...Should College Athletes be paid to play? Danielle Maldonado Baker College of Allen Park Should College Athletes be paid to play? In today’s society there is a controversial debate regarding college athletes and if they should be paid to play; whether it is an extracurricular activity or a job? However, how exactly does one determine the difference? Well by definition a job is work that a person does to earn money, a duty, task or function that someone or something has, and or something that requires great work (Merriam-Webster Dictionary.) Therefore, why wouldn’t athletes playing for Division 1 schools receive the proper compensation for the hours and work they put forth with their team? I believe it is appropriate for college athletes to be to be fairly compensated due to their demanding hours and required travel time, physical trauma endured, and because they are bringing in large amounts of revenue for both the college and the companies who sponsor the team. In his article Should college athletes be paid to play, Cooper (2011) discusses the issues regarding whether or not student athletes with Division 1 schools are “employees” or just students. Michigan State law professors, Robert and Amy McCormick say that “it is definitely a job for football and basketball players on athletic scholarships and that they qualify as “employees” under federal labor laws. However, the NCAA feels quite differently, more so that student-athletes are not employees under the law and that...
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...will be focusing on, is to receive a scholarship to compete in college sports. There is a catch if one decides to take this route, athletes are not allowed to make or accept any compensation whilst attending the university. This has led to players controversially getting kicked off teams and losing their scholarships. This issue has people torn as to whether the students should be paid or not. Journalists use similar rhetorical strategies to try to convince their readers despite having opposing views of the same topic. One person...
Words: 1912 - Pages: 8
...Should College Players Get Paid To Play By De’Angelo Beasley Learn Across Life Span Post University Febuaury 25, 2013 The argument that a college athletic scholarship is an equal quid pro quo for a college education has been utilized since athletic scholarships were approved by the NCAA in 1950’s. A college graduate can in fact make a great deal more money over a lifetime when compared to non-graduates. For instance, a “full athletic scholarships” do not provide a “free” education (as it does not cover all costs incurred from matriculation to graduation. In many cases, the university does not live up to its end of the bargain of providing an education; as evidenced by the dismal number in the graduation rates, especially among African Americans. Furthermore, the athletic scholarship is only a one-year (renewable) agreement that can be terminated by the coach or university in any given year for any reason. In debating the pay-for-play issue in college athletics, the history of the governing body (i.e., currently the NCAA), their mission and view of amateurism, the past history of college athletes benefitting financially, and the degree to which athletes benefit from the university experience must all be examined. The counter point section of this paper addresses each point made by my colleague. Using the Eitzen (12) analogy comparing the NCAA and big-time athletic programs to the old southern plantation system will be the underpinning wellspring for the subject...
Words: 1640 - Pages: 7
...My topic is on whether or not college football players should get paid to play football. I feel like this is a topic that a lot of football players that is transitioning from high school to college discuss frequently. There has been a few controversies on if college football players have been paid under the table. When you hear that they have been paid under the table, it means that either the college they have chosen has given them money secretively, the head football coach paid them out of their own pockets, or even someone they know personally has paid them to play for that school. College football players should not be paid to play football. There are many reasons on why they should not get paid. When you hear a certain college name, the first thing you hear come out of someone’s mouth is something about how good or bad their football team is. Football players are shown a lot of attention. On their campuses they are very well known, whether or not if they play in the games or sit on the sidelines. Most college football players end up getting a full ride to school because they play football. If they are not paying for school out of pocket, they shouldn’t get paid to do something they are supposed to do. Another reason why they shouldn’t get paid to play football is the fact that other teams that play sports on the campus don’t get paid. Why out of all teams, football should be the one to get paid. For example, a baseball team on the campus might be better than the football...
Words: 494 - Pages: 2
...Should College Athletes Get Paid? The Georgia Bulldogs are losing by three. Marshall Morgan, the field goal kicker, is on the field, sets up, kicks it. It’s good! The Georgia Bulldogs win! The final score was LSU- 41 UGA - 44. The debate of should college athletes get paid to play has been going on for years. Even under heavy pressure from players and sports anchors, the NCAA, the National College Athletes Association, has kept the policy of athletes not getting paid, and this is the correct response by the NCAA. College athletes, who are offered and accept sport scholarships, understand that the job of an athlete is to win the championship and bring in money for the school; therefore, they should not get paid. College scouts often offer star...
Words: 1890 - Pages: 8
...more than books, tuition, room, and board? Some people think that college athletes should get more than this. College athletes shouldn't be paid for playing college sports because some already get a full- ride scholarship to the college. Many people think they should be paid above and beyond their scholarship to play their sport, but the athletes are already receiving the benefit of a free education. Why is it that some people feel college athletes should get paid above and beyond their scholarship money? Some say the extra money will be used to pay for meals they eat off-campus, clothes, or a trip over spring break. The college athletes believe other kids get money from their parents on top of their scholarships, so why shouldn’t they? They can get jobs because they do not have practice to attend, so they can make money on the side. Some people feel like it would teach the kids financial responsibilities before they can receive the big contract in the NBA, NFL, or MLB. That is something every kid needs to know but what about the kids that do not get forwarded scholarships how do they learn. They...
Words: 695 - Pages: 3
...Do you think college athletes should get paid? Many people don’t think college athletes should be getting paid to play. Some say it’s just like paying high school athlete’s to play. But it’s their choice to play, no one is forcing them to play for money. It’s not a job to play sports. Others think college athletes should be getting paid because it’s nothing like high school. Yes, I think college students should start getting paid to play the sport that they are in. It’s a lot of work being a college student. From doing all of your class work, then going to your job if you have one, going to your practice and or games, and then going back home to study. It’s an everyday routine. Also, for away games the athletes get...
Words: 365 - Pages: 2
...world is guaranteed, and many players thrive on that uncertainty” (Cassavaugh). Athletes can lose scholarship money because of an injury, poor play or misconduct. There has been controversy that student athletes should be paid. How does one determine who should be paid, how much and where does this money come from? Athletes are amateurs who should concentrate on their education. How does one determine if an athlete is an amateur or a professional? An amateur is one who cannot receive money in the form of salaries or endorsements. They play a sport for the love and desire of it. A professional on the other hand gets paid a salary or money for endorsements. Professionals are also more skilled and concentrate one hundred percent on their sport. Amateurs do not have the time to only commit to a sport since they have to attend classes or work to support themselves. If student Athletes did get paid, college sports would lose their competitive hype. Let’s look at football on a college level compared to the pros. Athletes playing on a college level (amateur) give every play their all trying to do whatever it takes to win with hopes of someday be picked to go pro. Pro football players on the other hand, do not give every play one hundred percent. They are afraid of being hurt and know regardless of the game’s outcome they will still get paid. What if the athlete does not make it to the professional level? These student athletes need to make sure they have an education they can fall...
Words: 1155 - Pages: 5
...Should College Athletes be Paid to Play. C Team BCOM/275 Robert May Should College Athletes be Paid to Play. Should college athletes be paid to play? That is the question and discussion being presented not only in this paper but also across many colleges in these United States. There are many pros and cons to college athletes being paid to play their sport, which makes this is a very controversial topic. Are the sport scholarships and uniforms enough? Should schools really pocket all that money they make in revenue from the sports teams? Many moral, ethical and legal issues can be raised in the idea of paying college athletes to play, on both the pro and con side of the issue. Should an athlete receive a full ride scholarship and also be paid from the school to play? Many big universities may be able to handle such a thing, but what about the small colleges that do not receive such a large amount of revenue from their sports teams? Can or should schools pay all the athletes or only the top players? What about Title IX, how will potentially paying athletes be affected by it? All these topics will be discussed, as well as Team C’s final decision on this matter. PROS In 2012 the athletic revenue reported by University of Texas was $163.2 million, Alabama $143.4 million, Ohio State $142.0 million and Michigan $140.1 million (Berkowitz, Schnaars, & Upton, 2014) Coaches like Nick Saban (Alabama Football) and Mike Krzyzewski (Duke Men’s Basketball) make in excess of $7 Million...
Words: 2122 - Pages: 9
...Why should athletes not be paid? I’m going to tell you why the college athletes should not be paid. You should care about this topic because it is a problem that colleges face and if you want to play sports in college you might want to be paid for them but you get to choose to play sports or not. What some don’t know is that you shouldn’t have to get paid to play a sport that you chose to do. Today, I am going to try and persuade you why college athletes should not be paid. In college playing a sport is a privilege because most people that play sports in high school don’t play in college. What reason do athletes need more money, each year there are billions given to college athletes, the athletic scholarship averages over the schools tuition. Here is an example Ohio State of a little over $10,000 a year and the scholarship is $17,856 (Anderson). If they wanted to get paid let’s say a $100,000 salary that isn’t bad but a salary is affected by federal and state taxes. A student with a salary would have to pay a total of $34,900. That means the student only has $65,100. And college expenses get to $65,000 then then what was $100,000 is only $100, so is getting paid and having a salary better...
Words: 790 - Pages: 4
...Matt Miller COM 210-003 Persuasive Speech 4/4/12 Topic: Should college athletes be paid to play sports? Specific Purpose: To persuade the audience why collegiate athletes should not be paid to play. Introduction Opening Comment: Image that you just scored the game-winning basket in the NCAA basketball tournament championship. Your shot just helped the school get tens of millions of dollars. Now by a show of hands, how many of you think that you should earn a share of that money? Central Idea: One of the most controversial and prominent topics in sports today is whether or not schools should pay their student-athletes to play their sports. I am going to argue as to why they should not be paid to play. Preview of Main Points: I will talk about five key reasons as to why collegiate athletes do not deserve to be paid to play. These are because of already established scholarships, would lead to decreased competition, the fact that there isn’t enough money for schools to give out already, a removal of innocence would occur, and recruiting would suffer among schools. Transition: First, I will explain why collegiate athletes already receive enough money from scholarships and free tuition. Body I. Tuition and the “Student” A. Already receiving thousands of dollars from athletic scholarships 1. According to a Parade Magazine article, Division I student athletes can receive between $20,000 and $50,000 per year. 2. A study done by...
Words: 1044 - Pages: 5
...Should college athletes be paid? Most college athletes don't come from the best financially based families. According to Sporting News, 86 percent of student athletes live in poverty. A lot of college athletes struggle to financially support themselves. They often times are in need of money and need help to just pass by. This is where the whole paying student athletes argument comes into play. But in other cases student athletes are pretty well taken care of and have it very nice on their campuses. Many students are already playing for free or on scholarships and only have to pay for everyday essentials. Student athletes cannot be paid to participate in college athletics. There are no possibilities where college athletes could be paid. Most...
Words: 1300 - Pages: 6
...Deserve What They Are Paid It would be great to make 31.3 million dollars a year. Adding an additional 47 million dollars in endorsements for simply playing a game that an athlete loves. Michael Jordan, along with several other professional athletes, think getting paid millions of dollars is perfect. In the 1996 season, after playing 3,106 minutes, Michael Jordan made 170,000 dollars a day which is the equivalent of 160.97 dollars a second (Christian Science Monitor). Another unbelievable statistic is Mike Tyson's earnings in his match with Peter McNeeley. In a single second, he made 281,000 dollars (Christian Science Monitor). Alex Rodriguez will be paid $29 million this season, making him the highest paid player in baseball (Newsday). Rodriguez’s salary is $4 million more than the entire 25-man roster of the Houston Astros will make this year (Newsday). Athletes do not deserve all that money. President Obama’s salary is 400,000 dollars. President Obama is the leader of the ‘United States of America, and he is paid less than a professional athlete that sits on the bench in any professional sport. Professional athletes are easily the most over paid job in America. Professional athletes are overpaid in several professional sports. Professional sports generate massive revenues, and the athletes who play these sports are being paid tremendously high salaries. New York Yankees baseball star, Alex Rodriguez, signed a contract in 2008 that includes him being paid $275 million over the...
Words: 1160 - Pages: 5
...Should College Athletes be Paid? Why should college athletes be paid or not? In this article it says, “Big time college football and basketball programs generate billions a year in TV and marketing contracts, tickets sales, and merchandising.” Why I choose this topic is because If the college players don't bring any money for the TV , tickets, and merchandising then that is wrong. They should, at least, have 10% of what they sell that has the player's last name on it .I am on the pro side why I am is because If a person buys an item that has something to do with them, then they should be paid a little amount of what the regular price is of the item. I am going to tell you a few Pros about college players getting paid. First of all, in the text it says, “ Big time college football and basketball programs generate billions a year.” My question is how does the franchise make billions a year. They make billions a year from the players who, when the games and consistently bowl games and don't even bring a little bit poor because people consider they are amateurs and they will do something poor with the money like use it on things that...
Words: 773 - Pages: 4
...Over the past couple of years there have been many arguments over whether college football players should be paid or not. Football athletes puts in lot of hours in practicing day after day, week after week, for their colleges or with television contracts and football deals alone, the athletes are really bringing in the money for the colleges and National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA). I guess you could argue that a football scholarship isn’t enough to compensate, but are they? But, I say they should be paid. I believe they should get a salary paid for a several reasons. But there are many pros and cons to this debate, views that are shared by many. Football players plays the game simply because he loves it. Some football plays...
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