...Republic’s underground revolution against dictatorship under Trujillo. In the Time of the Butterflies, Julia Alvarez retells the story of the Mirabal sisters and their sacrifice for change. The four Mirabal sisters (Patria, Dede, Minerva, and Maria Teresa) work as a unit along with others to raise awareness against oppression. Although Dede is the only one to survive, the sisters are well known in Latin America for their efforts. In Gabriel Garcia Marquez’s speech, “The Solitude of Latin America,” his statement rings true when he explains that “In spite of [a history of violence],...
Words: 867 - Pages: 4
...injustice or refuses to follow society, we learn to be brave and courageous. Julia Alvarez’s In the time of the Butterflies, portrays a beautiful story about four young women who are not stereotypical wives and mothers. They do what many men did not have the courage to do which is to stand up to Trujillo, and make a difference. Through their stories, we see individuals who in spite of danger are able to continue to preserve through their hardships in order to stand up for what they believe in. Not only are headstrong individuals presented in Alvarez’s novel, but also in Isabel...
Words: 1664 - Pages: 7