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Politics 300: Current Events & Us Diplomacy


Submitted By mfreyjackson
Words 660
Pages 3
Pol 300 Contemporary International Problems

Assignment 2 – Current Events and U.S. Diplomacy

By Monique A. Frey-Jackson

August 25, 2014

President Kennedy, a Doctrine:
A doctrine is a form or a system that is put into place whether it is a direction of establishing

foreign policy or control politically, that is put into action by a political administrative leader, a

community, citizen, group, societies and states. The Presidential doctrine from President

Kennedy at the time of the Cold War from 1961-1963 was, “Respond flexibly to communist

expansion, especially to guerrilla warfare.”

In 1962, when a surveillance plane by Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev and Soviet Union, took

pictures of a nuclear missile site in Cuba, there seemed to be a great need for diplomacy. But

looking at the relationship prior to that between the United States and the USSR, it was great when

they were allies, as the United States gave the Soviet Union millions of dollars of weapons and

additional support for their fight against Nazi Germany. The US and Russia became allies, in the

liberation of Europe.

As the war started to come to the end, countries that were occupied by Soviet forces, which also

included “most” of Germany, people wanted to either choose democracy or communism, as the

British Prime Minister Winston Churchill described this territory as being behind an “Iron

Curtain”. The Iron Curtain was “The Berlin Wall”. The Berlin Wall, “it was an image of both

physical division between West Berlin and East Germany from 1961 to 1989 and it was the

symbolic boundary between democracy and Communism during the Cold War”. The division

provided the framework for the Cold War which ran from roughly 1947 to 1991.”
The doctrine was that it helped to make the crisis between the

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