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Performance Management Plan


Submitted By indiahrrs72
Words 1207
Pages 5
Performance Management Plan
India C Harris
March 30, 2015
Dr. Sanders

Performance Management Plan
Traci in the content of this paper is some recommendations to increase performance based on current business strategy regarding client Landslide Limousine Inc. Several areas relating to performance management will be highlighted and solutions of improvement identified. It is imperious to develop a strategy to increase performance and decrease the anticipated turnover rate of less than ten percent. To accomplish this task, I will identify key concepts that should be implemented within Landslide Limousine Inc.’s overall performance management plan. Alignment of the performance management framework Performance appraisals offer an important role in the global objective of performance management. To assist employees with the improvement of organizational standards and realize their full potential, a performance appraisal serves as a valuable tool; it provides information to both employees and managers for more accurate decision making. Appraisals identify strengths and weaknesses within an employee’s current position to see if further training is required or a promotion can be offered. Appraisals also provide feedback to employers by providing attention to developmental needs and highlight organizational issues. The management by objective (MBO) process establishes benchmarks employees are required to accomplish; it sets amenable standards by both employee and management. My recommendation is to have immediate supervisors complete appraisals, each employee must complete self-appraisals and customers offer feedback from their interaction with the drivers, to assist in performance evaluation. It is most beneficial for immediate supervisors to complete appraisals because of familiarity with the employees’ performance; they will be responsible for any earned awards or necessary action plan resolutions. Self-appraisals empower employees to evaluate their level of expertise and skill in their current position. “Self -appraisals give the employee an opportunity to rate themselves in regards to their job performance” (Cascio, 2013, Chapter 9). Customer feedback is a tool most utilized within any customer service based business; it enables customers the opportunity to recognize wonderful customer service, where an employee may never be recognized. Customer feedback offers important feedback for employment decisions, such as promotion, job relocation and training needs. (Cascio, 2013)
Organizational Performance Philosophy
Landslide Limousine will be committed to a performance management system that rewards and encourages excellence in daily operations. Landslide Limousine Inc. will be integrating performance efforts with both employees and supervisors, endorsing consistency with the review process, motivating employees to execute their profession at their highest level of excellence. Supervisors, employees, and customers are all part of an organizational partnership that ensures performance standards are met, by reviewing any lapses in operations and consistently offering development assistance when and where needed. This partnership is designed to assist all involved parties with accomplishing organizational goals, and striving for excellence.
Job Analysis
To complete a job analysis, an audit of job titles and required skill sets must be considered. Management must identify important details of the position during the analysis process. The analysis process should include describing job duties, required licenses and certifications for the position. By outlining duties of each position, allows management to create benchmarks that must be reached by employees. Defining job qualifications for each position will ensure the right candidates will be selected for the right position. By defining the nature of the job its expectations, will set performance standards. Some position requirements for a driver are: sitting for long periods of time along and lifting of luggage, bags etc., experience in how to drive SUV, large passenger vans and party buses, and knowledge of GPS navigation systems to locate unfamiliar destinations. Specific qualifications for the position should be based upon experience, skill, and education.
Methods of Measuring Employees’ Skills
Employee skills can be effectively measured regarding performance appraisals. One skill utilized predominantly in the United States is management by objective. It “relies on goal setting to establish objectives for the organization as a whole, for each department, for each manager within each department, and for each employee” (Cascio, 2013, Chapter 9). Employees and Management should discuss objectives and come to a mutual agreement within a reasonable timeframe when a task should be completed. Consistency in measuring objectives is a key concept when monitoring performance within job expectations. When a measurable plan has been created, select a timeframe when it can be reviewed. When reviewing the objectives, choose an implementation method and timeframe. Choosing a graphic rating scale minimizes the time necessary to the measure objectives. Objectives are reviewed on a point system and are simplistically measured by adding numbers and arriving at a score or rating. This method determines where an employee excels and where improvement is needed. Management by objective and behaviorally anchored rating scales (BARS) can be used to analyze critical occurrences within the industry. It analyzes specific incidents and compares them to the average (Casico, 2013,Chapter 9).
Addressing Skill Gaps
Conducting skills gaps analysis will assist with identifying specific skill needed to complete given tasks and compares it to the current requirements. Begin the skills analysis by completing a skills assessment; this will determine what skills are already possessed by the employee and what skills are needed for a particular job category. The skills assessment can be utilized as an audit for assessing and development of job skills. Implement a plan for training employees for specific skills needed. An efficient skills gap analysis will assess skills, identify skill deficiencies and highlight training as deemed necessary for successful job execution. If training is necessary, Duggan (2015), “use training professionals to work with personnel to create a plan to remedy the situation” (2015).
Approach for Effective Delivery of Performance Feedback
Delivering effective performance feedback, it is my suggestion to utilize 360-degree feedback. It highlights different perspectives of the person in different roles (Cascio, 2013, Chapter 9). Incorporating immediate supervisors, fellow employees and customers advises the employee their performance is monitored by everyone whom he/she comes in contact with. A 360 evaluation is most beneficial due to feedback received for all levels of service. Heathfield (2015), “360-degree feedback allows each individual to understand how his effectiveness as an employee, coworker, or staff member is viewed by others.” (2015) Utilizing 360-degree offers realistic feedback that assists individuals with identifying their strengths, weaknesses and ultimately become a more effective employee.
This performance management plan summarizes several necessary aspects in monitoring standards of performance. After reviewing this subject matter a clear definition of performance management and its relevance to the company’s business strategy are comparable. Landslide Limousine Inc. needs to focus on minimizing employee turnover rate and maximize employee performance in all areas of the organization. “Appraisals can help to identify developmental needs of employees and also to establish objectives for training programs” (Cascio, 2013, Chapter 9). Landslide Limousine Inc. can excel in the limousine business if recommendations contained in this memo are implemented.

Cascio, W. (2013). Managing Human Resources: Productivity, Quality of Work Life (9th ed.).
Retrieved from The University of Phoenix eBook Collection database..
Duggan, T. (2014). How to Develop a Skill Gap Analysis. Retrieved from Heathfield, S. (2015). 360 Degree Feedback: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly. Retrieved from

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