...Not Passing a Hotel Tax Could be Detrimental to the City of San Diego San Diego Comic Con is a pop culture and comic book event that has been happening in San Diego since 1970. The convention began small but has grown to host over 130,000 attendees each year. Currently, the convention is being held at the downtown convention center, but due to the overwhelming demand for tickets, space needed to host panels, and booths for exhibitors, the convention center will either need to expand or Comic Con will have to move to another city. A city that can accommodate the large number of fans and attendees. The City of San Diego has proposed a tax on hotel rooms to help fund the cost of expanding he convention center, so that the city could keep Comic-Con in San Diego, which brings in a tremendous amount of money for the city. Recently, the city vetoed the tax, which could prove a detriment to the city. In the year 2014, Comic Con brought an estimated 163 million dollars to the City. Between restaurants, transportation, and most importantly, hotels, geeks come from around the world to visit the largest comic and pop-culture convention in history, and are happy to spend their hard-earned money to get, and stay here. Since so many of those that attend come from out of town, the hotels make a huge profit during the five-day event. In fact, hotels are so overrun with guests during the event; there is now a lottery to get a chance at a hotel room. A few months before the event...
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...Persuasive Essay Comm/215 Persuasive Essay Having an Abortion Is Not an Option Thousands of woman all around the world have abortions every day. Women believe there are several reasons to abort a child such as being a young mother, no money, or being forced to have sex. Whatever has happen there is always a better way than abortion. Human values, and your since of mothering instincts should prevent this not to mention your conscience. The first reason for not having an abortion is human responsibility. Women should consider the feelings of the unborn child who have no idea what is going on. These unborn children are not responsible for their situation. These unborn children should be allowed the opportunity to grow and have a chance at life. Women should apply there motherly instincts when it comes to these unborn children. There are several options available to these women such as adoption, county agencies, and private parties with good back grounds wanting to adopt unborn child. The second reason why women should not have an abortion has to do with a wide variety of religious beliefs. Many religions will punish women or treat them very badly including not being able to participate in church activities. In many churches some form of penitence is required before they will be allowed to continue in church activities. It is not a necessary thing to kill unborn child with today’s options. The third and most important reason for not having an abortion is related...
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...Persuasive Essay Paper Jessica Ogunlanoh University of Phoenix April 11, 2010 Paula Brobst Essentials of College Writing/COMM 215 Ending Illegal Immigration Persuasive Essay Paper 1 As Benjamin Franklin once said, “In this world nothing is certain but death and taxes.” Unfortunately, none of us can live forever and while eliminating taxes seems like a long shot, we can certainly lower it. To do that, we must have a strong economy. To have a strong economy, we cannot have one of the biggest economic drains in the nation: Illegal Immigrants. There are an estimated number of twenty million illegal immigrants in the United States. These criminals are leeches of our economic system as most of them do not pay taxes. The criminals also drain our economy by taking our jobs. Illegal Immigrants ruin the standard of living for hard-working American citizens and legal immigrants by using our social service programs from OUR taxes. It’s not simply economical issues that make it horrible and preposterous for these criminals to be accepted, it’s moral principle. Illegal Immigrants in general, do not pay taxes. Why is that? These kinds of criminals are virtually invisible to law enforcement. They are undocumented. They don’t have valid birth certificates, social security cards or passports. Since they are about as easy to find as finding Waldo in the bible, they pretty much have simply an option...
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...Overpaid Baseball Players When addressing the value of entertainment, there is without a doubt, that we as a society value entertainment highly. But there is no reason that these athletes, who are here to merely entertain us, get paid higher wages than those that save our lives and teach us such as medical doctors and teachers. Professional athletes do not offer society an essential function that improves or enhances our world in comparison to other professionals. It is my claim that professional baseball players are paid more than they are worth. Economics is the key to understanding why these athletes earn such tremendous salaries; still, it fails to explain why they actually do deserve it. Giving athlete’s high wages doesn’t only distort them, but also bring downfall to clubs and the country’s economy. The growth and the development of a sport may be reflected from the wages of the athletes and that is all it does. In conclusion, Team owners pay more to keep athletes on the team to be on a winning streak, but whether the drive to win is justifiable remains in doubt. The economic system involving sports, corporate America, and the media is an interdependent one. Athletes make huge sums of money paid to them by owners who make even larger sums of money. Agents, free agency, and other phenomena keep athlete salaries rising. So, too, does increased ticket sales to games, increased TV viewership, enormous media contracts, TV advertising, and corporate sponsorship and endorsement...
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...Persuasive Essay Name University of Phoenix Essentials of College Writing COMM/215 Michael Turner June 05, 2012 Persuasive Essay I can't believe that the government spends so much money on projects and overspend on something as simple as a desk. The Federal Government, for the last two years has not had a pay raise. The government has frozen all pay raises at the 2010 pay scale. This is a bunch of crap. We have people out there busting their ass everyday for what? I understand that the economy is down right now but the government is not going anywhere. This freeze has hit me in a bad way. It's like no matter if I work hard or don't work at all, I'm still going to getting the same pay. There is no incentive for me to go out and try to get better at what I do. But I'm not like that because I have pride in what I do. It's just knowing that my pay is going to be the same until the freeze is lifted. The House Appropriations Committee last week approved the bill, which was silent on whether to allocate funds for a federal civilian pay boost. President Obama recommended a 0.5 percent pay boost for federal workers in his fiscal 2013 budget request. The civilian pay raise provision is frequently included in the financial services appropriations bill, which requisitions funds for several federal agencies. (Palleschi, P. (2012). Really what is a .5% pay raise going to do? That won't even pay the taxes on the money I make extra. I just don't believe what...
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...Persuasive Essay Robyn Ralston COMM/215 January 26th, 2015 Paul Korzeniowski Persuasive Essay Even though adding a Turf Field would cause higher taxes, adding a turf field to a school al-lows all area schools in the district to have a field to play on and other clubs can play weekend sports on the field which will generate more crowds. Many school districts have annual votes to have many items voted on to have added to their school district. Greece Central in Rochester, NY has always played around with the thought of adding a turf field to one of the area’s high schools. With four Middle/High Schools, the ques-tion becomes where do we add it? On January 13th, Greece’s school board meeting was held, and the board approved on going forward with a vote on the stadium. The district decided they will have a vote on March 24th, 2015 to have a turf field added to local high school Greece Ar-cadia (McDermott, 2015). Adding the turf field to Greece Central would allow for all the high school teams to have a place to play a home game at night. At this current time, the only time any of the high schools in Greece plays the night game is at another district where they already have a tuft field under the lights. Adding this new stadium with the lights will be able to host these games. Many parents have stated having a Friday night game under the lights would make it so they would be able to attend more games. According to "13 Wham" (2015), ““It's a culture I think we've...
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...Persuasive Essay Olga Acosta COMM/215 Sept. 10, 2014 Craig Westman Persuasive Essay Obama care is the unofficial name of The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act That was approved as a law in March 23, 2010. The objective of Obama care is to give access to all American to quality medical insurance according to their economic possibilities and reduce health care spending in the United States. The new health care law is not perfect, but it offers more than what we have now and what we had before. I live in an apartment and it’s located on the second floor; one day I was bringing the garbage and boxes out because we had just recently moved to those apartments and quickly went down the stairs and thinking that it was the last step; I slipped and fell to the ground. I got up quickly but when I started to walk, I felt a great pain in my knee. No one was around and the first thing I did was to ask for help. Luckily my son heard my screams and I could be able to walk home. Sitting on the couch in my house I realized that I had very swollen knee but it would be impossible to drive my car to the hospital so a neighbor took me to the emergency room. We arrived at the hospital and they took a few x-rays and found out that I have a fracture in my knee and needed immediate attention. We live in a border with Mexico and for me it was very easy to cross the bridge and be treated in Mexico because it is much cheaper the consultations and medicines. This time it was a...
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...Persuasive Essay: Layoffs within a Company Prudence Blackman COMM/215 October-13, 2014 Dr. Stephanie Lyncheski Persuasive Essay: Layoffs within a Company The decision to lay off employees cannot be the easiest for companies. There is a variety of different reasons why employers layoff their employees, and the laws in many states allow them to at any time as long as the reason does not contravene state or federal law. Being let go from your job can happen by firing or layoff, and though neither is, usually, desired, the layoff is typically the method that carries less of a stigma. Firing occurs with one worker for any reason that, usually, involves job performance, unethical behavior or personality differences. Meanwhile, a layoff, usually, occurs with more than one worker for more impersonal reasons involving business or economic decisions. Regardless of the reason, companies must take great care in the way they conduct a layoff to avoid legal ramifications. Even though, layoffs can cause low morale amongst employees, companies have to use layoffs, as a way to optimize labor costs, staff reduction, and relocation. In addition, it is also necessary for the event of mergers or buyouts but it is necessary to aid in the restructuring of the company in hopes to regain financial stability. Cutting Costs The most common reason for being laid off is the company needing to cut costs in some way. This need could stem from debts that have to be paid off or lack of profits, because...
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...PERSUASIVE ESSAY DANA SCOTT COMM/215 November 10, 2014 MARY THOMAS WHY YOU SHOULD NOT PROCRASTINATE There are many ways to avoid success in life and the number one cause is procrastination. Procrastinators sabotage themselves. They put obstacles in their own path. They actually choose paths that hurt their performance. First, we must ask what exactly procrastination is. According to dictionary.com, procrastination, pronounced proh-kras-tuh-ney-shuhn, is the act or habit of procrastinating, or putting off or delaying, especially something requiring immediate attention. If you still do not understand, I will put it in a sentence for you. “He was smart, but his constant procrastination led him to be late with almost every assignment.” According to Joseph Ferrari, Ph.D., associate professor of psychology at De Paul University in Chicago, twenty percent of people identify themselves as chronic procrastinators. For them procrastination is a lifestyle. It cuts across every aspect of their life. They do not pay bills on time. They miss birthday parties and other important activities. They get bad grades in class. They file income tax returns late. They leave their Thanksgiving dinner shopping until the night before thanksgiving. They are always a day late and a dollar short. Theres more than one flavor of procrastination. People procrastinate for different reasons. According to Timothy Pychyl, Ph.D., associate professor of psychology at Carleton University in Ottawa Canada...
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...1 Persuasive essay Comm/215 Prof. Manuel Hernández January 8, 2013 2 Bicycle or car? In 1870 the first all metal bicycle machine appeared. The pedals were attached directly to the front wheel with no freewheeling mechanism. Solid rubber tires and the long spokes of the large front wheel provided a much smoother ride than its predecessor. The front wheels became larger and larger as makers realized that the larger the wheel, the farther you could travel with one rotation of the pedals. You would purchase a wheel as large as your leg length would allow. This machine was the first one to be called a bicycle ("two wheels"). These bicycles enjoyed a great popularity among young men of means (they cost an average worker six month's pay), with the hey-day being the decade of the 1880s. A bicycle is a mechanism that has transported man for many decades. Now and days, bicycling is a great way to keep in shape and specially to move from one place to another in short distances. I believe you should use a bicycle for short distances to protect the environment as well as your health those not matter the type of bike you have. The purpose of this essay is to explain why people should ride a bicycle for short distance trips. By riding a bicycle, people can decrease gasoline consumption, improve the quality of their lives, and protect the environment. The first reason to use a bicycle for short distances is that you can cause a decrease of pollution for a healthier environment...
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...Persuasive Essay ------------------------------------------------- Top of Form Bottom of Form COMM 215 July 16, 2012 I am sure that everyone is aware or heard of the harmful effects of smoking. So why do you continue to do it? Why did you ever start? There are multiple reasons why you should not smoke. Three major reasons are the effect on your health, others health and the cost. The most important reason you should not smoke is the effect that it has on your health and the health of others. Smoking affects your body in so many different ways. Though the negative effects may not be noted in the beginning, but it will follow in the future. Smoking causes diseases such as cancer of not only the lung, but bladder, throat, liver, oral cancers, emphysema, Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary disease, heart disease and is also linked to diabetes. It also causes dental cavities, gum disease, bad breath and makes your skin look old very quickly. The second reason you should not smoke is the costs. Costs of cigarettes have risen drastically of the past decade. A pack of cigarettes costs on average range from five to ten dollars per pack. Due to the increase in taxes, that is so much money just thrown down the drain. Don’t you think? Think about that new car, new clothes, vacations and so forth you could have bought with all the money thrown away on a pack of cigarettes. If you put that five or ten dollars in a jar every...
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...April Beckham Comm./ 215 May 12, 2014 Dr. Marie Orizondo-Harding Persuasive Essay With racism still in existing in this day and time it’s hurting the members of our society. So many times we tend to look over all the derogatory statements and gestures of racism not realizing that’s hurting us more each and every day. Discrimination based on a person’s race or ethnicity is morally wrong. This paper will argue the fact if racism still exist in this day and time. There are many different reasons that living in society that we could all point reasoning’s as to why racism is wrong. At many universities and colleges across this nation there is an annual commemoration of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., and his vision of “a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character.” In one eloquent phrase, Dr. King defined both the essence of racism and its cure. Judging someone by race or skin color is racism, and moving toward judging someone only by their demonstrated character is the cure for racism. Campbell, D. G. (2012). The cultivation of racism. Academic Questions, 25(3), 389-393. doi:http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s12129-012-9310-y The controversy has been framed in terms of gender (women), sexual preference (gays), religion (Muslims), ethnicity (Hispanics), and class (blue-collar workers), among others. But it is perhaps more stark in the case of race. Racism against "Blacks" is frequently cited as a reason why society needs...
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...Persuasive Essay: Social networking Sharrieff L. Martin University of Phoenix COMM/215 Professor Haines September 30th, 2014 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |Introduction ...
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...COMM/215 Does the Economy Affect Our Children Education? During this study I get to understand how the economy is affecting the education and the future of the young generation, which includes our children. It also affects the consumers and freedom to spend without feeling fear of struggle in a short and long term. The economic challenges are different in all the districts and states, as strategies for collective bargaining. Our children of all ages will be affected, and they will be obligated to work to pay their own education while attending college if they if we want them to have the education our children deserve. Us, parents will have to work more to afford the costs of our children’s education, during our children are in primary and secondary schools. I learned what is the superintendents’ job and what they need to do to improve our children’s education. What strategies they will use for our benefit (the benefit of the community). The economy could recover eventually, but it could take more than four years. This Depression has happened before in Washington State. I believe that if they could recover back then we could see an improvement again. We want excellent schools for our children, and they could be provided with a good education for the children to be successful in life. According to Sims (2004) “As members of a community, we want a high-quality school system so that we can attract and develop new businesses. As citizens, we want our nation to have a world-class...
Words: 1876 - Pages: 8
...REGENT UNIVERSITY COLLEGE OF ARTS & SCIENCES UNDERGRADUATE CATALOG 2013-2014 (Fall 2013-Summer 2014) Regent University 1000 Regent University Drive Virginia Beach, VA 23464-9800 800.373.5504 admissions@regent.edu www.regent.edu PREFACE Regional Accreditation Regent University is accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges to award associates, baccalaureate, masters, and doctorate degrees. Contact the Commission on Colleges at 1866 Southern Lane, Decatur, Georgia 30033-4097 or call 404-679-4500 for questions about the accreditation of Regent University. National and State Accreditation Regent University’s undergraduate school is accredited or certified by the following bodies: Council for Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA) (www.chea.org/) The Teacher Education Accreditation Council (TEAC) The Regent University School of Education's educational leadership and teacher preparation programs and the College of Arts & Sciences interdisciplinary studies program, which are designed to prepare competent, caring, and qualified professional educators are accredited by the Teacher Education Accreditation Council for a period of seven years, from January 9, 2009 to January 9, 2016. This accreditation certifies that the educational leadership, teacher preparation and interdisciplinary studies programs have provided evidence that they adhere to TEAC's quality principles. Teacher Educational Accreditation Council, One Dupont Circle, Suite...
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