* Set in 1981 at San Francisco, the movie begins by depicting Chris Gardner (Will Smith) as a common man who had invested all his savings in his dream venture of sales of portable bone-density scanner. He lives in an apartment with his wife Linda (Thandie Newton) who works double shifts in a restaurant to support Chris and son Christopher (Jaden) spends most of his day in day-care center. * Chris has been struggling to maintain status quo and provide for his family as his venture was not as successful as imagined, it is then that he discovers out of chance that being a stock broker may provide him with a steady income and improve his social status, also a college degree is not required. But, he is chided by Jaden for having considering stock broker as a career option instead of stressing more on his current venture. * Unfazed by criticism he applies for unpaid internship and impresses Jay Twistle (Brian Howe) by solving a 3X3 Rubik’s Cube in less than 30mins, who instantly spots an analytical talent in Chris which can be used in the stock broker firm he is in. * His condition worsens as he is estranged by his wife and he lives with his son, providing and taking care of him, while simultaneously striding through the internship which selects one in twenty and also trying to sell the remaining of his portable bone density scanner to make ends meet.
The rest of the plot unfolds portraying Chris’s struggle through life from being near bankrupt, being homeless , arrested and crossing paths with many other adversities to strive to meet his goal. * The Pursuit of Happyness is, based on a true story, a rags-to-riches tale about a father’s love for his son and him working hard to achieve dreams to give the best to his family. The Pursuit of Happyness also highlights the plight of homelessness in our society. The movie also portrays the martial discord