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Philosophers and Epistemological Skepticism


Submitted By 3Kittens
Words 1254
Pages 6
Abstract People wonder how they, and others, know what they know. There is a skepticism about accepting that there are inherent pieces of knowledge that people simply possess, that there is no such thing as true knowledge because it is so personal, that there is no way to prove what is truly right or wrong. This paper considers the views of Chuang Tzu and Roderick Chisholm, how their ideas should be researched further in order for leaders to address sharing knowledge with their followers. Scholars, researchers, mangers, and leaders can benefit in many ways by further researching the philosophies and how these ideas apply to one’s attempts to share knowledge.

Philosophers and Epistemological Skepticism All arguments about knowledge involve skepticism in its genuine form, a doubt or disbelief. This suspicion is present in many workplaces as decisions made by leaders often result in having followers who do not understand how the choices have been made and how they will benefit employees. By exploring the philosophies on epistemological skepticism, perhaps leaders can appreciate the foundation of uncertainty and better address concerns moving forward. Chuang Tzu Chuang Tzu was one of the earliest skeptics. He suggests that our knowledge is nothing more than that, our knowledge, and the judgments we make have no real basis in reality (Cooper, 1999). After all, who can define what is real when it all boils down to our personal judgments? The following best demonstrates the almost circular logic of this idea:
I dreamt that I was a butterfly ....
But I could not tell, had I been Chuang Tzu dreaming I was a butterfly, or a butterfly dreaming I was now Chuang Tzu? (Cooper, 1999, p. 61)

He also suggests that one cannot ever understand things through someone else, as each person has their beliefs and histories, which may or may not affect

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