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Oskar Schindler Essay

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Oskar Schindler was portrayed as an extremely dynamic character throughout the movie, since his identity was subject to many drastic changes. In the beginning of the story, we were introduced to a dark and despicable man. A rich business tycoon who was identified for his multiple affairs, as well as his active participation in the Nazi party. Even though he did not follow the ideologies of the fascist group and joined solely for the purpose of gaining riches, he still provided aids to the Germany Army through his numerous factories and businesses. This made him simply a bad man in the eyes of the audience from the start. However, as Schindler was more exposed to the horrors truly being committed against the jewish people, he was characterized as a completely different human. This was kickstarted when he was advised by Itzhak Stern, his accountant, to hire Jews as workers for his factory. Oskar agreed to do so only because he would be paying them far less than Pole …show more content…
When horse riding with his girlfriend, Oskar was given a clear view of the gruesome attacking and capturing of the Jews. Even though this event may have affected him somewhat physiologically, he simply stared and took no action whatsoever. His mistress was terrified by the scene and told Oskar to turn around and continue horse riding. He simply left and allowed the Nazi’s to continue on with their deeds.
Oskar’s factory was originally a form of working Jewish workers in order to spend a drastically lowered amount of money. Schindler had hired Jews to work in factory because they were allowed to be paid much less than Polish workers. But, their salary was going directly to the German Reich and was definitely not beneficial for them. Technically, Oskar Schindler was using slave labor to power his factory and to fuel his wealth. He was very well aware of this, but continued to do so, as it was making his pockets very

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