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Personal Development Analysis

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A personal development plan gives the opportunity to identify, plan and develop the skills needed to succeed at the career that I aspire to achieve. In this document I will investigate what area in conservation I will consider working towards, I will use the National Occupation Standards (“NOS”) and established organizations that I have approached to further my understanding of the industry like British and Irish Association of Zoos and Aquariums (“BIAZA”) and Zoological Society of London (“ZSL”), then I will assess my strengths, weakness, opportunities and threats using a (“SWOT”) analysis to set targets to meet industry standards and required skill. Lastly, I will set myself specific, measurable, assignable, realistic, time-related (“SMART”) …show more content…
Therefor I plan to focus on strengthening my computer skill and organizational structure. I still need to narrow my career asperations but through the opportunities I have made, I believe my weakness and threats will dissipate allowing me to choose the correct specialized field. From analyzing my SWOT I realized that I need to open my methods of communication, there for I became a member of BIAZA, ZSL, ZSH, IHS and SRAS while also being a member of PETA, Born Free and WWF. Although some of the values their different groups hold I believe that I will be able to further my goals by keeping an open mind and having lines of communication open to all styles of wildlife conservation. Personal knowledge of scientific studies and structure is one of my weaknesses so taking all opportunities to learn will strengthen the practical knowledge I have gained while traveling and experiencing a range of climates and species. (“LANAnC67 Plan and manage animal conservation”) is my second choice and something that will be a long-time goal that I will be working to achieve alongside my studies and future career. According to and I found this to be truly shocking and one of the reason I returned to education, despite my lack of knowledge and late start in this field of work. When I researched this career on NOS, I found a correlation with my current knowledge and strengths K1, K11, K12, K13 and K14 can be associated with my previous knowledge of owning my own business, managing staff and reviewing performances. This will assist me in the business side of managing or owning an animal conservation, I also have created many opportunities to give me an insight into the conservation world by communicating with ZSH to allow

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