Premium Essay

Physilogy of Puerperium


Submitted By bannu
Words 2308
Pages 10
SI.No: | TIME | SPECIFICOBJECTIVE | CONTENT | TEACHERACIVITY | STUDENTACTIVITY | A.V.AIDS | EVALU-ATION | | 2mt.2mt.10mts.5mts. | Introduce the topic.Define the Puerperium Explain involution of uterusExplain the roles. | INTRODUCTIONThe postnatal period usually considered the interval extended from the birth of the baby until 6 weeksIt is the 6 weeks interval between the birth of the newborn and return of the reproductive organs to their normal non-pregnant state.DEFINITIONPUERPERIUM is the period fallowing child birth during which the body tissues, specially the pelvic organs revert back into the pre-pregnant state both anatomically and physiologically.D.C.DUTTADURATIONPuerperium begins as soon as the placenta is expelled and lasts for approximately 6 weeks. When the uterus regressed almost the non-pregnant size.The period is arbitrarily divided into _ a) Immediate- within 24 hours b) Early upto-7 days c) Remote upto-6 weeksSimilar changes occur fallowing abortion but takes a shorter period for the involution to completeINVOLUTION OF THE UTERUSANATOMICAL CONSIDERATIONUTERUS: immediately fallowing delivery, uterus becomes firm and retracted with alternate hardening and softening. The uterus measures about 20*12*7.5cm (length, breadth, and thickness) and weighs about 1000g.The placental site contracts rapidly presenting a raised surface with measures about 7.5cm and remains elevated even at 6 weeks when it measures about 1.5.LOWER UTERINE SEGMENT:After delivery, the lower segment becomes a thin, flabby, collapsed structure.It takes few weeks to revert back to the normal shape and size of the isthmus, i.e the part between the body of the uterus and internal os of the cervix.CERVIXThe cervix contracts slowly; the external os admits two fingers for a few days but by end of first week, narrow down to admit the tip of of the finger only. The contour of

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