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Personal Narrative: My Abuelitos Home

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Pages 6
Losing someone you love in front of your eyes is unexplainable and the worst experience you could ever feel. I remember trying to process what had just happened as I sat myself down on the steps of my Abuelitos house. I remember so many people surrounding me hugging me saying they were sorry. I never felt so awful, so upset, and angry. I could not process what just happened because I didn’t want to believe it. It was a week before all this happened when my mom got a call from my Abuelita saying that my Abuelito was in critical condition. Over a year and a half ago at that time, I was in my Junior year of high school. My Abuelito was diagnosed with stage four cancer. I didn’t like to think of it because I was very close to my Abuelito and the thought of losing him killed me. As a child both my parents worked a lot and I was an only child at the time. I was always taken to my Abuelitos house and in way they raised me. Part of who I am today is all the time I had spent with them.
After my mom received that phone call she told me Abuelito asked for me. As quickly as we got the phone call my whole family all headed out the door. When we arrived a bunch of my Abuelitos friends were there already surrounding him on his bed. He was breathing weirdly, his breath was very fast for a few seconds then no breath at all. It was as if he was …show more content…
I sat down on my Abuelitos stairs trying to process what I had seen. I was crying like I was a fountain, neverending. People were going and coming and no one knew what to say, but they were all sad. They would come up and hug me and cry with me. They each told me stories about him. One friend of my Abuelita’s named Sara came up to me and told me how she had met my Abuelitos. She told me how my Abuelito was so kind and always made everyone laugh. She even told me a joke my Abuelito used to tell me. I was sad, but listening to what she had to say made me laugh a

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