by asking if the adoption was an open adoption, and the age when Clara was adopted. If the adoption was not an open adoption, the true parents of Clara could be trying to make contact with her while she away from her adoptive parents. This can cause confusion in Clara, and possibly be a reason why her behavior has all of a sudden changed. I would...
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...International Adoption Imagine being a young, poor, child in a third world country that has lost their parents and in a foster care system. International adoption can help these less fortunate children and provide them with with a loving and caring family and has a roof over their head. International adoption can change these children’s lives in so many ways. International adoption is very popular in the United States. According to an article entitled “International Adoption”, since the mid 40’s and the end of WWII, thousands of children have been adopted internationally. Majority of the children that were adopted by United States citizens were abandoned by their parents because they couldn’t care for them because of personal reasons or strict laws (International Adoption). International adoption has gained a lot of popularity since its peak in the mid 40’s. More than 125,000 children have been adopted in the past couple of years (Adoption Statistics). Although internationally adopting children from around the globe may seem like a swell idea, there are some cons to adopting from across the world. Helping a child by adopting them and giving them a home and family may seem very positive, it has raised many questions and concerns for the safety of these children. In some cases, children have been stolen from their loving families and placed under adoption without parental consent. Since these children are being snatched from their families and birthplace, they face difficulty...
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...to accurately describe the despair and emptiness and gripping desperation we saw and experienced that Tuesday afternoon in a small orphanage in Kinshasa. I feel the tears beginning to surface as I type and think back to that day. As we drove through the dirt streets covered in garbage and waste and inhaled the fumes of diesel and charcoal and thick smog in the air, I strived to take a mental image of the scenes as we drove past {I so badly wanted to take a photo but knew it was illegal, so my mental images would be all I had to carry home with me}. I attempted to force to memory the image of the little boy running through the dirt with his handmade stick car being pulled by a tattered twine rope. I observed the women balancing heavy buckets on their heads while they carried young children on their backs. I tried to absorb the sights and sounds and smells and commit them to memory. As we inched closer to the orphanage, her orphanage, I knew that we were passing the streets where our daughter spent her first months on this earth. My heart ached as I gazed out the window of our van. I had to remind myself to breathe, as I sat in disbelief watching this world, her world, pass by. It was truly unlike anything I had seen or experienced before. Knowing that our precious girl had lived here in this place left me numb. Our arrival at the orphanage was met with shrieks of joy and sweet, quiet voices whispering "Thank you!" in an effort to express gratitude in our own language....
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...Why We Go To Malls There are a number of reasons why people shop at malls. For one thing, people malls extremely convenient. In addition malls provide shoppers with a great variety of stores and shopping opportunities. Finally, and perhaps most importantly, malls are great places for entertainment. Malls are convenient places to shop. They provide shoppers with abundant and secure parking areas. Shoppers need not drive around for fifteen minutes looking for a parking place, nor need they be afraid to walk to their cars after they have completed their shopping. Malls are usually totally indoors so people are comfortable why they shop. They do not they do not have to be subject to the elements as they go from store to store. Finally, the most convenient aspect of the mall is its one stop shopping experience. Variety is another advantage of the mall. There are specialty stores, such as candle stores, bath and beauty stores and music and video stores. These are the anchors of the mall, and the mall provides "odd stores" for those eccentric shoppers who are looking for different items. Finally, the mall is a wonderful entertainment center. Not only do people go there to shop, but they also got there for relaxation. There are movies sometimes as many as fifteen or sixteen. In addition, arcades are available for children, teens and adults. Some parents drop their children off at the arcade, give them a roll of quarters and pick them up after they have completed their shopping...
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...The first week of the last school holidays was a memorable and meaningful moments for the members of the English Language Society of SMK Kampung Laut.The society has organized a special trip to Seri Kasih Orphanage Home on May 31st the first day of school holidays at Kampung Delima,Batu 8, Pasir Putih.There were a total of 75 students involved of whom 40 of are male students of form four and five while 35 female students comprising mainly of form 3 and 4 students.There were 4 accompanying teachers,Sir Rosdi,teacher-advisor of SMK Kampung Laut English Language Society,Teacher Madihah,our senior science teacher,Puan Marini,our Bahasa Melayu teacher and finally Mr Kim Lian Hing,our Physical Education teacher.We started our 45 minutes journey with two special chartered buses sponsored by Dato’ Hj Karim,the chairman of PIBG of SMK Kampung Laut.We reached the orphanage home about 9.15 a.m. We were greeted by the matron,Puan Seri Hajjah Maimunah and her delegations.The cheerful and estatic feelings of the orphans really touched our hearts.Puan Seri started with a welcoming speech.All eyes were on her and many wiped their tears at the end of her speech when many tragic stories of the orphans were revealed.We could see that there were a strong unity among the 95 orphans and they were really superb on their manners and etiquettes.We just loved the ways they behaved and lived within their circles.Sir Rosdi reciprocated with a short but very meaningful speech and then presented the cheque...
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...Last February 29, we had a chance to visit Hospicio de San Jose and made some community service. At first, I really thought that it would just be the same feeling I felt before when I was still a Rotaractor in the district of Manila but it is indeed different, the experience is priceless. The whole experience was so heart-warming and from that experience I’ve learned a lot. First, you can feel the Christmas spirit anytime of the year even if it is not yet on season. Having a community service there with some of the kids is like celebrating Christmas emphasizing the joy of loving and giving. The Christmas is in my heart; the nursing of those little kids, the playing with them, and the giving of gifts to them are just some of the affirmation of the true spirit of Christmas I felt while doing the service. Second, all that we have is indeed a great gift from our Loving Father. Through this activity, I’ve come to realized how lucky we are to have our loving parents with us in our lives. The kids made me more love my parents and appreciate every single thing they’re doing for us, their children. Third, these kids are not sinister instead they are so lucky. They are lucky for they have been saved from experiencing a more hurtful one and are now being taken cared of those people who are all so warm and caring. They are lucky for they have bunch of sisters and brothers who will heed them every time they needed them the most and unlike their parents, will never leave their side. Fourth...
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...I grew up at an orphanage. More specifically, I grew up at Saint Innocent Orphanage, located outside of Rosarito, Mexico. My life at the orphanage was far from usuaI, but it had nothing to do with the fact that I was living in another country, with another culture. My situation was uncommon because I lived at Saint Innocent with not only my mother and father, but also a brother, a sister, a cat, and a dog. My family had moved to Mexico so that my father could serve as the priest to the boys that call Saint Innocent home. So, at the age of nine, I moved from the quiet security of rural life to the (slightly) organized chaos that is an all boys orphanage. Moving so young is never fun. It becomes even worse when your move crosses not only county...
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..._____________________________________________________________________________________________ Construction of Orphanage in YY Djamoat of Rasht District, VVVV Improvement of Living Conditions of Orphan Children _____________________________________________________________________________________________ Prepared by: ___________ Date submitted: 12 November 2014 _______________________________________________________________________________________________ Table of Contents Project Executive Summary 3 Project Purpose and Overview 4 Project Objectives 4 Project Task and Scope 4 In Scope 4 Out of Scope 4 Deliverables (Results) Produced 5 Organizational Impact 5 The following organizations or groups will be affected by the project’s results: 5 Project Estimated Effort, Cost and Duration 6 Estimated Effort Hours 6 Estimated Cost 7 Estimated Duration 7 Project Assumptions 8 Project Risks 8 Project Approach 8 Project Organization 10 Organization Chart: 10 Project Approvals (if required) 11 Attachments 12 Project Executive Summary The main purpose of the proposed project is to provide 15 orphan girls in YY Djamoat of Rasht District, VVVV with adequate accommodation and living conditions. This purpose will be achieved through (i) mobilization of financial...
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...An Exploratory Study to understand Motivation factors of Care Givers who work in Orphanages/Old Age Homes on low salaries By Swati Maheshwari Under the Guidance of Prof. Tithi Bhatnagar SCHOOL of INSPIRED LEADERSHIP GURGAON Table of Contents Acknowledgement………………………………………………………………………………………3 Abstract………………………………………………………………………………………………....4 Introduction……………………………………………………………………………………………..5 Literature Review………………………………………………………………………………….……8 Methodology…………………………………………………………………………………………….11 Sample Particulars……………………………………………………………………………….11 Research Tool……………………………………………………………………………………11 Procedure……………………………………………………………………………………….12 Analysis…………………………………………………………………………………………12 Discussion……………………………………………………………………………………………….15 Future Scope………………………………………………………………………………………….....17 Appendices…………………………………………………………………………………………….....18 References………………………………………………………………………………………………..19 Acknowledgement I would like to express my humble gratitude to all those who gave me the opportunity to complete this research paper. I am deeply thankful to my guide/mentor Prof. Tithi Bhatnagar of School Of Inspired Leadership for her constant help, stimulating suggestions and continuous encouragement which kept me motivated throughout in my research during the post graduate program. I would like to extend my heartfelt obligation towards all the people who have helped me in this endeavor. Without their active support, guidance and encouragement, I would...
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