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Submitted By Flextest
Words 1195
Pages 5
Study Guide for Windows Security Final IS3340
1. Many current operating systems actually implement microkernel architecture. Microkernel only implements the minimal required. Processes generally run in either user mode or supervisor mode.
2. The process of providing and denying access is called access control. Access control is multi step process starting with Identification and authentication. Three authentication types are type I, II, and III
3. User rights define the tasks that user is permitted to carry out, such as take ownership of objects or shutdown the computer. Permissions define what a user can do to a specific object such as read or delete the object.
4. This functionality has matured into a core Windows feature called, Active Directory this allows users and groups to be defined once and shared among multiple computers.
5. The main feature of Microsoft Active Directory is the ability to define identity and Authorization permission that can be shared among multiple computers within one or more domains.
6. The principal of providing the just the necessary access required to carry out a task is called the principal of least privilege or LUAs.
7. Access Models: Identification, Authentication, Authorization, ACL’s and Security Access Token (SAT).
8. Access Control List (ACL), Discretionary Access Control List (DACL), and Access Control Entry (ACE).
9. Access Models: Identification, Authentication, Authorization, ACL’s and Security Access Token (SAT).
10. cacls.exe first CLI tool introduced in Windows 2000. Now includes the icacls.exe tool as a newer updated tool. Icacls.exe replaces both cacls.exe and the Xcacls.exe.
11. All but one Bitlocker operation modes depends on the computers Trusted Platform Module (TPM) microchip to manage and protect the key used for volume encryption and decryption.
12. Encrypting File System (EFS) it allows users to

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