...David Brook’s article, “People Like Us” makes a valid point of self-segregation. When growing up around different environments and in different areas we sometimes are not exposed to diversity. Since a lot of people are not exposed to diversity we tend to not agree with what other cultures, races, or towns/cities do this is true because, this is what I witness every day growing up. We do not notice it, but we segregate every day. When we come out the wound we are set in a category either one is a girl or a boy and one is either Asian, African American, Caucasian, or even Mexican. Children self–segregate for example if a child sees another with a different skin color they may not want to play with them because they are different from them. Not only does children separate themselves but adults are the same way. We are taught to stick with our own kind....
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...10 tips for effective financial presentations Help Assistance > PowerPoint 2003 > Work Essentials with PowerPoint > Finance | | |[pic]Show All | | |[pic]Hide All | | |When you present financial information to team members, investors, or other parties, it's essential that you not only | | |communicate the basic information, but that you help the audience analyze and actually understand it. To do this, you can | | |create a Microsoft Office PowerPoint® presentation to help make your points in a way that would be impossible with just a | | |verbal presentation and handouts. | | |The PowerPoint paradox | | |PowerPoint is a powerful tool with almost limitless design and production possibilities— and therein lies the danger. With so | | |much to choose from in PowerPoint, it's possible to overwhelm your content with your dazzling presentation. And it's so easy to| | |create slides, that you can quickly make more than you'll ever have time to show. | | |It's all about the story ...
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...spent your entire life working up to this point; you are a college athlete. You are being paid to attend school and play your favorite sport for it. Your coach walks in with an upset look on his face. You think to yourself that it’s just going to be a difficult practice. Your coach actually tells you that you do not have practice today. You wont have practice ever again. Your entire life work gone, just like that. With your heart crushed, you cannot understand why the sport is just, canceled. You walk up to your coach and ask what the problem is. Your coach, as disappointed as you, tells you that the University board of athletics has decided to drop your “life” from the program to abide by the Title IX requirements and for not being a profitable program. This actually happened here at the University of Utah 50 years ago and it’s because there is a problem going on at Universities like The U and it is that men’s non-revenue sports, like wrestling, are being impacted negatively. Wresting is beginning to fade from colleges that are not in the Big Ten or the Ivy League, and Colleges like the University of Utah are participating in letting the sport diminish. In an article written by Coyte G. Cooper, “Involving the core product” “While there were 363 NCAA wrestling programs in 1981, the number of men’s wrestling programs offered by the NCAA had diminished to 234 in 2005.” Schools should stop making excuses for dropping the sport and making reasons on why to add. This is exactly what the...
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...Works Cited Berg, David, “The Millennium.” Deep Truths 27th February 2014 www.deepTruth.com Bickle, Mike, “Session 5 Saints Ruling in the Millennium: what will we do? Internal House of Prayer 1st March 2013 www.Mikebickle.org Couch, Mal, “Will David be Co-reigning with Christ in the Kingdom? Scofield Prophecy Studies 25th February 2014 http:scofieldProphecystudies.org Hoole, John Dr., “Worship During the Millennium.” 22nd December 2014. www.Johnsnotes.com Hunt, Keith, “The Millennium temple? The Prophets Proclaim it?” Restitution of all things. 14th February 2014 www.Keithhut.com Resgin, David R. Dr. “The Rise and Fall of the Antichrist” Lambs and Lion ministries. 2nd February 2014 www.Lambandlionministries.org. Vlach, Michae J. Phd. “the Kingdom of God and the Millennium.” the Masters Seminary Journal. 3rd March 2013 Tonline/ articles “Worship During the Millenial.” 14th September 2010 www.westlakebaptistchurch.org Robert W . Porter Dr. No Cera Book of Revelation Date The Millennium 20 tells us that the Millennium is an era when Jesus Christ will rule the earth for 1,000 years. The word Millennium comes from a Latin word mille (thousands) annus (years) Christ’s rule will began when...
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...Kendra Ballard BUS 259.0001 April 19, 2015 Executive Summary Sexual Harassment, Workplace Romance According to the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, sexual harassment is defined as unwelcomed sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical harassment of a sexual nature. Harassment does not have to be of sexual nature but can also include offensive remarks about a person’s sex. Sexual harassment claims are becoming more popular as years go by according to reports showing increases in number of claims submitted within the past years to current. Sexual harassment is illegal when matters become severe by creating a hostile environment and or adverse employment decision, including termination or demotion. Sexual harassment has become more tolerable because society has failed to recognize the behavior and do something about it versus accept the behavior and belittle ourselves. Regardless of the sex, sexual harassment can happen to anyone any age, there is not a set age requirement on the rules and regulations when it comes to sexual harassment cases. It is important for companies to have a written policy and procedure when it comes to sexual harassment within the workplace. Not only to protect the company if a case should be filed against them but to also educate their staff on what proper way to conduct themselves while at work as well as the steps to take should they be harassed, know off someone being harassed, etc. Many steps are...
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...Chapter Four Professional Accounting in the Public Interest, Post-Enron Purpose of the Chapter When the Enron, Arthur Andersen, and WorldCom debacles triggered the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 (SOX), a new era of stakeholder expectations was crystallized for the business world and particularly for the professional accountants that serve in it. The drift away from the professional accountant’s role as a fiduciary to that of a businessperson was called into question and reversed. The principles that the new expectations spawned and renewed resulted in changes in how the professional accountants are to behave, what services are to be offered, and what performance standards are to be met. These standards have been embedded in a new governance structure and in guidance mechanisms, which have domestic and international components. The influence of the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) and the International Federation of Accountants (IFAC) will be as important as that of SOX in the long run. This chapter examines each of these developments and provides insights into important areas of current and future practice. Building upon the understanding of the new stakeholder accountability framework facing clients and employers developed in earlier chapters, this chapter explores public expectations for the role of the professional accountant and the principles that should be observed in discharging that role. This leads to consideration of the implications for services to be...
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...pa [pic] dissertation REPORT on “COMPARATIVE STUDY OF CONSUMER BEHAVIOUR PREFERANCE TO McDonald, KFC & PIZZA HUT IN NOIDA” Submitted To Submitted By dr. adarsh arora ruchika jain Faculty Guide A3104609016 B.com (H) 2009-2012 AMITY college of commerce and finance AMITY UNIVERSITY UTTAR PRADESH ACKNOWLEDGEMENT “Not a single gram can be breaking the whole vessel”. This is a common saying and it is correct. Any project is not an outcome of a single participation but it is a team work. So, I take a great opportunity to thank those entire people who helped me throughout my project. With deep sense of gratitude, I want to acknowledgment my faculty guide, Dr. ADARSH ARORA, for his valuable guidance and timely suggestion offered to me throughout the course of my project. I take an opportunity to acknowledge our heartiest thanks to department for their valuable guidance and support at all time in fulfilling the requirement for the reasonable work. Last but not least, I also very much thankful to my parents, sister, my seniors, my batch mates and friends especially for their continuous encouragement and moral support in preparing this project. DECLARATION I hereby certify that the project work being presented in this report “COMPARATIVE STUDY OF CONSUMER BEHAVIOUR PREFERANCE TO McDonald,...
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...and use. Disclaimer Please note that the schools of literary criticism and their explanations included here are by no means the only ways of distinguishing these separate areas of theory. Indeed, many critics use tools from two or more schools in their work. Some would define differently or greatly expand the (very) general statements given here. Our explanations are meant only as starting places for your own investigation into literary theory. We encourage you to use the list of scholars and works provided for each school to further your understanding of these theories. We also recommend the following secondary sources for study of literary theory: * The Critical Tradition: Classical Texts and Contemporary Trends, 1998, edited by David H. Richter * Critical Theory Today: A User-Friendly Guide, 1999, by Lois Tyson * Beginning Theory, 2002, by Peter Barry Although philosophers, critics,...
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...Contact Us Site Map Home Publications Index by Author by Subject ABC's Farm Lessons One Step Poems Prayer USA Historical The Story Behind The Psalms by Dr. Jack Hyles PREFACE There are three books in the Bible from which I read every day—the Psalms, the Proverbs and the book of Acts. I read the Psalms for love, the Proverbs for wisdom and the book of Acts for power. These three things—love, wisdom and power have for years been on the top of my prayer list. One day while meditating on one of the Psalms, I found myself wondering where the author was when he wrote it, what the circumstances were surrounding its writing and what exactly prompted the author to compose such a masterpiece. I fled to the library of my memory and the refuge of my commentaries until my temporary search became long research. This venture was so enjoyable that I traveled the historical path of another Psalm, then another, then another, which soon led to a series of Bible studies at the First Baptist Church of Hammond on the conditions and circumstances surrounding the writing of each of the Psalms. It makes our study richer as we stand beside the author as he writes and as we feel his heartbeat, watch his tears, enjoy his laughter and join in his praise. May the author beg scholastic mercy of the reader. The following words were not penned to be examined by the microscope of the scholar but rather to be enjoyed by the study of the saint. With lovingkindness, a prayerful spirit...
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...------------------------------------------------- Price Signalling and Competition – Research Essay An evaluation of the law should be conducted in light of a specific objective. This way, one can make a valid determination regarding the effectiveness of the laws in question and their operation with respect to their intended purpose. The objective of the Competition and Consumer Act 2010 (Cth) (CCA) is to enhance the welfare of Australians by promoting competition and fair-trading, and to provide protection to Australian consumers. The relevant laws in place should therefore reflect the aims of this objective. It has been proposed that government action to prohibit anti-competitive price signalling and information exchange between competitors advances the objective of the CCA by strengthening its safe guards against anti-competitive conduct, recognising that competitive markets enhance the welfare of Australians. Several commentators from the business and legal community however challenged this suggestion. They argue that amendments to this end would be futile as such conduct is already regulated by the existing provisions in the CCA. Others have even argued that such regulation has the potential to impede to legitimate and pro-competitive commercial behaviour. Nonetheless, the Australian Consumer and Competition Commission (ACCC) has maintained its position in support of laws that specifically target anti-competitive communication between competitors. Recent public...
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...point slide or graph. 6:00 pm God's Power Band will provide transition music. They will also perform one solo song midway during the program. 6:10 pm Come Together Choirs Start: 1. Congregation/Choir name: Our Lady of Peace Catholic Song selection: "Con Fe" (5min) Number of people in choir: 12-15 2. Congregation/Choir name: St. Peter CME - Song selection: "Let the Glory of the Lord Rise Among Us" (5min) Number of people in choir: 12-15 3. Congregation/Choir name: Ander's Choir Song selection: "STILL NEED SONG TITLE"? (5min) Number of people in choir: 6 6:30pm Logistics & Recognition of I AM exhibit: (Co-Chairs) * REV. JOHNSON: Welcome, as you are finding your seats, please make sure you have signed in, have an Opportunity Now sticker! Restrooms can be found in the main lobby to the right. Make sure to turn your cell phones off. Translation headsets are available. * ORLANDO GALLARD0: Tenemos equipos de traduccion en la mesa de registracion. Announces availability of headsets in Spanish. * REV. JOHNSON: CCO cares about the experience of all our people in this United States of America, our Land of Opportunity. Tavis Smiley presents America I Am: The African American Imprint at Union Station Oct 22 - Jan 8. The exhibit traces the indelible imprint African Americans have made on America. Our stories - some filled with...
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...distribution to consumption to disposal. All together, it’s called the materials economy. Well, I looked into it a little bit more. In fact, I spent 10 years traveling the world tracking where our stuff comes from and where it goes.1 And you know what I found out? That is not the whole story. There’s a lot missing from this explanation. For one thing, this system looks like it’s fine. No problem. But the truth is it’s a system in crisis. And the reason it is in crisis is that it is a linear system and we live on a finite planet and you can not run a linear system on a finite planet indefinitely.2 Every step along the way, this system is interacting with the real world. In real life it’s not happening on a blank white page. It’s interacting with societies, cultures, economies, the environment. And all along the way, it’s bumping up against limits. Limits we don’t see here because the diagram is incomplete. So let’s go back through, let’s fill in some of the blanks and see what’s missing. Well, one of the most important things that is missing is people. Yes, people. People live and work all along this system. And some people in this system matter a little more than others; some have a little more say. Who are they? Well, let’s start with the government. Now my friends3 tell me I should use a tank to symbolize the government and that’s true in many countries and increasingly in our own, afterall more than 50% of our federal tax money...
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...WEIGHING THE PROS AND CONS OF GLOBALIZATION this presentation, Weidenbaum makes five key recommendations: • Make the World Trade Organization More Transparent • Ease the transition of people hurt by globalization • Strengthen the International Labor Organization • Use the Internet to give consumers an educated voice on overseas production • Welcome voluntary business standards Murray Weidenbaum holds the Mallinckrodt Distinguished University Professorship at Washington University in St. Louis, where he is also honorary chairman of the Weidenbaum Center on the Economy, Government, and Public Policy. Dr. Weidenbaum served as Assistant Secretary of Treasury for Economic Policy in the Nixon Administration and as President Reagan’s first Chair of the Council of Economic Advisers. 1300 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW Washington, D.C. 20004-3027 www.wilsoncenter.org MURRAY WEIDENBAUM WEIGHING THE PROS AND CONS OF GLOBALIZATION Remarks by MURRAY WEIDENBAUM A Presentation to the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars Washington, D.C. March 5, 2003 WOODROW WILSON INTERNATIONAL CENTER FOR SCHOLARS LEE H. HAMILTON, DIRECTOR PROJECT ON AMERICA AND THE GLOBAL ECONOMY SERIES ON GLOBALIZATION BOARD OF TRUSTEES Joseph B. Gildenhorn, Chair; David A. Metzner, Vice Chair. Public Members: James H. Billington, Librarian of Congress; John W. Carlin, Archivist of the United States; Bruce Cole, Chair, National Endowment for the Humanities;...
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...M A G A Z I N E FA L L 2 0 0 2 Volume 20 Number 2 SPANNING THE GLOBE Duke Leads the Way in International Law Teaching and Scholarship inside plus Duke admits smaller, exceptionally well-qualified class Duke’s Global Capital Markets Center to launch new Directors’ Education Institute from the dean Dear Alumni and Friends, It is not possible, these days, for a top law school to be anything other than an international one. At Duke Law, we no longer think of “international” as a separate category. Virtually everything we do has some international dimension, whether it concerns international treaties and protocols, commercial transactions across national borders, international child custody disputes, criminal behavior that violates international human rights law, international sports competitions, global environmental regulation, international terrorism, or any number of other topics. And, of course, there is little that we do at Duke that does not involve scholars and students from other countries, who are entirely integrated with U.S. scholars and students. Students enrolled in our joint JD/LLM program in international and comparative law receive an in-depth education in both the public and private aspects of international and comparative law, enriched by the ubiquitous presence of foreign students; likewise, the foreign lawyers who enroll in our one-year LLM program in American law enroll in the same courses, attend the same conferences...
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...Wor9 - 1 04 - 0 71 R EV: JU LY 2 6 , 2 00 4 RO BERT S. KAPLAN D A VI D KIR O N Accounting Fraud at WorldCom WorldCom could not have failed as a result of the actions of a limited number of individuals. Rather, there was a broad breakdown of the system of internal controls, corporate governance and individual responsibility, all of which worked together to create a culture in which few persons took responsibility until it was too late . — Richard Thornburgh, former U.S. attorney general1 On July 21, 2002, WorldCom Group, a telecommunications company with more than $30 billion in revenues, $104 billion in assets, and 60,000 employees, filed for bankruptcy protection under Chapter 11 of the U.S. Bankruptcy Code. Between 1999 and 2002, WorldCom had overstated its pretax income by at least $7 billion; a deliberate miscalculation that was, at the time, the largest in history. The company subsequently wrote down about $82 billion (more than 75%) of its reported assets.2 WorldCom’s stock, once valued at $180 billion, became nearly worthless. Seventeen thousand employees lost their jobs; many left the company with worthless retirement accounts. The company’s bankruptcy also jeopardized service to WorldCom’s 20 million retail customers and on government contracts affecting 80 million Social Security beneficiaries, air traffic control for the Federal Aviation Association, network management for the Department of Defense and long-distance services for both houses of Congress and the...
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