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Personal Narrative: Danny's Mom It

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Danny's Mom It is my belief that everyone who has lived long enough has had an experience that changed the course of their lives. Some for the better; some for the worse. I have personally had many of these happenings in life. I want to write about the one that has affected me the most, the life and death of my son, Daniel. His life brought much joy, many tears, and hard lessons learned. Born at the end of summer, it was a long and very uncomfortable pregnancy. Though it was a difficult birth, filled with complications, the sight of my beautiful son would soon make me forget the pain. A full head of golden hair, chunky cheeks, ten fingers and ten toes; he looked perfect to me. However, the doctor did not agree. I was told that my son would not …show more content…
Everything in the world that meant so much to me suddenly became insignificant. It wasn't long before I realized that I was not sure if I would ever see him again. I wasn't sure that when I would die that I would go to heaven. In the interest of keeping my story short and sweet, I became a born-again Christian. Now I have the assurance that, not only will I see my son again, but that I will see my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. It is not difficult to see how my son could have been such an influence on my life. Having seen him live a life of physical and mental disadvantage and yet still have had such zeal for life has made me look into the mirror. I no longer focus on weakness, but rather on strength. My goal is to use what God has blessed me with to His glory. The Holy Bible states, “Whereas ye know not what shall be on the morrow. For what is your life? It is even a vapour, that appeareth for a little time, and then vanisheth.” I have learned many lessons through the life of my child. Mainly, not to take my abilities for granted. Even the very act of breathing is a gift from our Heavenly Father. We are all here for a reason, we are gifted for a reason, and that reason is to do the will of

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