...George Bush is one of those Presidents that people loved to hate. His antics in international meetings would always stir up controversy and elicit eye rolls. His quotes here in America didn't help his case for national genius either. However, he did have his moments on the positive side as well. Whatever you think about George Bush, here are some fun, true stories of our former Commander-In-Chief. As I said, George Bush was known for saying some hilarious things to less-than-amused heads of state. His most famous foreign banter-buddy was Vladimir Putin. The first time he met the intrepid leader, he claimed to "see his soul." It went downhill from there. Bush nicknamed the Russian leader "Pootie-Put." Putin wasn't the only victim of questionable nicknames. Bush was famous for his affinity for giving people silly aliases. The former Prime Minister of Canada, Jean Chretien, received the unfortunate nickname of "Dinosaur." Dick Cheney, his Vice President, earned the nickname "Big Time," his adviser to the Environment became "Tree Man," and John Boehner became "Boner." The list is too long to continue. Speaking of Bush's knack for stupid nicknames, he often made headlines for the pearls of wisdom he would offer to the media. On January 11th, 2000, he made the famous statement, "Rarely is the questioned asked: Is our children learning?" In 2004, he didn't see the cringe-worthy irony of his statement, "I'm honored to shake the hand of a brave Iraqi citizen who had his hand cut...
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