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Personal Narrative-Alana The Ice Skating Princess

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Alana the Ice Skating Princess

I wake up to the sound of shattering plates against the marble floor of the dining room, followed by a series of mumbled curses by the maid, Camilla. Shuffling across the room, her footsteps grow quicker and louder as she runs to get a broom. I sit up in my bed, rubbing my eyes and scratching the untamed sprawl of hair on my head as I walk towards the window and pull back the satin curtains. The sun has risen about an hour ago, merely pouring itself into every corner of my room. Snow is forming a light blanket over the town, which is only filled, at this hour, by men going to work and a few aimless townspeople, wandering around the quiet street in admiration of the white dusting over the kingdom. My room …show more content…
“Alanore, you have to get practicing today. You’ve slacked off on the ice for a while, and it’s time to get back to it.” my mother snaps. I suck in a breath and swallow my words along with a chug of orange juice.
“I understand, Mother.” I say quietly. I quickly finish the last piece of pancake and hurry out of the dining room. As I walk through the long hallways of the castle, tie my long, blonde hair into a neat bun at the top of my head. Of course, a lone strand of hair hangs loosely beside my eyebrow, refusing to be pulled into the bun. I blow it to the side as I enter the chilly ice room. A crystal chandelier above me glistens over the smooth ice, and gold chairs fill the outside of the rink. I sit down and tie my silver ice skates on. The rink is silent at this time of day, as always. My mother and father, the King and Queen of Iceland, want me to get in early practice before the rest of the kingdom can. Then again, I am the ice princess. I stand up and trot onto the ice. At first, I just glide around, thinking and messing around. I start to work on my newest turns, jumps, and leaps- the same ones I’ve been doing since I was 3. As I skate aimless circles around the ice, I wonder if I will ever get to leave the castle, to find a life of my own. Being the ice princess is great, but I’d much rather live a normal life. All of the sudden, the large doors of the ice rink open. “Alanore,” …show more content…
I stand up straight and follow her back down the hallway. It is now 10 A.M, the town now bustling with life. Children throw snowballs at frosty store windows and aimlessly run around in the thick snow. When we make our way to the Grand Hall, my mother and father are sitting at their thrones. I walk down the carpet leading to the platform in which my throne is. Sitting down, I greet my parents and notice a tall, thin boy enter the room. His eyes were sharp and grey, his hair gelled back. He wore a navy blue coat, over a silk blouse and blue pants with golden decorations. He bowed before my parents and

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