An Objection to Political Correctness Political Correctness has in all honestly is a difficult category to provide a quick summary of it’s entirely, though non the less the individual movements of political correctness and how it has been attempting to change society as a whole should be quite familiar to the general audience. From identity politics that attempt to demand the over importance of individual characteristics no one got to choose whether it be sex, race, sexuality, or to the social movements that demand public figures fired or shamed by the method of demonizing their ideas that are contrary to the politically correct agenda. The ideas behind the politically correct agenda are pervasive and don’t even have name themselves besides…show more content… It is a clear parallel to the crucible that claims opposing views are evil in nature, and includes various facets using a cult of victims, and how the use of the politically correct worldview is used to gain power within a social hierarchy. The situation with the most gravity obviously is the very relevant and real situation of Jordan B Peterson. “He taught at Harvard University as an Assistant and an Associate Professor before returning to Canada and taking a position at the University of Toronto.” (Jordan Peterson par. 2). Jordan B Peterson is an educated man who is having some difficulties with students on campus and federal law within Canada. Students have requested his silence and have protested his classes simply due to the fact he had placed a couple of amateur videos on YouTube that described his views that were against political correctness as well as bill C-16. Bill C-16 is a modification to the human rights code as it adds gender and gender express as grounds of which one cannot be discriminated against (Bill C-16, Criminal Code, subparagraph 718.2). He claims that because gender and gender expression…show more content… This issue revolves around the idea that costumes that come from cultures besides your own culture/ethnicity is culturally appropriation thus immoral or bigotry. Though what should be obvious about this issue is that cultures from European descent are not put under the same scrutiny, because white people oddly enough don’t care what people dress up as, and they really shouldn’t. The fact is this is a widespread phenomenon where students protest or are enraged by people wearing Halloween customs. Consider Yale, a school that ought to be prestigious and provide a sense of intellectual honor to go there, though apparently students themselves disagree when speaking about the college campus. “[Silliman College] It is not about creating an intellectual space! It is not!”(Hartocollis par. 7). This was yelled at Dr. Christakis while he was confronted walking around the university due to his wife’s email that had objected to the students demanding the school enforced what could and couldn’t be wore for Halloween. Not surprisingly from a debacle where students heckled both Dr. Christakis and Ms. Christakis, Ms. Christakis voluntarily left her position at Yale and Dr. Christakis also voluntarily stepped down from his position as Head of Silliman