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Personal Narrative: Shaping My Identity

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Behind each individual, lies an incredible past which shaped their identity. Tons of hardships are endured by people all over the world developing their characters and other aspects of their personality. Possibly, certain events or people in the person’s life caused them to be interested in a hobby, or even a career which they pursue for the rest of their life. I, too, went through a similar experience, full of events, resulting in who I am today. Moving to America was the major factor of shaping my identity.
Just like any other story, mine also begins with birth. I was born in the southwestern side of Russia, on June of 1998. At a very young age, my parents divorced due to financial conflicts. Soon after, my father was offered a …show more content…
Victor raised me since I was 6, teaching me everything I need to know to be a daughter my parents could be proud of. Although, Victor was not accustomed to life in Russia, since the majority of his life he spent in the United States. He proposed that my mother and I move back to America with him. I was ecstatic of the idea, but not my mom. She wasn’t fond of the idea of dramatically changing her life, adapting to a completely different country, and possibly not seeing our family for prolonged periods of time. After numerous persuasion attempts from the side of my family, she gave in and we moved to …show more content…
Back in Russia, my mom and I were constantly surrounded by our family. Seeing them on a day-to-day basis, then being abruptly thrown across the globe took a toll, mostly on my mom. She went through homesickness, and depression for a very long time. I didn’t understand what she was going through back then; I was way too young. Looking back on it now makes me regret the fact that I couldn’t help her in any way. Gladly, we still visited Russia every summer, for three years, until my mom and my step father separated. After my mom and I moved out of Victor’s house, we couldn’t afford to go see my family

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