...Topic 1 Introduction to Communication 1.1 WHAT IS COMMUNICATION? Communication is a learned skill. Communication is defined as the giving, receiving or exchanging of information, opinions or ideas so that the message is completely understood by everybody involved. The sender sends a message out with a certain intention in mind. The receiver of the message tries to understand and interpret the message sent. He then gives feedback to the original sender who, in turn, interprets the feedback. This process, repeated continuously, constitutes communication. ➢ Elements in Communication There are several major elements in the communication process - a sender, message, channel, receiver, feedback, context. There is both a speaker’s intention to convey a message and a listener’s reception of what has been said. If you want to get your message across accurately, you need to consider three things: - The message; - The audience or receiver; and - How the message is likely to be received. ➢ Factors Affecting Communication Barriers to effective communication:- (a) Status/Role (b) Cultural Differences (c) Choice of Communication Channels (d) Length of Communication (e) Use of Language (f) Disabilities (g) Known or Unknown Receiver (h) Individual Perceptions/Attitudes/Personalities (i) Atmosphere/Noise/Distraction (j) Clarity of Message (k) Lack of Feedback 1.2 DEFINING WRITTEN COMMUNICATION - Oral communication involves conveying ideas, thoughts or information...
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...www.vtpi.org Info@vtpi.org 250-360-1560 Transit Price Elasticities and Cross-Elasticities 25 May 2012 Todd Litman Victoria Transport Policy Institute Abstract This paper summarizes price elasticities and cross elasticities for use in public transit planning. It describes how elasticities are used, and summarizes previous research on transit elasticities. Commonly used transit elasticity values are largely based on studies of short- and medium-run impacts performed decades ago when real incomes where lower and a larger portion of the population was transit dependent. As a result, they tend to be lower than appropriate to model long-run impacts. Analysis based on these elasticity values tends to understate the potential of transit fare reductions and service improvements to reduce problems such as traffic congestion and vehicle pollution, and understate the long-term negative impacts that fare increases and service cuts will have on transit ridership, transit revenue, traffic congestion and pollution emissions. Originally published as “Transit Price Elasticities and Cross-Elasticities,” Journal of Public Transportation, Vol. 7, No. 2, (www.nctr.usf.edu/jpt/pdf/JPT 7-2 Litman.pdf), 2004, pp. 37-58. Todd Litman 2004-2011 You are welcome and encouraged to copy, distribute, share and excerpt this document and its ideas, provided the author is given attribution. Please send your corrections, comments and suggestions for improvement. Transit Elasticities and Price...
Words: 10334 - Pages: 42
...Pinto Fires and Personal Ethics: A Script Analysis of Missed Opportunities Dennis A. Cioia ABSTRACT. This article details the personal involvement of the author in the early stages of the infamous Pinto fire case. The paper first presents an insider account of the context and decision environment within which he failed to initiate an early recall of defective vehicles. A cognitive script analysis of the personal experience is then offered as an explanation of factors that led to a decision that now is commonly seen as a definitive study in unethical corporate behavior. IThe main analytical thesis is that script schemas that were guiding cognition and action at the time pre.cluded consideration of issues in ethical terms because the scripts did not include ethical dimensions. In the summer of 1972 I made one of those important tran.sitions in life, the significance of vifhich becomes obvious only in retrospect. I left academe with a BS in Engineering Science and an MBA to enter the world of big business. I joined Ford Motor Company at World Headquarters in Dearborn Michigan, fulfilling a long-standing dream to work in the heart of the auto industry. I felt confident that I was in the right place at the right time to make a Dennis A. Gioia is Associate Professor of Organizational Behavior in the Department of Management and Organization, The Smeal College ofBusiness Administration, Pennsylvania State University. Professor Cioia's primary research and writing focus of...
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...except for quotations and summaries which have been duly acknowledged. I hereby verify this research has not been submitted in substance for any other degree. Signature:ــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــ Date: ـــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــ Supervisor Name: Mr. Iqbal Singh Kaundali Signature:ــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــ Date: ـــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــ iii APPLICATION TO CONDUCT RESEARCH PAPER PART A: STUDENT PARTICULAR 1. Name Student’s Number : Nowier Mohammed Al-Anzi : 51060418 PART B: PARTICULARS ABOUT THE PROJECT 1. Title of the project : Workplace Environment and Its Impact on Employee Performance : To determine the impact of work environment on employees’ productivity 2. Research Objective 3. Proposed Research Method Research Design : Questionnaire PART C: FUCULITY'S INPUTS 1. Topic chosen: Acceptable/Not acceptable: 2. Suggested supervisor for the student: Mr. Iqbal Singh iv Kaundali RESEARCH PROPOSAL SUBMISSION FORM Project Paper Title: Workplace Environment and Its Impact...
Words: 25542 - Pages: 103
...MASTER OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION INTERNATIONAL PROGRAM ((( RESEARCH PROJECT (BMBR5103) FACTORS AFFECTING TO THE JOB STRESS OF EMPLOYEES IN HSBC BANK (Vietnam) Ltd. [pic] Ho Chi Minh City, January 2015 ADVISOR’S ASSESSMENT Advisor’s signature Nguyen The Khai, DBA TABLE OF CONTENTS LIST OF TABLE 3 ABSTRACT 4 CHAPTER I: INTRODUCTION 5 I. INTRODUCTION OF HSBC bank 5 1.1 Over view of the company 5 1.2 Products and brand name 6 1.3 Business Objectives 6 1.4 HSBC bank to commitments to its employees 7 1.5 Human resource manager system 8 II. RESEARCH INTRODUCTION 9 2.1 Problem statement 9 2.2 Main construct 9 2.3 Research objective 9 2.4 Research questions 10 CHARPTER II: LITERATURE REVIEW 11 I. JOB STRESS 11 II. TYPES OF JOB STRESS 13 CHARPTER III: RESEARCH MODEL AND HYPOTHESES 16 I. RESEARCH MODEL 16 II. RESEARCH HYPOTHESES 17 2.1. Work Interference With Family and Family interference with work. 17 2.2 Job –Family Role Strain Scale……………………………………………......19 2.3 Work to family Conflict Scale 21 CHARPTER IV: RESEARCH METHODS 24 I. RESEARCH DESIGN 24 II. RESEARCH METHODS 24 2.1 Data collection method 24 2.2 Measures 24 2.2.1 Work interference With Family and Family interference with work…….25 2.2.2 Job- Family Role Strain...
Words: 12613 - Pages: 51
...MARMA SHASTRA AYURVEDA BIOENERGETICS MARMA SHASTRA Ayurveda Bio-Energetics Written and Compiled by Michael James Hamilton, LAC Copyright © 2007; Michael James Hamilton, LAC 2nd Edition Copyright © 2011 All rights reserved. Reproduction of any kind without prior written permission of the compiler is prohibited. MARMASHASTRA ©2011 by Michael Hamilton, LAC. www.lotusspace.com ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I give gratitude to Dr. Suhas Kshirsagar and Dr. Thomas Yarema for their teachings; to my mother for her guidance; my readers for the hope to expand this knowledge; the ultimate reality for always being there even when I do not always realize it. dew rise clouds fall rain wash pain all MAHALO i MARMASHASTRA ©2011 by Michael Hamilton, LAC. www.lotusspace.com This work presents the human bio-energy model (anthropocosm: cosmic human being) as profoundly observed in Ayurvedic medicine. According to ancient Vedic texts (and later through Tantric and Taoist traditions), the energetic, or subtle, body is the foundation of the food, or coarse body, and the bridge between the physical and causal realms. Therefore, the structure of the subtle energetic body provides an intended means for human spiritual development, or evolution (which enables humanity to fulfill its purpose as a conduit between heaven and earth, hence transforming into an entity more subtle, and original). The text’s primary purpose is to present oriental bio-energetic theory, and second, to bridge...
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...Acknowledgments ix Acknowledgments This book owes a great deal to the mental energy of several generations of scholars. As an undergraduate at the University of Cape Town, Francis Wilson made me aware of the importance of migrant labour and Robin Hallett inspired me, and a generation of students, to study the African past. At the School of Oriental and African Studies in London I was fortunate enough to have David Birmingham as a thesis supervisor. I hope that some of his knowledge and understanding of Lusophone Africa has found its way into this book. I owe an equal debt to Shula Marks who, over the years, has provided me with criticism and inspiration. In the United States I learnt a great deal from ]eanne Penvenne, Marcia Wright and, especially, Leroy Vail. In Switzerland I benefitted from the friendship and assistance of Laurent Monier of the IUED in Geneva, Francois Iecquier of the University of Lausanne and Mariette Ouwerhand of the dépurtement évangélrlyue (the former Swiss Mission). In South Africa, Patricia Davison of the South African Museum introduced me to material culture and made me aware of the richness of difference; the late Monica Wilson taught me the fundamentals of anthropology and Andrew Spiegel and Robert Thornton struggled to keep me abreast of changes in the discipline; Sue Newton-King and Nigel Penn brought shafts of light from the eighteenthcentury to bear on early industrialism. Charles van Onselen laid a major part of the intellectual foundations on...
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