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Personal Narrative: My Hero's Journey

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“That one!” My brother screamed as he pointed to the biggest roller coaster in Disney. It was called Everest Expedition, it had a big picture of a Yeti on the front of the sign. As we waited for the roller coaster to come I stood there with my Mom, Dad, and my brother, Will and my cousin, Paige and her friend, Maddy. My fear kept building as the start of the ride was nearing.This was supposed to be a fun filled family vacation at Disney and now it was turning into a nightmare.

“Please I don't want to go,” I said in a worried voice

“You're going to be fine,” my dad said.No i'm not I thought.

Zooom I could hear the coaster coming down the mountain like a train.It flew down the mountain a lighting speed I could see it coming. Come on, break down I thought.But it didn't it came to a stop and the people climbed out hooting and hollering like it was nothing.We climbed in and the guy running the ride said in a boring announcer voice “enjoy the ride,” and hit a few buttons.The cart started going forwards with a jerk and a screech, then we were we were off up the hill. …show more content…
As the roller coaster climbed up the mountain my fear grew.I held onto the metal bar in front of us my knuckles turning white from holding on to hard. I could see the cave ahead. Little did I know that the cave we were going into was not the end of the

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