...Personal Responsibility: The Key for Success Lydia Martinez GEN/200 November 5th, 2012 Patrick Jones Personal Responsibility Rough Draft Success, is what you are craving for? Maybe you are in the right track, maybe you are not. It all depends on what attitude you are taking or what road you decide to choose, what are your main values, and what do you really want to become in this journey called life. As a child, our parents try to impart us how to deal with school, such as do our homework and do not be late to school which are two of our major responsibilities we have by that age. Hygiene is other responsibility that our parents teach us to have daily, “keep your room clean”, “brush your teeth”, “ go to sleep before 10:00 pm”, among others. As we are growing, our responsibilities grow with us too, because now we have other interests we might need to look for a job, clean your car or mom’s car if you are in need of money, study harder, etc. After our teen ages passes by our responsibilities are double as they were before because a degree is in process, or you took a different road from what is usually “normal”, drink responsible, drive responsible, etc. Responsibility is a personal value that our parents instill us since we are toddlers and it starts as one of the primary stages of our education. Though, as we grow up this value turn into a personal decision where we decide to take it or not to be mature enough...
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...Personal responsability Personal responsibility means carrying out your own purpose, making that one promise to yourself and following through with it so that your life in all areas can be complete without complications. While attending school possessing this quality is very important to succeed in school. Personal responsibility is taking responsibility for your own actions and knowing what is right or wrong for yourself. Personal responsibility is necessary for college success because it creates a back-bone for what your about to accomplish. Class-time, studying, class mates, and teachers all need some sort of special attention, a time for just that one thing and to do you would need a promise; a promise to yourself to be and do the best that you can. First and foremost is to figure out you weaknesses what have you learned from past experiences. We all learn from our experiences which then takes you to different places in life and that starts from the taking responsibility for your own actions. We have to set goals and rules and promises to make all things work, but we also need to know what is most important than the other. With this the responsibility of it all comes into play. Playing something over again in your head, re-evaluating the situation to come to a conclusion of why and how you can do better. When we do badly on a test we usually beat ourselves up for it, wanting to know why. Well the first question would be, “how long did I study, where my time really was...
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...Personal Responsibility Alin Cosma GEN/200 06/03/2013 Mellisa Ray Personal Responsibility Responsibility is something people must deal with every day, they learn about responsibility within the first years of life, and it follows them for the rest of their lives. It is such a small thing that can have such huge implications. Learning to be responsible can be crucial in life; everything is connecting to this word. Failing a test, they are most likely held irresponsible for not studying enough, getting a bad credit score; they are not responsible enough with money. Responsibility links directly to success; a responsible person will most likely turn to be a successful adult. The people who become successful are the people who set goals. A person's success is determined entirely by one’s knowledge or skills and one’s attitude. Most people assume that to be successful, one must be intelligent, have a great education, be good looking, have tremendous luck, and have great connections. However, these factors have been studied over many years and have been found to be irrelevant to success in general and success in business in particular. The first step in success is to accept 100% responsibility for one's condition (Dobbins & Pettman, 1992). They do not have to be a smart to be successful in life, achieving responsibility...
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...Product Purchases and the Economy Lydia Martinez ECO/372 November 10th, 2015 Catherine Levitt Product Purchased and the Economy Economic Indicators “A piece of economic data, usually of macroeconomic scale, it is used by investors to interpret current or future investment possibilities and judge the overall health of an economy” divided in two types, leading and lagging. Leading indicators are those that predict future trends, they are not accurate though, while lagging indicators reflect the historical performances and changes before the economy starts to follow a trend. Inventory Levels is considered a one of the leading economic indicators, meaning that changes in a variable such as business inventories can lead to changes in the future condition of the economy. High inventory levels can reflect two different things: either that demand for inventory is expected to increase or that there is a current lack of demand (Smith, 2015). On the other hand, there is the Consumer Price Index (CPI) a lagging economic indicator that is used to measure the price levels of consumer goods, and reflects inflation. Smith (2015) says “A high rate of inflation may erode the value of the dollar more quickly than the average consumer’s income can compensate. This, thereby, decreases consumer purchasing power, and the average standard of living declines. Moreover, inflation can affect other factors, such as job growth, and can lead to decreases in the employment rate and...
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...Personal Responsibility Essay Nancy Rodriguez GEN/200 August 25, 2014 Constance Amenta Author Note Personal Responsibility is to be accountable for decisions made and its consequences whether they are negative or positive, instead of blaming others when things go wrong. Personal Responsibility is a commitment within yourself to do the right thing in a responsible way. In my opinion, it means that you'll be in total control of your actions and choices in life. Your decisions will be affected, by your morals, ethical values, goals and backgrounds. In every aspect of your life that you take Personal Responsibility seriously will reflect in your future, career, education and in your life in general, it's your choice to have a better tomorrow without regrets from your wrong decisions or for being irresponsible. Abstract Having Personal Responsibility within yourself will keep you committed to your moral values and goals. It'll guide you to make the right and wisest choices. Striving for a better future, or better jobs opportunity will lead you to get an Education that will involve you to have Personal Responsibility; In order to achieve a college education its essential to have dedication and commitment to reach that goal. You will need to be responsible managing your time wisely, turning in your homework in the amount of time established, seek help if you need it and be willing to accept suggestions and advice from others to improve your weak areas in order to succeed...
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...Elementary and secondary education Schooling is compulsory for all children in the United States, but the age range for which school attendance is required varies from state to state. Most children begin elementary education with kindergarten (usually five to six years old) and finish secondary education with twelfth grade (usually eighteen years old). In some cases, pupils may be promoted beyond the next regular grade. Some states allow students to leave school between 14–17 with parental permission, before finishing high school; other states require students to stay in school until age 18. Secondary Education Lasts from grade 9 to 12, typically from the age of 14/15 to 17/18. * Upon successful completion of 12th grade students are awarded with a high school diploma. * Students that have not received a high school diploma may take the General Education Development (GED) test, which is a certification for high-school level academic skills. Junior and senior high school Middle school and Junior high school include the grade levels intermediate between elementary school and senior high school. "Middle school" usually includes sixth, seventh and eighth grade; "Junior high" typically includes seventh through ninth grade. The range defined by either is often based on demographic factors, such as an increase or decrease in the relative numbers of younger or older students, with the aim of maintaining stable school populations. At this time, students are given more independence...
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...what determines results and/or outcomes. College success will depend on one’s ability to be responsible with daily choices and decisions. Success and failure both come from the same source, decisions. Our lives consist of the choices we make daily. If I am going to be successful with any task I must first make responsible choices. I believe it is not only important to be responsible but also accountable for one’s actions. I’m sure if we wished to be honest most of us can say that we have not always made the best choices. However, if we take responsibility for those choices and learn from them; we can improve our lives. In short, our actions determine our future. The most important people in our lives often play a huge part in our personal growth. They do this by teaching us responsibility. Responsibility is not learned in a vacuum but is often taught by those closest to us; our parents. Although responsibility is taught by those closest to us it is not limited to family members. Just think of the first person who made you understand that for every action, there is a reaction. We learn responsibility from a variety of sources; teachers, coaches, and leaders. They all teach us one important thing; life is all about responsibility. Life educates us about our responsibility to society. We do not live alone and every choice we make affects...
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...En agosto del 2009 un acotecimiento muy importante para la familia iva a ocurrir., el cual tuvo lugar en la republica dominicana. Y toda la familia iva a viajar para el evento el cual era la boda de mi hermana. Ella hizo todos los arreglos para estar alla a tiempo con todos los preparativos de la boda. La fecha de patir se aproximaba y teniamos que viajar de aqui para el aeropuerto de new york. Entonces ya que ivamos a viajarmuchas personas mi hermana decidio adelantarse y se marcho primero para new york a la casa de un tio nuestro. Al siguiente dia de estar alla mi hermana se dio cuenta que no tenia su pasaporte con ella, cuando ya le llegaba la hora de irse, faltando solo un semana para la boda. Mi hermana lamentablemente no encotro su pasaporte y nosotros terminamos viajando primero que ella que era la novia ya que era fin de semana, tuvo que esperar hast el lunes para obtener un Nuevo pasaporte. Pero cuando llego a la agencia se entero de que lamentablemente tenia que esperar hasta el viernes para que le entregaran el pasaporte. Ya estando el resto de la familia alla mientras preparabamos la boda, estavamos desesperados y nerviosos porque el gran dia se acercaba y la novia no estabafinalmente llego el viernes y recibio su Nuevo pasaporte y ella pudo llegar.aunque llego un dia antes de la boda ya todo estaba preparado y solo hacia falta esperar al dia siguiente para casarse. Feliszmente llego el gran dia y todo empezo a marchar bien. La novia se vistio, se peino y se maquillo...
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...Personal Responsibilities I. Introduction My name is Rolando Duque, born in Guatemala Central America, my family and I moved to Houston Texas at a very young age. At the age of 21 years old I met my wife and had 4 children, where my oldest is 12, second youngest is 11, third one is 8 and my youngest of all of them my boy is 3 years old. All of them born in Houston Texas. Originally living in Calgary, Alberta Canada. II. Primary purpose for education My main purpose for education is to succeed and to provide for my family, also to give me peace of mind. For a better future. III. Skills development I willing to understand and to put in practice what is to be taught during the period of this career. Also to add to my personal knowledge previously obtained at any circumstances, to be able to complete my Degree. 1. Job Training 2. Technological Advancement IV. Intrinsic motivation My motivation is my family and myself, to grow within my community and country and succeed as example to my children. V. Development of social relationships As I graduate I will be able to participate and to share my knowledge to my community and to support those willing to succeed as well. VI. Career advancement As I progress with my studies I will be able to participate and learn all the necessary for me and my class. To not only think about myself only if not with the rest of my team. VII. Adult learning style I am here to...
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...because the words are so profoundly true. In the end we cannot blame anyone but ourselves for the way our life turns out. As I began writing this paper, I really had to think about how I felt about my own personal responsibility. I had to consider how my decisions affect those that are in my personal circle. Realizing the choices that I make now or in the future could have a paramount effect on my family and closes friends. Yes, I am responsible for how others view me and take into account the person that I have come to be. Being personally responsible means; being accountable for everything that happens in my life, including my actions, attitude and the decisions I make about such things as my health, how I handle myself on my job, being a good parent and being an excellent student. Personal responsibility also means that for every cause there is an effect, every action has a reaction. Is this reaction positive or negative? Well, that depends solely on how one handles the situation life throws your way. My true happiness depends on the degree to which I recognize and accept the consequences of my actions and realize that each action has a direct impact on whether I reach my goals, accomplish my dreams and make my life meaningful. I have recently decided to take personal responsibility for my life and finish what I started so many years ago. I always promised myself when I had finished raising my son I would return to school and complete my degree. That moment has arrived...
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...Personal Responsibility and College Success Personal responsibility is something that can help an individual. I believe that if a person has the sense to be responsible in their everyday life, then being successful in college will be a breeze. To be successful, one has to make good choices to get good results. The choice I made was to attain my college degree. In order to pursue that goal, I need to be personally responsible for the work ahead and make it through any obstacles. Furthering ones education and personal responsibility have many things in common, especially if it helps that person get their priorities in order. Personal responsibility is accepting the actions chosen and the consequences from those actions. I take upon myself to set my personal responsibility as succeeding in college. Haskins (2009) wrote, “When applied to education, personal responsibility means that students accept the responsibility to study hard and to learn as much as they can in courses that press against the limits of their capacity.”. In other words, I am going to push myself until I can no longer push. Move forward, do not look back – only look at what the future holds. I want to set an example for my children that if you find the motivation that helps you be that better person, go for it. According to Ellis (2011), “Motivation can come simply from being clear about your goals and acting on them.” My personal motivations are to provide my children with a future that I can give...
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...Speech # 3 – Personal Interest Speech 4-6 minutes General Purpose: To inform Specific Objectives: ➢ To expand effective delivery technique and to have the opportunity to speak on a topic of personal interest with high rate of success. ➢ To incorporate the use of a presentation aid as support material into your public speaking. ➢ To build confidence in Public Speaking through an assignment that draws on speaker’s personal interest in music, literature, or an object of significant meaning in the speaker’s life. Description/Requirements: Each student must choose a favorite song, piece of literature, or object he or she feels (1) has a personally significant message; (2) expresses an idea representative of his or her generation or culture; and (3) explains something that is important and relevant to society. In this speech, the speaker must consider him/herself a “teacher” (an informative speaker sharing information with your audience). A topical organizational pattern is suggested for this speech. OPTION ONE: This option requires you to choose a favorite song. Included in the speech must be: (1) a description of the song (e.g., composer/lyricist, its musicality, a description of the artist); (2) the song’s theme and its relevance to the class and/or society; (3) an oral interpretation of a section from the song; (4) the student's personal reaction to the song (i.e., why you chose it); and (5) an audio or visual portion of the song to be...
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...Individual personal statement Over the course of the facilitation module I have learnt many things, whether it be through work in class, through my own wider reading or my own personal experiences being a participant. One thing that has become clear through my reading of Boal's games for actors and non-actors is that facilitation is a platform to allow anyone to experience drama. I found this very interesting as using facilitation in this way shows the positive ways in which drama can be used. I felt that this was an important idea, especially as the purpose of our workshop was to bring drama to an age group that might not have had a chance to experience it. Although our group was not on the same calibre as the groups that Boal's in the theatre of the oppressed it is still just as important for them to experience drama, “Even if they had all been homogeneous groups I feel that this introduction would have been necessary” (Boal,1992) this clearly shows that it is important that we use facilitation in this way. Although I missed a section of this module, due to health reasons, I feel that I have tried my best to put in an equal effort towards to outcome as my peers. I have tried to use my own experiences being a participant in workshops myself and also my experience being a facilitator at a local drama school to influence my decisions in the planning and development process. As I was working with children of a similar age, I felt that this influenced the way I worked in this...
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...debate question is a question you are either going to agree or disagree with the statement. Based on the lack of participation from the rest of my group I do not know their feeling on this debate question. I personal response is yes. I do believe transgendered individuals should be able to participate in the homecoming as the other sex. I feel I put in efficient effort for this debate and debate question. Although I did not personally pick the debate question I had suggested several other topics but choice to stay on board with this debate question so the discussion would proceeds faster. Although I feel I personally put forth a lot of effort I know I could always do more. I could have not waited for so many days to pass waiting on my other teammates response. Although they were not responding I could have posted the research I found and what my option was. I have done some research on this debate question. I submitted an order to the University of Phoenix section in the Library called Ask a Librarian and I received a responses. The responses I received back from the Librarian suggested ways I could find reliable sources in the University Library. These sources will help me for future references with the debate question. I also did some personal research on the debate question out of curiosity. I know when I write more papers in the future or bring more to the debate I will use resources I find in the University of Phoenix Library....
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...Psychology Major Module 2: Assignment: Instructions and Grading Rubric DIRECTIONS: Personal Credo: Psychology is a science that pervades nearly every moment of every day of our lives. To provide just one small example, consider the complex psychological and physiological processes involved in forming thoughts, communicating with others, and remembering both happy and sad memories. The very manner in which you engage (or do not engage) with others in the world around you has been derived from a series of influences on you, both genetic and environmental, that have shaped you into the person you are today. Thus, we are the amalgamation of collective influences on us, from our families and friends to our coworkers and larger society. It is my firm conviction that to appreciate who we are and what we stand for, it is important to periodically self-reflect and consider our life experiences, those things important to us, and our current direction in life. To assist you in doing this, I will ask that each of you complete a “personal credo.” This term may be somewhat alien to you, so I will explain what materials are to be included in this brief summary of who you are. Submit your assignment via the Dropbox no later than Sunday 11:59 PM EST/EDT. (This Dropbox basket is linked to Turnitin.) The word “credo” relates to a personal set of values or beliefs. For this class, conceptualize your personal credo as a brief autobiographical statement that details not only important background...
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