The Republic Democratic of Congo is the third largest country in Africa and one of the richest due to his mineral such as gold, and diamond. Today, this country is in constant war because his neighbor country are in need to explore his mineral illegally using force. They rape women and girls to terrify the population and get the attention of political personage. Yes! Rape is used as a weapon in Congo causing a higher rate of mortality of women when the international community does not take a look at the situation as they should for other countries in the world.
War rape is one of the most devastating tool used in the East of Congo to evacuate some area so that militant can explore the ground and get gold or diamond. According to Africa Review…show more content… The most recent rape statistics certainly support the ignominious characterization: on average, 48 women and girls are raped every hour; between 2006 and 2007 approximately 400,000 women aged 15-49 were raped; and, more harrowing, for each reported assault, it is estimated that 20 rapes are not reported”( Cannon, P. 2012). Many of this cases are not reported because once they are known, these woman are rejected and are treated as bad luck to their village. Holmes article on rape in Congo mention that: “Since 2005, more than 32,000 cases of rape and sexual violence have been registered in South Kivu alone. But that's only a fraction of the total; many -- perhaps most -- attacks go unreported. Victims of rape are held in shame by Congolese society and frequently are ostracized by their families and communities. The ripple effect of these attacks goes far beyond the individual victim, destroying family and community bonds and leaving children orphaned and/or HIV positive” (Holmes, J. 2007). Pushing them to stay away from others to avoid any shame. When this situation is taking place no one stand up to support victims but instead, they are called to leave their homes due to