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Perspectives on Learnign, Thinking and Activity


Submitted By Casper642
Words 961
Pages 4
According to the article “Perspectives on Learning, Thinking, and Activity,” situative and cognitive perspectives have both made a significant impact on educational thinking and towards the improvement of education. The purpose of doing research relative to learning processes is to “inform those who are responsible for forming policy-so that our children will not be the victims of well-intentioned but ill informed educational practices.” (Anderson, Greeno, Reder, Simon 2000) Situational learning is an instructional approach that follows the work of Vygotsky where students are inclined to learn actively by participating in the learning experience. “Like Piaget, Vygotsky argued that cognitive development results from a complex interaction between heredity and environment.” (Bohlin, Durwin, Reese-Weber 2012) Vygotsky’s “Zone of Proximal Development” (ZPD) theory states that the purpose of education is to give children experiences that are within their zones of proximal development thereby promoting and encouraging their individual learning. ZPD is the difference between “children’s actual developmental level and their level of potential development.” (Bohlin, Durwin, Reese-Weber 2012) Skills and understandings contained within a child’s ZPD are the ones that have not yet emerged, but could emerge if the child engages in interactions with knowledgeable others (i.e. peers and adults) or in other supportive contexts (i.e. make believe play). Children shift from performing cognitive processes socially with an adult to performing them mentally by themselves (Bohlin, Durwin, Reese-Weber 2012). In Vigotsky’s approach, the concept of “scaffolding” helps to support children’s learning. In particular, when applying scaffolding to the Zone of Proximal Development, it is a “bidirectional process within the ZPD rather than a one-way transmission from the adult to the

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