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Pleural Effusion Lab Report

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Investigating pleural effusion which is evident on chest radiographs should follow a stepwise approach to diagnosis. Diagnosis should always begin with the clinical history, physical examination, chest radiography and followed by thoracentesis. The next step is to differentiate the pleural fluid into transudate and exudates. Analysis of the pleural fluid can narrow the differential diagnosis. Establishment of diagnosis with the analysis of pleural effusion can be done in approximately 75 percent. The gross appearance of the fluid and biochemical parameters can be key to a direct diagnosis or can be process indicating the next step. If underlying cause can be sought with the help of biochemical …show more content…
Pleural effusions have classically been divided into transudate and exudate . This differentiation of pleural effusions is the first step in the diagnostic work up of the biofluid. Such categorization assists diagnostic and therapeutic decisions .By the use of simultaneously obtained serum and pleural fluid protein and LDH value, 99% of pleural effusions can be correctly classified as either transudate or exudate. This is the basis of Light’s criteria. Exudative pleural effusions meet at least one of the criteria whereas transudative pleural effusion meets none. There has been a recent trend to increase the specificity of Light’s criteria for differentiation of pleural fluid as exudate and transudate . In recent years a handful of biochemical parameters like:- pleural fluid cholesterol level , pleural fluid amylase level, adenosine deaminase, Cytology etc were attempted for the purpose of differentiating exudate and transudate.The results of all these tests were time consuming requiring nearly 24 hrs or more hence bedside tests were developed to differentiate transudate and exudate pleural effusion . These are:
• Pleural …show more content…
Firstly, this will shorten the diagnostic time and allow for treatment options to be considered with less delay by eliminating the need for lab work that may require several hours.
Secondly, the low price of the test will make it more acceptable in the limited lab resource facility. Additional tests can be incorporated to increase the accuracy and the diagnostic ability of the test. These tests may serve to determine the cause of the effusion once the exudative or transudative nature has been verified by the hydrogen Peroxide test. For example, testing for amylase concentration in the pleural fluid would allow the physician to know if the effusion is due to pancreatic dysfunction. Detecting leukocyte concentration may help to diagnose an infectious exudative effusion .With its sensitivity and specificity equivalent to that of Lights Criteria ,not only will this test decrease diagnostic time, but it will also benefit hospitals and clinics in India that may be less equipped to conduct standard diagnostic

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