...| Affordable Care Act vs The Invincibles | | Affordable Care Act signed. Excitement. Gets on webpage. Sees prices. Exits webpage. These are motions made by many young adults between 19 and 29 took upon realizing that it was now mandatory that every American adult sign up for a health insurance plan. On March 23, 2010, young adults, including the writer, thought they were finally getting a break from the government when President Obama signed his new health reform act. Little was known how much this generation was actually considered before the president signed off their continued demise. Young adults were sold a dream of affordable health plans that could fit within their tight budgets, but with reality in front of them, they must face either being penalized for the 2014 tax year or pinch their pennies and pay the premium throughout the year. Promoters of the Affordable Care Act are now facing the challenge of getting this group to sign up for insurance. But many ask why they didn’t consider the pockets of young adults before the current administration made the decision for them. What does the Affordable Care Act or “Obamacare” entail? It offers provisions to expand coverage, control health care costs, and improve the health care delivery system. “The act requires most U.S. citizens and legal residents to have health insurance. It also requires employers to pay penalties for employees who receive tax credits for health insurance through an Exchange, with exceptions...
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...Article Self-oriented Masculinity: Advertisements and the Changing Culture of the Male Market Journal of Macromarketing 33(2) 160-171 ª The Author(s) 2012 Reprints and permission: sagepub.com/journalsPermissions.nav DOI: 10.1177/0276146712463823 jmk.sagepub.com Blaine J. Branchik1 and Tilottama Ghosh Chowdhury1 Abstract This research chronicles the changes in the understudied and rapidly evolving male market segment using two related studies: (1) a content analysis of advertisements in fifty-one years of Sports Illustrated magazine and (2) an experiment involving age-based differences in consumer ad perceptions. Both investigate changing ad values and the ethnic diversity of ad models. Results indicate that the male market is becoming increasingly self-oriented in its values orientation as a result of broad societal changes and changing gender roles. Increasing use of black or African American models in key positions indicates a growing acceptance of minorities as representations of the ideal self among younger men, who express a preference for black or African American models. This finding speaks to the increasingly multicultural nature of society and the impact of minority celebrities on American culture. The results are indicative of the power of advertising in both reflecting and facilitating societal change. Keywords advertising, male market, societal change, ethnicity, gender, culture, macromarketing Introduction American men, as a cultural...
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...The History of Women in Sports Throughout history, women have fought for equality against men, significantly in the last century, as women have taken on greater, and more equal, roles in society. There have been several fronts on which women have fought for equality and one of those cases is in sports. Sports history is filled with men popularizing athletics such as baseball, basketball, boxing, football, track, and many other sports. It is quite surprising to many that women, as well as men, should take credit for their effort in athletic competition. Women have been known since the 19th century to take part in sporting events when, back then, they were supposed to be confined to more prim and proper activities. Historically, a woman’s duties were to take care of the family, do all the domestic work, and basically enslave themselves to their husbands. Because of this stereotype, it was highly frowned upon that women were taking on a masculine role by participating in the sporting world. Throughout the history of human existence, athletic competition has been regarded as an exclusively masculine affair. In ancient times, athletic competitions were held among warriors to prove their fighting prowess or otherwise demonstrate their virility. The exclusively male origins of competitive sport carried over into the Olympics, where women were not allowed even to watch competitions, much less compete. However, a separate women's athletic event, the Heraea...
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...ARKETassegmentation has passessteadily moving towardresearch stage a topic of discussion in marketing and circles. Hardly a conference without at least one session devoted to it. Moreover, in March the American Management Association held a three-day conference entirely concerned with various aspects of the segmentation problem. According to Wendell Smith. "Segmentation l^ based upon developments on the demand side of the market and represents a rational and more precise adjustment of product and marketing effort to consumer or user requirements."^ The idea that all markets can be profitably segmented has now received almost as widespread acceptance as the marketing concept itself. However, problems remain. In the extreme, a marketer can divide up his market in as many ways as he can describe his prospects. If he wishes, he can define a left-handed segment, or a blue-eyed segment, or a German-speaking segment. Consequently, current discussion revolves largely around which of the virtually limitless alternatives is likely to be most productive. According to this ar+icle, mos+ techniques of market segmentation rely only on DESCRIPTIVE factors pertaining to purchasers and are not efficient predictors of future buyer behavior. The author proposes an approach whereby market segments are delineated first on the basis of factors with a CAUSAL relationship to future purchase behavior. The belief underlying this s e g m e n t a t i o n strategy is that the benefits which people are seeking in...
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...School/Portfolio | The Business School | Course Code/ID | BSMAN3007 | Course Title | International Business Management | Program(s) | Bachelor of Applied Management | Lecturer | Chirs Pan | Author | Wang Lin yu | Email | lynne.lowkey@gmail.com | FIN | G0961866Q | Date | 10 Jan 2013 | 1. Exective summary This case study discusses the business strategies used by Apple, Microsoft and Google in internet industry。Everyone know the Internet has developed into an enormous information infrastructure. This new economy is driven by a relentless force of technological and conceptual innovations stemming from an innumerable number of parties scattered around the globe. Its speed of change and innovation make it to a highly competitive arena. Apple, Microsoft and Google have been the most successful companies within this arena for a long time. Throughout the previous decades, they have internalized the economic laws and technological characteristics of the Internet in their business thinking. Their strategies and competitive moves did not only form the information economy as we know it today, but do also provide showcase examples of how profitable market positions can be achieved in the Internet. Table of content Introduction My report answers some questions: How did Apple, Microsoft and Google successfully navigate and define the competitive arena of the Internet? Which roles did their unique strengths play for their business strategies? Which...
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...Why Has IPO Underpricing Increased Over Time? Tim Loughran University of Notre Dame P.O. Box 399 Notre Dame IN 46556-0399 219.631.8432 voice Loughran.9@nd.edu and Jay R. Ritter University of Florida P.O. Box 117168 Gainesville FL 32611-7168 352.846.2837 voice ritter@dale.cba.ufl.edu http://bear.cba.ufl.edu/ritter March 18, 2002 We wish to thank Hsuan-Chi Chen, Craig Dunbar, Todd Houge, Josh Lerner, Alexander Ljungqvist, Donghang Zhang, two anonymous referees, and seminar participants at Boston College, Southern Methodist University, Texas Christian University, and the Universities of Colorado, Houston, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Notre Dame, and Pennsylvania for useful comments. Chris Barry, Laura Field, Paul Gompers, Josh Lerner, Scott Smart, Li-Anne Woo, and Chad Zutter generously provided IPO data. Bruce Foerster assisted us in ranking underwriters. Underwriter ranks are available online at http://bear.cba.ufl.edu/ritter/rank.htm. Donghang Zhang supplied useful research assistance. Why Has IPO Underpricing Increased Over Time? Abstract In the 1980s, the average first-day return on initial public offerings (IPOs) was 7%. The average first-day return doubled to almost 15% during 1990-1998, before jumping to 65% during the internet bubble years of 1999-2000. Part of the increase can be attributed to changes in the composition of the companies going public. We attribute much of the increase in underpricing, however, to previously latent agency...
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...TITLUL CURSULUI: CURS PRACTIC – LIMBA ENGLEZĂ Fundamente de gramatică şi vocabular Limba engleză - “English for Social Sciences” Curs pentru învăţământ la distanţă Asist.univ. DANIELA NICULESCU- ZDRENGHEA [pic] 2005 INTRODUCERE 1.Coordonatorul cursului este asist.univ.Daniela Niculescu-Zdrenghea, titular la Facultatea de Psihologie a Universităţii Titu Maiorescu, autoare a numeroase traduceri a numeroase studii de specialitate. 2.Tutorii : asist.univ. Mihaela Ştefănică, asist.Daniela Niculescu. CURSUL 1.Introducere □ 111 este un curs de un semestru şi este cotat cu 3 credite. 2.Prescriere □ Cursul constă în prezentarea unor modalităţi de comunicare şi interpretare în limba engleză. 3.Conţinut □ În acest curs vor fi studiate prin intermediul unor fişe – numerotate de-a lungul cursului – modalităţi de comunicare în limba engleză, structuri gramaticale, topică, prin numeroase exemplificări utile studiului individual. 4.Obiectivele cursului □ Cursul de limba engleză pentru învăţământ la distanţă îşi propune să sedimenteze elemente de limba engleză dobândite în formarea preuniversitară a studentului ID, elemente lingvistice şi de interpretare necesare unei deschideri a studentului ID către lumea ştiinţifică internaţională. Pentru o analiză gramaticală şi interpretarea de texte, sunt folosite tematici cu predilecţie din psihologie (inclusiv psihologie...
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...Elizabeth Cady Stanton Biography: Where did Elizabeth Cady Stanton grow up? Elizabeth Cady was born in Johnstown, New York on November 12, 1815. She had 10 brothers and sisters, however, many of them died during childhood. Only Elizabeth and four of her sisters lived well into adulthood. Her last brother, Eleazar, died when he was 20 years old leaving her mother depressed and her father wishing that Elizabeth was a boy. Elizabeth (sitting) with Susan B. Anthony Not Fair for Women Growing up Elizabeth was exposed to the law through her father Daniel. He was a lawyer who also served as a judge and a U.S. Congressman. She learned that the law was not the same for men and women. She learned that only men could vote and that women had few rights under the law. She didn't think this was fair. She thought she was as good as any boy and should be given the same opportunities. Going to School When Elizabeth reached school age she wanted to go to school to learn. Not many women went to school in those days, but her father agreed to send her to school. At school Elizabeth was an excellent student. She won awards and proved that she could do as well or better than most of the boys. After high school, Elizabeth wanted to go to college. She quickly learned that girls were not allowed into the major universities. She ended up going to a college for girls where she was able to continue her studies. Abolitionist and Human Rights Elizabeth began to believe strongly...
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...From the rich walnut paneling and carved arches to the molded Italian Renaissance patterns on the ceiling, the circa 1925 council chamber room of Akron's municipal hall evokes a time when the America's manufacturing heartland was at the peak of its power. But when the U.S.-China Economic & Security Review Commission, a congressionally appointed panel, convened there on Sept. 23, it was not to discuss power but decline. One after another, economists, union officials, and small manufacturers took the microphone to describe the devastation Chinese competitors are inflicting on U.S. industries, from kitchenware and car tires to electronic circuit boards. These aren't stories of mundane sunset industries equipped with antiquated technology. David W. Johnson, CEO of 92-year-old Summitville Tiles Inc. in Summitville, Ohio, described how imports forced him to shut a state-of-the-art, $120 million tilemaking plant four football fields long, sending Summitville into Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection. Now, a tenfold surge in high-quality Chinese imports at "below our manufacturing costs" threatens to polish Summitville off. Makers of precision machine tools and plastic molds -- essential supports of America's industrial architecture -- told how their business has shrunk as home-appliance makers have shifted manufacturing from Ohio to China. Despite buying the best computer-controlled gear, Douglas S. Bartlett reported that at his Cary (Ill.)-based Bartlett Manufacturing Co., a maker of...
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...Journal of American Studies, 45 (2011), 1, 113–129 f Cambridge University Press 2010 doi:10.1017/S0021875810001271 First published online 19 July 2010 Jazz as a Black American Art Form : Definitions of the Jazz Preservation Act JEFF FARLEY Jazz music and culture have experienced a surge in popularity after the passage of the Jazz Preservation Act (JPA) in 1987. This resolution defined jazz as a black American art form, thus using race, national identity, and cultural value as key aspects in making jazz one of the nation’s most subsidized arts. Led by new cultural institutions and educational programs, millions of Americans have engaged with the history and canon of jazz that represent the values endorsed by the JPA. Record companies, book publishers, archivists, academia, and private foundations have also contributed to the effort to preserve jazz music and history. Such preservation has not always been a simple process, especially in identifying jazz with black culture and with America as a whole. This has required a careful balancing of social and musical aspects of jazz. For instance, many consider two of the most important aspects of jazz to be the blues aesthetic, which inevitably expresses racist oppression in America, and the democratic ethic, wherein each musician’s individual expression equally contributes to the whole. Balanced explanations of race and nationality are useful not only for musicologists, but also for musicians and teachers wishing to use jazz as an example...
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...On March 5, 2002, the Markkula Center for Applied Ethics convened a panel of four Santa Clara University business ethicists to discuss the Enron scandal. Panelists included Kirk O. Hanson, executive director of the Ethics Center and University Professor of Organizations and Society; Manuel Velasquez, Dirksen Professor of Business Ethics, Department of Management; Dennis Moberg, Wilkinson Professor of Management and Ethics, and Martin Calkins, S.J., assistant professor of management. Edited excerpts from their conversation appear below: Manuel Velasquez: What went wrong at Enron? In ethics, explanations tend to fall into three categories: personal, organizational, and systemic. Personal explanations look for the causes of evil in the character of the individuals who were involved. Did this happen, for example, because the people involved were vicious? Were they greedy? Were they stupid? Were they callous? Were they intemperate? Were they lacking in compassion? Organizational explanations look for causes in group influences. They take seriously the ways that we influence each other when we do things as a group. These influences include the shared beliefs that groups develop about who is important, what is permissible, and how things are done here in this group. These include also the shared values that we call a group culture, the rules or policies groups develop to govern their interactions with each other and the rest of the world. Finally, systemic explanations look for causes...
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...In the United States, the universal rights of the individual are commonly recognized. Unfortunately, in the fervor to uphold the rights of individuals, many people overlook the universal picture. By this I mean that the good of the whole will be sacrificed for the individual. Such is the state of the general population. I write this paper on the premise that the world is overpopulated. In light of this viewpoint, I advocate population control. When I choose the topic for this paper, I settled on subject of overpopulation and population control believing it to be a new and unexplored topic. I was wrong by a long shot. Population was under intense scrutiny during the 1960'a and 70's (Wilmoth 334). Long before that Thomas Robert Malthus brought the overpopulation problem into the lime light in 1798 (Hardin 9). Why then had I never heard of this topic before? I found that the issue is extremely complex, broad and not well defined. It is impossible to hint at the scope of the problem in a five minute newsbyte or two column article. For this reason it is obvious that the issue does not lend itself well to be included in the main stream media. This subject is so expansive that I'll count it a job done well if I can just scratch the surface of it in this paper. Overpopulation and population control has implications in economics, the environment, sociology, philosophy, family, politics, religion, sexuality, and individual rights. Any one of these aspects of overpopulation is subject...
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...their different objectives, missions and visions to achieve in order to ensure company’s growth. However, the skills of management in the company are relatively important in order to motivate and provide guidance to employees so that everyone is in the right path to the common target. According to Pearson Educations (2012), management carries a definition of a skill that involves coordinating and overseeing the work activities of other employees so that the activities are completed efficiently and effectively. Managers, are those people who have the responsibility to ensure that the management of company is running smoothly and flawless. In an organization, there are different management actions that the company should be concerned. In the case study of McDonalds, our team has found out five significant management actions that have contributed to McDonalds’ success. There are strategic management, democratic leadership skills, human resources management, ethics management and 1.1 Strategic Management One of the management actions that have contributed to the success of McDonalds will be their strategic plan which called ‘plan to win’. The idea of this plan not only for them to be the biggest fast food restaurant chain but to be the best fast food restaurant chain. McDonald implement this plan by analyzing the 4 P’s which are product, price, promotion and place. Product is the features, quality and quantity of product or services offered by McDonalds to its customers, such as packaging...
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...Table of Contents Introduction 1 Influence 2 The Camera 3 Invention & the Early Years 3 The 20th Century & Lead up to the Digital Era 5 The Digital Era 6 Product Life Cycle 9 Innovation 11 Patents 13 Marketing 14 Market Analysis 14 Difference in the Marketing Mix 4P’s and 7P’s 15 Product 16 Price 18 Why Nikon P500? 18 Promotion, Place and Diffusion 20 Influence on Society 20 UPS and Nikon 21 Conclusion & Future Outlook 22 References 23 Appendix 25 Introduction The purpose of this paper is to show the writer’s choice in choosing, the product, the camera and the effects of Marketing, Design and Innovation of the Camera. Influence From the onset of this course, the writer was told to choose a product that has influenced the writer’s life; the only item would and has been the Camera. As a child the writer has always been intrigued by the ideas of a story, a story that little words but great impact. These short stories can only be told through pictures, through the technology of the camera. As the wise ones say, “A picture paint a thousand words." The camera allows for the indulgence of the writer’s greatest pastime and hobby. The camera allows for a unique view of the world, a view of one’s perspective of the one’s world. Behind the lens give reveals the beauty of the life, the beauty of a first kiss, the beauty of the first valentine, the beauty of true love, the beauty of a first born and his first step. Behind the...
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...program that they have, and what will be the good benefits of it for their customers. We will show the kinds of rewards they have and its backgrounds. Thus, this can be a preference for the other Starbucks Patronisers if they still don’t know what other reward programs they can have and what will be the advantages and disadvantages of it. However, these rewards have some misfires that you will know. This study will only occur from August to October 2014. We will only gather first information from the questionnaires and interviews that we will conduct to provide the most accurate information and to prevent false information. Background of the Study Starbucks Reward Program encourages their customers to buy their products because of rewards. Reward programs of Starbucks were created to test the loyalty of their customers. There have been changes about their rewards to test the loyalty of the few. Starbucks Rewards Program also has the capability of giving their customers satisfaction by giving them back the gratitude for buying their products. The purpose of the study is to identify the credibility of the reward program of Starbucks Coffee. Rewards Program of Starbucks also allows customers to access or to track their purchases online and get more rewards by buying a Starbucks Card and earn points Starbucks is very well positioned to take advantage of sustained income due to a variety of strategic large-scale variables affecting its performance. Starbucks stage is the entire...
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