Osgood-Schlatter; Robert Osgood and Carl Schlatter independently described this painful overuse condition of the tibial tuberosity in 1903. “Osgood-Schlatter disease is common in active adolescents, possibly caused by multiple small avulsion fractures from contractions of the quadriceps muscles at their insertion into the proximal tibial apophysis.” (Ilgen, 2013, p. 1). When a child complaints about pain and swelling under the patella, Osgood-Schlatter might be suspected (Moore, 2012). Osgood- Schlatter might be scary when you first hear the name, but it is not as bad as people think. Osgood-Schlatter is classified as an overuse injury because it is a progressive injury that happens over time. Moore believes the Osgood-Schlatter is caused…show more content… According to King, M. A., & King, S. (2009) another helpful test to determine if a patient suffers from Osgood-Schlatter is s the six or eight inches step-down. With this test you can tell what kind of squatter they are which is important to know which muscle they put the most stress when squatting and if they properly balance and how the feet handle the extra load of…show more content… This can lead to better recognition of this disease because it might be a common cause of anterior knee pain it is still a pretty rare disease that afflicts more boys than girls. There should also be a research to gather data to prove Osgood-Schlatter, in fact, does affect boys more than girls. Through this research, there was not enough evidence to conclude if boys were more affected than girls. The numbers provided were mostly boys with a fewer amount of girls this numbers might be in fact showing the more boys than girls participate in sports that can lead to Osgood-Shclatter such as basketball, soccer, or tennis making it easier to diagnose boys being more affected than girls some ratios were five to one or three to