...A PROJECT REPORT ON CONSUMER PREFERENCES WHILE BUYING TABLETS Submitted by : Deepika Sharma MBA IVth sem ACKNOWLEDGEMENT I take this opportunity to express my profound and deep sense of gratitude to Mrs. Parul Dhargava for her cordial support, valuable information, time and guidance, which helped me in completing the project through various stages. I would also like to express my special gratitude to all the respondents without who this project would not have been possible, thank you for sparing your valuable time in filling my questionnaire. Deepika Sharma Contents Introduction ............................................................................................................................................ 3 Different operating systems for tablets .............................................................................................. 4 Review of Literature .............................................................................................................................. 6 Research Paper Reviews: ................................................................................................................... 6 Article Reviews: ............................................................................................................................... 10 Objectives of our project ...................................................................................................................... 12 Research Design & Methodology .......
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...INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SCIENTIFIC & TECHNOLOGY RESEARCH VOLUME 4, ISSUE 07, JULY 2015 ISSN 2277-8616 Investment On IT: Students Perspective Samsul Alam Abstract: The focus of this study is to seek the relevance for implementing in Information Technology by students in Dhaka University. The research takes into account 50 students studying at different disciplines. The respondents were visited randomly to get the relevant data. The paper applies statistical tools e.g. SPSS on the information received and analyzes the results towards the solution. The result of the study suggests that students‘ academic quality and knowledge enhancement have significantly strong relationship with investment in IT. However, the findings of this exploratory study offer insights that the money invested in IT for academic purpose is more advantageous than otherwise be invested especially for those whose academic curriculum mainly decorated in accordance with the modern up-to-date era of Information Technology. On the basis of intellectual interaction between premises and experiences gathered during study, investment on IT will help concerned students understanding how important IT is for their study. Index Terms: Intellectual interaction, Investment insights, IT importance, IT Payoff, Relationship of IT investment, Relevance of IT usage, Statistical tools, Up-to-date era of information technology. ———————————————————— 1. INTRODUCTION The overriding message that can be gleaned...
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...TERM PAPER ON EVALUATION OF MARKETING AND LOGISTICS INTERFACE AND ITS ADVANTAGES IN AN ORGANIZATION Submitted By Manikanta ABSTRACT This study ON EVALUATION OF MARKETING AND LOGISTICS INTERFACE AND ITS ADVANTAGES IN AN ORGANIZATION. This research paper is basically to evaluate the marketing and logistics cooperation and to know its importance in any organization .The primary purpose of the paper is to find the advantages of an organization to have Marketing and logistics interface. This research required us to conduct the consumer research. To find out perspectives of the people about the importance of marketing and logistics interface in an organization. CONTENTS INTRODUCTION 5 REVIEW OF LITERATURE 5 OBJECTIVES 6 RESEARCH METHODOLOGY 7 ANALYSIS AND INTERPRETATION 8 SUGGESTIONS 19 INTRODUCTION Organizations began to view their business as a collection of processes, rather than as a collection of processes, rather than as a collection of functions and departments. As processes cut across functional boundaries, greater attention needs to be devoted to interface activities. In order to build a cohesive organization, it is important that points of commonalities between functions are identified and emphasized. The purpose of this research is to analyze how the link between marketing and logistics can be co-ordinate in order to use this link as a sustainable competitive advantage. The level of cooperation between marketing...
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...Keylogging-resistant Visual Authentication Protocols DaeHun Nyang, Member, IEEE, Aziz Mohaisen, Member, IEEE, Jeonil Kang, Member, IEEE, Abstract—The design of secure authentication protocols is quite challenging, considering that various kinds of root kits reside in PCs (Personal Computers) to observe user’s behavior and to make PCs untrusted devices. Involving human in authentication protocols, while promising, is not easy because of their limited capability of computation and memorization. Therefore, relying on users to enhance security necessarily degrades the usability. On the other hand, relaxing assumptions and rigorous security design to improve the user experience can lead to security breaches that can harm the users’ trust. In this paper, we demonstrate how careful visualization design can enhance not only the security but also the usability of authentication. To that end, we propose two visual authentication protocols: one is a one-time-password protocol, and the other is a password-based authentication protocol. Through rigorous analysis, we verify that our protocols are immune to many of the challenging authentication attacks applicable in the literature. Furthermore, using an extensive case study on a prototype of our protocols, we highlight the potential of our approach for real-world deployment: we were able to achieve a high level of usability while satisfying stringent security requirements. Index Terms—Authentication, Smartphone, Malicious code, Keylogger, ...
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...IT Strategies for Uncertain Economic Times How Microsoft delivers high-value solutions at low cost to help organizations improve productivity, accelerate agility, and reduce costs Abstract Even in uncertain economic times, leading organizations recognize that investing in information technology (IT) is a key differentiator that can help improve productivity, accelerate agility, and reduce costs. Intended for IT leaders and procurement professionals, this paper describes how Microsoft, with a long history of delivering high-value solutions and market-leading innovation at low cost, helps organizations accomplish these goals. Specifically, this paper will help organizations build an optimized IT infrastructure plan, understand important solutions for saving money, capitalize on future innovations, and maximize investments with the Microsoft Enterprise Agreement. December 2008 1 The information contained in this document represents the current view of Microsoft Corporation on the issues discussed as of the date of publication. Because Microsoft must respond to changing market conditions, it should not be interpreted to be a commitment on the part of Microsoft, and Microsoft or its respective suppliers cannot guarantee the accuracy of any information presented after the date of publication. This white paper is for informational purposes only. MICROSOFT AND ITS RESPECTIVE SUPPLIERS MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, AS TO THE INFORMATION IN THIS DOCUMENT. Complying...
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...Executive Summary: Ford Motor Company was incorporated in 1903 in Michigan,USA by Henry Ford and 11 partners with a starting capital of 28000 US $ in cash. The company witnessed tremendous growth and became one of the top three car manufacturers in North America. Sales reached 150 billion $ in 1996 with a total of 370,000 work force worldwide. The company stayed innovative and progressive in its strategy and business model. In the 1970's, the car market became more competitive with the Japanese manufacturers like Toyota and Honda gaining grounds in the auto market worldwide by producing high quality vehicles with extended life time. In 1999 Ford acquired the Swedish company Volvo to establish a foot hold in Europe and launched a campaign called "Ford 2000"to reengineer the company infrastructure and IT strategy that aimed at reducing their vehicle centers to 5 worldwide and requiring information technology to be the driving force and the link between the various company divisions. In doing so, Ford was trying to build a model similar to the one adopted by Dell computers to improve supply chain and delivery times. Dell launched the "direct business model" or "virtual integration" where Dell contracted with reliable suppliers to produce and assemble hardware and software for its computers and note books and tried to sell its products directly to organizations and individuals through the internet by cancelling the role of the retailers or intermediaries. I recommend the implementation...
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...SHADOW MARKET 2011 bsa global software piracy study NiNth editioN, May 2012ExEcutivE Summary ..............................................................................................................................1 Global trEndS .......................................................................................................................................2 Habits of Self-reported Pirates ...........................................................................................................2 Emerging Economies Exert Greater influence ....................................................................................4 Key market Highlights .........................................................................................................................4 Pcs continue to overshadow tablets and cloud computing, for now ............................................ 6 Strong Support for iP rights................................................................................................................7 Pc Software Piracy rates and commercial value of unlicensed Software.........................................8 mEtHodoloGy......................................................................................................................................10 “a rigorous and Well-designed Effort”............................................................................................10 bSa bluEPrint for rEducinG SoftWarE Piracy .................
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...Contents Introduction: 2 E-Banking Tools 2 ATM 2 Mobile banking 3 Credit Card 3 Objectives of the Study 3 Methodology of the study 3 Data Source: 3 Sampling Plan: 4 Research Hypotheses: 4 Limitations of the study and further agenda for research 4 Literature Review 5 Findings 6 Using e-banking tools are easy and convenient 6 Using e-banking tools are safe 8 Transaction of money is easy with E- banking tools. 10 Privacy protection provided E-banking tools 12 Regression (ATM) 14 Regression (Internet Banking) 17 Regression (Mobile Banking) 19 Problems in E-Banking in Bangladesh 22 Grievance Settlement in e-banking 22 Increased Customer Expectations in e-banking 22 Security Problems Solving 23 Capacity/Scalability related Problems 23 Commonly Used Procedures of Handling Grievance 23 Internal Machinery to Handle Customer Complaints 24 Recommendations 25 Conclusion 25 Part-A Introduction: This is an era of electronic banking. E-banking refers to systems that enable bank customers to access accounts and general information on bank products or services through a computer or other intelligent device. E-banking offers speedier, quicker and dependable services to the customers for which it may relatively satisfy better than manual banking system. The rationale of this report is to recognize the impact of variables of e-banking on customer pleasure in Bangladesh. Gradually electronic banking is gaining much importance in Bangladesh. Customers‟ liking is necessary...
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...Manama, Kingdom of Bahrain Tel: 00973-3838-3411 E-mail: ajalal@ahliauniversity.edu.bh Jassim Marzooq College of Business and Finance, Ahlia University P.O. box 10878, 1st Floor Gosi Complex Ex hibitions Road, Manama, Kingdom of Bahrain Hassan A. Nabi College of Business and Finance, Ahlia University P.O. box 10878, 1st Floor Gosi Complex Exhibiti ons Road, Manama, Kingdom of Bahrain Received: March 5, 2011 Abstract Purpose – The purpose of this research paper is to explore and mature the Impact of selected factors on the customers’ intention to use internet banking in Bahrain. Design/methodology/approach – This research based on an empirical study using a questionnaire with five-point Likert-scale, is applied to 171 usable responses. Three factors are tested, that is perceived usefulness (PU), perceived ease of use (PEOU), security and privacy (PC). Findings – Results indicate that all the elements for the three identified factors are important with respect to the users’ adoption of e-banking services. Credibility factors (Security and Privacy) are the major sources of dissatisfaction, which have remarkably impacted users’ satisfaction. In the meantime, perceived ease of use (PEOU) and perceived usefulness (PU) are sources of satisfaction. The results also disclose that security and privacy factors play an important part in determining the users’ acceptance of e-banking services with respect to different segmentation of age group, income level and level of education. Keywords: Online...
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...IT Strategies for Uncertain Economic Times How Microsoft delivers high-value solutions at low cost to help organizations improve productivity, accelerate agility, and reduce costs Abstract Even in uncertain economic times, leading organizations recognize that investing in information technology (IT) is a key differentiator that can help improve productivity, accelerate agility, and reduce costs. Intended for IT leaders and procurement professionals, this paper describes how Microsoft, with a long history of delivering high-value solutions and market-leading innovation at low cost, helps organizations accomplish these goals. Specifically, this paper will help organizations build an optimized IT infrastructure plan, understand important solutions for saving money, capitalize on future innovations, and maximize investments with the Microsoft Enterprise Agreement. December 2008 1 The information contained in this document represents the current view of Microsoft Corporation on the issues discussed as of the date of publication. Because Microsoft must respond to changing market conditions, it should not be interpreted to be a commitment on the part of Microsoft, and Microsoft or its respective suppliers cannot guarantee the accuracy of any information presented after the date of publication. This white paper is for informational purposes only. MICROSOFT AND ITS RESPECTIVE SUPPLIERS MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, AS TO THE INFORMATION IN THIS DOCUMENT...
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...10/05/2015 THE ROLE OF COMPUTER AND INTERNET ACCESS IN BUSINESS STUDENTS’ACCEPTANCE OF E-LEARNING TECHNOLOGY IN UniMAP By MOHANRAJ A/L SUPPARAMANIAM Research Report Submitted in Partial Fulfillment Research Methodology Requirement of the Degree of Master of Business Administration (MBA) UNIVERSITI MALAYSIA PERLIS 2015 ABSTRACT This study was taking into account past research that explored the divergence or crevice between the individuals who have entry to PCs and the Internet and the individuals who don't( (Hoffman & Novak, 1998; NTIA, 1999b; Carey, Chisholm & Irwin, 2002; Vail, 2003 Zeliff, 2004; Glenn, 2005). The Technology Acceptance Model grew by Davis, Bagozzi, and Warshaw (1989) was utilized to explore whether PC and Internet access impacted the acknowledgement of e-learning innovation apparatuses, for example, Blackboard and the Internet. Of the studies led concerning reception of these innovations, a predetermined number have tended to the degree to which school understudies acknowledge these instruments. The dominant part of these studies neglected to consider PC access as a variable in regards to PC innovation acknowledgement. The E-Learning Technology...
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...SOLUTION MANUAL ENGLISH UNIT PROBLEMS CHAPTER 3 SONNTAG • BORGNAKKE • VAN WYLEN FUNDAMENTALS of Thermodynamics Sixth Edition Sonntag, Borgnakke and Wylen CHAPTER 3 SUBSECTION Concept-Study Guide Problems Phase diagrams General Tables Ideal Gas Compressibility Factor Review Problems PROB NO. 128-132 133-134 135-145 146-148 149, 157, 158 150-156 Correspondence table The correspondence between the problem set in this sixth edition versus the problem set in the 5'th edition text. Problems that are new are marked new and the SI number refers to the corresponding SI unit problem. New 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 5th Ed. new new new new new new 61E 68E a-c 68E d-f new 70E 73E 74E new 76E SI 5 7 9 11 17 23 27 30 30 40 36 47 41 44 51 New 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 5th Ed. 77E new 79E 62E new 69E c+d 70E d 72E 64E new 81E new 71E 80E 83E 65E 66E SI 53 62 58 69 65 81 113 74 49 99 95 61 106 89 - Sonntag, Borgnakke and Wylen Concept Problems 3.128E Cabbage needs to be cooked (boiled) at 250 F. What pressure should the pressure cooker be set for? Solution: If I need liquid water at 250 F I must have a pressure that is at least the saturation pressure for this temperature. Table F.7.1: 250 F Psat = 29.823 psia. 3.129E If I have 1 ft3 of ammonia at 15 psia, 60 F how much mass is that? Ammonia Tables F.8: F.8.1 Psat = 107.64 psia at 60 F so superheated vapor. F.8.2 v = 21.5641 ft3/lbm under subheading...
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...Apple SWOT Analysis Jamaal Piper MGT 521 July 4, 2011 Dr. Julie Ballaro Introduction Apple Computer, Incorporated have gone through many up and downs to become the successful company that it is today. Co-Founder and current Chief Executive Officer Steve Jobs has been an innovator and strong leader in the direction of the company. A mutual fund manager should invest in Apple due to the track record Apple and Jobs has demonstrated. The following SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats) analysis of Apple will illustrate where the company has been and where it is going. Apple has set high standards for their products, which continues to challenge its competitors. History Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak on April 1, 1976, both college dropouts, started Apple Computers. Jobs was a 26-year-old working at Atari and Wozniak was 21. Their partnership began several years earlier when Wozniak, a talented, self-taught electronics engineer, began building boxes that allowed him to make free long-distance phone calls. Several hundred boxers were sold and in 1976 Wozniak was working on another box--the Apple I computer, without keyboard or power supply--for a computer hobbyist club (Finkle & Mallin, 2008). Their original partnership began years earlier when they were designing a box to that could make free long distance phone calls. In 1976 Wozniak was already working on the first Apple Computer, the Apple I. Later that year the Wozniak began developing...
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...Natalia Perez Portfolio September 28, 2012 Table of Contents Statement of Authenticity …………………………………………………………………...……3 Personal Mission Statement……………………………………………………………………….4 Elevator Speech …………………………………………..………………………………………5 Education………………………………………………………………………………………….6 Resume…………………………………………………………………………………………….9 Professional development and Training ……………………………………………………..…..10 Reference…………………………………………………………………………………..…….11 Reference List …………………………………………………………………………….……..12 Awards and Accomplishments …………………………………………………………….……13 Volunteer History ………………………………………………………………………………..14 Professional Affiliations …………………………………………….…………………………..15 Career Path ………………………………………………………………..……………………..16 Work Samples ………………………………………………………………………...…………17 Statement of Authenticity I, Ani Ohanian am the writer of all of the statements you are about to read. None of these statements of information is plagiarized. All of the information you are going to read is valid. These statements are honest representation of what I represent in skills as a career in the Business Administration field. Personal Mission Statement I am a smart, determined and compassionate woman that will not give up on my dreams. I will not let anything get in the way of my success as it is for me and my family. I will...
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...DLSU Engineering e-Journal Vol. 1 No. 1, March 2007, pp. 138-150 Automated Inventory System Using Portable Data Acquisition Module for Bell Electronics Corporation Zarina Ira V. Bernabe Monchie C. Dela Cruz Karen K. Jao Department of Electronics and Communications Engineering De La Salle University, Manila email: ira.bernabe@yahoo.com, chie08_elx@yahoo.com, karenjao@yahoo.com, Jingel A. Tio, Antonio S. Gonzales Jr. Department of Electronics and Communications Engineering De La Salle University, Manila Email: tioj@dlsu.edu.ph, gonzalesa@dlsu.edu.ph Bell Electronics Lab Corporation situated in Calamba, Laguna is engaged in test and assembly of optoelectronics and sensor devices. The company is concentrating on its resources in metal can packaging. The second phase of the company's program is towards the development of other types of optoelectronics and sensors device packaging to support their customer requirements. In this paper, the proponents will present an Automated Inventory System using Portable Data Acquisition (PDA) module to help the company’s growing business. The PDA module is composed of barcode scanner to scan issued and received items, and a Z8F6423 Zilog microcontroller to store the information. A Product Inventory System (PIS) application program is also discussed to show how the PDA module can be interfaced with the PIS. Test results presented in this paper will show apparent improvement of company’s inventory system. 1.0 INTRODUCTION Inventory system is an...
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