Premium Essay

Pope Francis's 'Laudato Si'

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In section V of “Laudato Si”, Pope Francis focuses on the idea that we as humans, have a very important responsibility, or job. That is, to take care of others and the world around us; the environment. It is a lifestyle to care for nature- the plants, the animals, the sun, and the wind, along with caring for others, especially the poor and the sick. One point made that truly stood out to me was, “We must regain the conviction that we need one another, that we have a shared responsibility for others and the world, and that being good and decent are worth it” (229). This quote is very powerful, because it represents the rebellion we must make to come about a change in the world- especially environmentally. Francis also states the importance of teamwork, that in order to combat the environmental issues, we must start by working together and regain the idea that we truly need each other to play a part in order to make a change. …show more content…
Reflecting upon what Francis said, I feel that a lot of humans, including myself, sometimes tend to follow superficial ideas, in the sense that we do not look deeper into large problems to try and fix it, but feel that simply recycling one can will save the environment. In reality, there needs to be a demand for a greater change. However, no progress will be made if we do not start to get more people involved in this positive change to start saving the environment. For example, if more people start to use reusable bags at the grocery store, then less plastic will be used, which in turn, is safer for the environment. Even if the effort is started by something as simple as this, the more people that become ecofriendly, the better it is for

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