...co~~ections attention since submission of this thesis.
p.i line 8, "Phillip" should ~ead Philip. p.vi, li.ne 11, "Risings" should ~ead Rising. p.Vll, line 12, "~esponce" should ~ead ~esponse. p.3, line 17, "wa~f-io~" should read warriors. p.5, line 4, "96" should read 1896. p .. 8, line 3, IILomangLlndi should read LomagLlndi. p.9, line 2, " (inve~ted comma) missing after "role". p.19, line 9, "triatises" should read treatises. p.28, line 18, "analysis" should ~ead analyses. p.30, line 10, "the and" should ~ead "and the". p.42, line 28, "Histo~ians" should ~ead Histo~ian's. p.47, line 13, "Lomangundi" should ~ead Lomagundi. p.48, line 12, ~ sign missing befo~e the figu~e of 121 000. p.52, line 5, 1. ~5ign missing before the figure of 3. p.55, line 1, ~ sign missing befo~e the figu~es 10 to 60. p.55, line 3, -£ sign missing befo~e the figu~e of 100. p.56, lines 7 - 10, quote to be indented. p.b2, li.ne 1tJ, "dela" should be separated out to read "de la". p.tI4, line 4, "assisthim" should be sepa~ated out to ~ead "assist him"~· p.b"?, line 11, "inte~nicine" should t-ead intet-necine. p.83, line 17, "Ma~ch 1895" should ~ead Ma~ch 1894. p.89, line 5, "faction" should ~ead fl~action. p.95, line 29, fn. 12, "lNA" should ~ead NAZ. p.l07, line 28, "hadf" should ~ead had. .p.108, line 19, fn. 158, the missing page ~efe~ence to Beach, ·'Ihe~3i~iJ=~CU2. a~e pp.135 - 151, 178 - 180, 300 - 305. p.116, line 10, .
Words: 104376 - Pages: 418
...Efficiency Analysis of Container Ports and Terminals Qianwen Liu A thesis submitted for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy of University College London Centre for Transport Studies Department of Civil, Environmental and Geomatic Engineering University College London 2010 1 Declaration I, Qianwen Liu, confirm that the work presented in this thesis is my own. Where information has been derived from other sources, I confirm that this has been indicated in the thesis. Candidate’s signature ………………………………….. Qianwen Liu 2 Abstract In the past two decades the steady growth of seaborne trade has resulted in the increase of container ships, container ports and their terminals. The structure of the shipping market is, moreover, continuously evolving. On the carrier side, shipping companies form consortia and alliances; on the port side, global terminal operators and dedicated container terminals are emerging. The aim of this research is to evaluate the efficiency of container ports and terminals and to study how to improve the scale efficiency of any particular port/terminal. In particular we study how certain factors influence the efficiency of container ports and terminals. Regional container ports and global container terminals are examined based on the econometrics benchmarking method Stochastic Frontier Analysis (SFA). Two datasets are used, a panel dataset for 32 container ports in the North Mediterranean Sea over a nine-year period, and a cross-sectional...
Words: 65946 - Pages: 264
...and amortization (EBITDA)1 rose by 55% to Rs. 25.4 billion. ¥ Profit after Tax (PAT)2 grew by 45% to Rs. 15.3 billion. ¥ Diluted Earnings per Share (EPS) increased from Rs. 64.9 in FY2011 to Rs. 83.8 in FY2012. I am particularly delighted by four developments. First, your Company succeeded in yet another blockbuster generic launch in the USA under 180days marketing exclusivity. Dr. Reddy’s launched olanzapine 20 mg tablets, the generic version of the brand Zyprexa®. Olanzapine is used to treat schizophrenia and bipolar disorder. This product has added around USD 100 million to your Company’s revenues for FY2012. Second, the biosimilars business continues along its impressive growth path. In my letter to you last year, I had discussed the critical importance of developing biosimilars in the years to come. I am happy to note that your Company’s global biosimilars business grew by 45% over last year and recorded sales of USD 26 million. Today, the biosimilars portfolio of Dr. Reddy’s constitutes (i) filgrastim, (ii) peg-filgrastim, (iii) rituximab and (iv) darbepoetin alfa, which have commercial presence in 13 countries among emerging markets. These are helping to treat patients suffering from cancer — and at prices that are significantly more affordable than the corresponding innovator drugs. Soon, I expect to see Dr. Reddy’s biosimilars entering developed markets. Third, as a scientist-entrepreneur, I am pleased with the steady growth in your Company’s 1 EBIDTA and PAT are adjusted...
Words: 128176 - Pages: 513
...CORE CONCEPTS OF Accounting Information Systems Twelfth Edition Mark G. Simkin, Ph.D. Professor Department of Accounting and Information Systems University of Nevada Jacob M. Rose, Ph.D. Professor Department of Accounting and Finance University of New Hampshire Carolyn Strand Norman, Ph.D., CPA Professor Department of Accounting Virginia Commonwealth University JOHN WILEY & SONS, INC. VICE PRESIDENT & PUBLISHER SENIOR ACQUISITIONS EDITOR PROJECT EDITOR ASSOCIATE EDITOR SENIOR EDITORIAL ASSISTANT PRODUCTION MANAGER PRODUCTION EDITOR MARKETING MANAGER CREATIVE DIRECTOR SENIOR DESIGNER PRODUCTION MANAGEMENT SERVICES SENIOR ILLUSTRATION EDITOR PHOTO EDITOR MEDIA EDITOR COVER PHOTO George Hoffman Michael McDonald Brian Kamins Sarah Vernon Jacqueline Kepping Dorothy Sinclair Erin Bascom Karolina Zarychta Harry Nolan Wendy Lai Laserwords Maine Anna Melhorn Elle Wagner Greg Chaput Maciej Frolow/Brand X/Getty Images, Inc. This book was set in 10/12pt Garamond by Laserwords Private Limited, and printed and bound by RR Donnelley/Jefferson City. The cover was printed by RR Donnelley/Jefferson City. This book is printed on acid free paper. Founded in 1807, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. has been a valued source of knowledge and understanding for more than 200 years, helping people around the world meet their needs and fulfill their aspirations. Our company is built on a foundation of principles that include responsibility to the...
Words: 241803 - Pages: 968
...SECOND EDITION I/1ANAGEMEIVT AND POLICY James C.Van Horne \ STANFORD UNIVERSITY PRENTICE-HALL INC., ENGLEWOOD CLIFFS, NEW JERSEY F I NANCI AL M A N A G E M E N T A N D POLICY, 2nd EDITION James C. Van Horne © 1971, 1968 by PRENTICE-HALL, INC., ENGLEW O O D CLIFFS, N.J. All rights reserved. No part of this book m ay be reproduced in any form or by any m eans without permission in writing from the publishers. Library of Congress C atalo g C ard No.: 71-140760 Printed in the United States of America Current Printing (last digit): 1 0 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 13-315309-6 PRENTICE-HALL, INTERNATIONAL, LONDON PRENTICE-HALL OF AUSTRALIA PTY. LTD., SYD NEY PRENTICE-HALL O F CAN AD A, LTD., TO RONTO PRENTICE-HALL OF INDIA PRIVATE LTD., NEW DELHI PRENTICE-HALL OF JAPAN, INC., TO KYO 1 To Mimi, D rew , Stuart, and Stephen Preface Though significant portions of Financial Management and Policy have been changed in this revision, its purpose remains: first, to develop an understanding of financial theory in an organized manner so that the reader may evaluate the firm’s investment, financing, and dividend deci sions in keeping with an objective of maximizing shareholder wealth; second, to become familiar with the application of analytical techniques to a number o f areas o f financial decision-making; and third, to expose the reader to the institutional material necessary to give him a feel for the environment in which financial...
Words: 230115 - Pages: 921