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Personal Narrative: An Interview With Coach Jeff O Gara

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When I was deciding whom I wanted to interview, I had a tough time finding the right coach because I never had a coach truly understood myself as an athlete. I’ve had good coaches over the years don’t get me wrong, but finding the coach I admired the most was hard. The one I admired the most I only had for a year, and I knew it would be too hard to try and interview him, since he is so busy. So I interviewed the person who I thought would be a very interesting person to get to know more about is coach Jeff O’Gara. Coach OG (as call him OG) is that person you look at and you’re like oh wow, he’s a legit badass. He’d be able to beat up everyone. I honestly just presumed that’s the type of person he was, along with a straightforward attitude and if you don’t like it too bad it’s the truth grow up. While this interview does confirm what I assumed, I was also surprised along the way. As I started the interview, I could tell right away he hated every second of the interview, as he isn’t the type of person that likes talking about himself. However, he is the type of guy to still do it because he truly cares about his …show more content…
Without a delay in his response he said effort, which isn’t a surprise because the man lifts almost everyday, has a body of a twenty year old, and does everything right. As he elaborated more on effort, he started talking about how an individual can have all the talent in the world but without effort they won’t reach those expectations or an individual without much talent but with out of this world effort surpasses the kid with effort because he will do whatever it takes to be great. This concept isn’t something new, you hear about it all the time in sports articles or TV shows, but for some reason I took out of it this time because I know it’s the truth coming from him and I have a lot of respect for

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