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Outcome In Nursing Essay

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Outcome is defined by the Oxford Thesaurus (4ed.) as a “result, consequence, net result, upshot after-effect, aftermath, conclusion, issue, end (product)”, which is a broad definition of a noun. The Pharmaceutical Medicine Dictionary (2001) defines Outcome in three different areas: clinical medicine, health economics and clinical trials. For clinical medicine, Outcome is “result or impact of medical or surgical intervention or non-intervention on the health status of an individual or a population” (n.d.), and for clinical trials, an Outcome is a measure and serves as comparison between treatments. In health economics, Outcome is a potential consequence of different interventions, despite their nature, and is associated with costs. These three …show more content…
1745). Nies et al. (1999) describe Outcome(s) as responsible for indicate effectiveness, efficiency and quality of care, and also state that in the health care context, the “definers […] are usually the client, purchaser, payer or provider” (p. 84). Hall (2011) analysis outcome in the medical perspective, and defines it as a target or endpoint that enables the judgment if an operation, a drug or some form of therapy was successful. Hunter, Corcoran, Leeder and Phelps (2012) also give a definition for Outcomes in medicine, but these authors considered outcomes in the patients’ perspective, and it includes physical, mental, social and spiritual health, quality of life, life satisfaction, lifestyle, and the process of the health intervention. Other author (McAuliffe, 1998) also describes the definition of outcomes as the patient’s perceptions, and as results of the care received, considering symptom severity, functional capacity and quality of life. Some of those statements can also be applied to the nursing …show more content…
The mortality rates are death from any cause within 30 days of hospitalization, readmission rates are unplanned readmission to hospitals during the same period as described before, and complication rates advent from complications inherent to the patient’s medical condition (CMS, 2013). This definition of outcomes concerns the healthcare field, and involves indirectly all care provided by different health professionals during and after a patient’s hospitalization. The focus of measuring these outcomes is to promote high-quality, patient-centered care and accountability (CMS,

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