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Personal Narrative-My First Wisconsin Badger Game

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Badger Game On September 19, 2015 I went to my very first Wisconsin Badger football game. The day started out with the whole family finishing up packing, and loading up the car to start the trip. We finished packing, and then we finally started to make the trip to Madison. On the way to Madison I listened to music, and watched part of a movie. After two hours of driving we arrived in Madison, and I couldn't have been happier. I was starting to get frustrated because after about 20 minutes of driving we still couldn't find a spot to park. We finally found a person that was letting people park in his driveway for 20 dollars. My family and I had to walk about seven block to get to the stadium. It was about 1:45pm and we were meeting my aunt at gate ten to get our tickets that she had for us. …show more content…
We got to our seats, and then I realized how nice the stadium was. The badgers are playing the Troy Trojans, and they are from detroit, michigan. The opening kickoff was so exciting because it was the first college football kickoff ever. Once the game started the badgers student section started the wave. The wave went throughout the whole stadium. They did the wave really slow, and then they did it really fast. Right before halftime one of the badger players hit the quarterback, and this helmet fell off. The referees threw a flag, and said there was a targeting penalty and the play is under review. A targeting penalty is where a player tries to hit the other player in the head. They showed the play over the big screen, and everybody could clearly see that it wasn't a targeting penalty. The referee came back and said that the call will stand as a targeting penalty, and then said that the player will be ejected from the game. After the referee said he was being ejected all the fans started booing. Towards the end of the game, all a sudden there was the alarm going off at the stadium. The announcers came over the intercom and said we have get out of the stadium because

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